Episode 68 Transcript

Read transcript alongside audio.

Welcome to the Fierce Fatty Podcast. I'm your host, Victoria Welsby and this is episode 68. Today, we're talking about Ways You Don't Realise That You still have Diet Culture in Your Life.

I'm Victoria Welsby TEDx speaker, Best Selling Author and fat activist. I have transformed my life from hating my body with desperately low self esteem to being a courageous and confident Fierce Fatty who loves every inch of this jelly. Society teaches us living in a fat body is bad. But what if we spent less time, money and energy on the pursuit of thinness and instead focused on the things that actually matter? Like if pineapple on pizza should be outlawed? Or if the mullet was the greatest haircut of the 20th century? So how do you stop negative beliefs about your fat body controlling your life? It's the Fierce Fatty podcast Let's begin.

Hello, hello, fatty Welcome to this episode number 68. so pleased to have you here. I'm feeling really good today. Because last night was the first night that I slept in my new apartment. And

Unknown Speaker 1:42

I had a little visitor of the dog variety. His name is Dougal, and he is my beloved doggie after being away from him for a month, because of quarantining and moving on all that type of stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:58

He came back to me, he pity party poured all the way through the streets of Vancouver and found me with the guide of a human.

Unknown Speaker 2:09

And so I was like, okay, he hasn't seen me for a month. And he's like, he's so obsessed with me. He just can't get enough of me.

Unknown Speaker 2:16

You know, adults like, so I presumed he's probably a little bit excited to see me. And so he's going to this new apartment he's never been to, and he hasn't seen me. So he doesn't know that this is where we now live. And so I hid. So on the sofa, I covered myself in a blanket. And as soon as he came in, I have a video of it.

Unknown Speaker 2:39

I just shared it on my Instagram. As soon as he came in, he went run into the couch and started sniffing and

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as soon as I could hear his paws going

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on the floor, I was like

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it was like, No, don't make any noise to find you sooner. And he was sniff he's jumped up on me. And he was like sniffing but he couldn't quite figure out. You know what? Because all these smells the house it was like, going back to his whole Old smells of his old house from two years ago. And so he was like, he's probably thinking, Well, we I recognize these this the smell of this blanket and this sofa and it took him maybe 30 seconds and then he got close to my face. And then in the video you just see his towel furiously wagging as he licks my face aggressively, like so much that his tongue went up my nostril and I was like okay, that's that's that's enough now.

Unknown Speaker 3:37

So it's really really cute to have him back and seen him explore the house being like, huh, this is different, but I kind of recognize smells and having his favorite he's got this is

Unknown Speaker 3:48

his cage, which I it's like a little sanctuary for him. I've never kind of forced him to go into into his cage. Oh, it's like his it's his little bedroom I guess. Although he sleeps in the bed with me but and so he had his cage back which he hadn't had in a couple of years and immediately went in there and started making himself a little bed and

Unknown Speaker 4:10

no, it's pretty cute. So in the middle of the night, though, he woke up I mean, he he managed to get out of the bedroom and was upset with some noises that he was hearing because I live like a block off the main street right and so there's different noises. I think there was an ambulance or something. I don't know. But he was like, I don't like there's noise he doesn't like high pitched noises. Because I in my old apartment, the ceiling was low and anytime that I made anything

Unknown Speaker 4:42

it would the fire alarm would go off. And that's really like their fire. The fire alarm is like scary, right like PvP, and he would always be like fog. And so anytime I would open the oven he do he'd be like No, I don't like this. Nothing to do with my really shit cooking skills. No, it wasn't that I was also burning

Unknown Speaker 5:00

At the same time No, it wasn't that at all it is wasn't exactly.

Unknown Speaker 5:04

Yeah. So let's hope I don't traumatize him with burning shit in my new place. Fingers crossed. So I'm just at my Airbnb now just to grab my the final things. And then given the keys, I'm leaving a week early because I managed to find find an apartment.

Unknown Speaker 5:23

Very sad to go and leave this shirtless picture of the Airbnb host. I have to remember to turn it around. So it's facing forward again, because I'd be really rude if you came in and the picture was just facing the wall, you'd be like, Wow, how do they did they? Did she not masturbate to my picture furiously every single night? No, I didn't. So

Unknown Speaker 5:49

but some people say, oh, you should leave it turned over so that he knows that people don't want to see that shit. But I'll turn it back round. So he thinks I enjoyed it.

Unknown Speaker 6:00

So yeah, life is good. I'm going to be leaving here in a couple of hours and then go back to Dougie and give him giving him a nice cuddle.

Unknown Speaker 6:10

So today, we are talking about the 11 ways, you don't realize that you still have diet culture in your life 11 ways you don't realize that you still have diet culture in your life.

Unknown Speaker 6:30


Unknown Speaker 6:32

I love this. I love

Unknown Speaker 6:34

I love I love pointing these things out to people and then being like

Unknown Speaker 6:44

Asia, because a lot of people being like, Okay, well, I've stopped dieting. Therefore, you know, I'm not dieting, I'm not doing any of that shit anymore. And, therefore, I'm not surrounded by diet culture. And I don't believe that we should be dieting anymore. And, you know, I'm changing the way that I think and I've got rid of all of that bullshit from my life. Now,

Unknown Speaker 7:07

let me first give you the definition of diet culture. In case you're like, What the fuck is diet culture? Viktoria, don't just start talking about it, because I don't know what it is. Okay, so, diet culture. I did a little googling to get you a definition. So here's a couple for you.

Unknown Speaker 7:24

From Edie rd Pro, I'll link to both of these things I'm going to talk about.

Unknown Speaker 7:31

There's a

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post that says it's time to drop out of diet culture. And it says diet culture is a belief system that focuses on and values weight, shape, and size over well being. Variations of diet culture also include rigid rigid eating patterns that on the surface are in the name of health, but in reality, are about weight, shape or size. So that is from Ed rd Pro. Now, Christy Harrison Christy's definition, I'll link to this as well.

Unknown Speaker 8:07

Her post, which is what is diet, culture.

Unknown Speaker 8:10

And Chrissy says My definition of diet culture, die culture is a system of beliefs that worships fitness and equates it to health and moral virtue, which means you can spend your whole life thinking you're irreparably broken just because you don't look like the impossibly thin, quote unquote, ideal

Unknown Speaker 8:32

promotes weight loss as a means of attaining higher status, which means you feel compelled to spend a massive amount of time, energy and money trying to shrink your body. Even though the research is very clear that almost no one can sustain intentional weight loss for more than a few years, demonizes certain certain ways of eating while elevating others, which means you're forced to be hyper vigilant about your eating, ashamed of making certain food choices and distracted from your pleasure, your purpose and your power.

Unknown Speaker 9:06

oppresses people who don't match up with it supposed picture of quote unquote health disproportionately harms women firms, trans folk, people in larger bodies, people of color, and people with disabilities, damaging both their mental and physical health. So

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chances are, you live in a culture that is also a dark culture.

Unknown Speaker 9:39

Most societies, I don't want to say like every single culture in the world

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values, thin fitness and conquer health in the guise of

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eating in a certain way and moralize as food but

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very, like a large proportion of, of cultures put a value heavy value on that food. moralization, thinner equals healthy. And it's so normal, it's so no more, but it's kind of you can't see it. When you're in diet culture is just well, this is just what it is, you know, this is, of course, it's better to eat this food. Of course, it's better to be healthy. Of course, it's better to be smaller. The, you know, like, of course, but then you be like, well, you know, as long as you're being healthy about it, and, you know, you think, Well, you know, it's balanced, because as long as you do in a balanced way, you know, we're not looking we're not, we're not encouraging people to be unbalanced with it be balanced with your disordered eating patterns, which is, you know, just ridiculous, you know, just a little bit disordered about around food, don't get too disordered, just disordered enough. And that's, that's good with us, says diet culture. We know what diet culture is, we've established you probably live in it. I've looked at all the people in around the world, whether you were people who listened to my podcast, or the different countries.

Unknown Speaker 11:27

And it's more than just one, it's more than just my mom listening in Ireland. Actually, that's a lie. My mum doesn't listen to my podcast, she keeps saying what is a podcast? So not only my mum, MUM listens to this, how rude.

Unknown Speaker 11:43

There's, I don't know, maybe 30 Different countries that listened to this podcast and looking at those. They are all dichotomies. So unless somebody new is listening, hello,

Unknown Speaker 11:55

then you probably live in a diet culture. Now, when we realized, okay, diet, culture is fucked up, dieting sucked up won't make me thin, it's just just makes me sad, and is not working for me anymore. That's it, I'm done with dieting, I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to work to try and overcome my fat phobia. And

Unknown Speaker 12:19

I think I'm doing a really good job of not engaging in diet culture. Now, let me go through these 11 ways these 11 common things I see and see if you're doing any of them. You might be like, Goldstar, for me, I'm not doing any of them. And that's cool. That's cool. That's amazing. And also, if you are doing all of them, that's, you know, that's to be expected. Because this stuff is so normalized. It's so and so it's so hard to remove diet culture from your life. If you think that the way that you behave, or the things that you believe or the things that you're doing, are well balanced and normal than why would you need to remove it from your life? Wait, it's, it's just

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a part of living. And sometimes you need someone to kind of shine a light on it and say,

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this is probably not that helpful for your mental health. Okay, so number one is quote, unquote, compensating for eating food, or for eating, quote, unquote, bad food. Do you know what just came up in my head? Thinking about there's one review on iTunes that says, I love the podcast, but it's really, it's really annoying how Victoria keeps saying, quote, unquote, but I guess she has to do it, because she has to

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show that, you know, whatever it was, and I was like, I know, I don't like having to say, quote, unquote, all the time. But you can't see that I'm doing air quotes. And so you might interpret it as that I'm saying there is bad food. And you should be compensating. So I'm sorry to that remembers.

Unknown Speaker 14:03

I kind of know is it anyway.

Unknown Speaker 14:06

So compensating for eating food or eating food that you have decided is bad. So this could look like so you might not

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realize that you're doing this, but you might be like, You know what? I had a larger lunch. And so I'm gonna just have less for dinner. And you're not having less for dinner because your body is like, Oh, I'm satiated and I'm still full from lunch. You're like, I should or you do things like well, you know, I had

Unknown Speaker 14:43

I had something. I did something bad over the weekend I ate I ate a piece of dust. And so now I must run a marathon to compensate for all of that dust and celery juice.

Unknown Speaker 15:00

Do I consumed because I'm bad? And you might not be thinking about it in that very kind of clearly unhelpful way helpful ways of thinking you might just be thinking, feeling guilt being like, yeah, I should, and not noticing that that comes from diet culture, and a dieting way of thinking. Okay, so that's number one, compensating number two, speaking and thinking about food in a disordered way. So things like you're in the office, you remember the days when we were in the office? I think there are some people who are in the office. Currently, back in the olden days, when we're all allowed to congregate around, you know, someone's birthday, and they've got a cake. And there's always that one person or one mustn't, oh,

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oh, only give me a tiny slice, just a slice, which is the thickness of a piece of paper. Just just just the breath of the cake, just waft the, the smell of the cake towards me, and then that'll be enough, or that that's all I want. That's all I want. That's all. That's all I need.

Unknown Speaker 16:18

Or, No, that's, that's extreme, obviously. So you remember like, yeah, I don't do that. But

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saying things like, say if you have a restaurant, you have something or you get a nice juicy hamburger. Whoo, I love I love there's a there's a Beyond Meat, hamburger and a and w. This vegetarian hamburger was so fucking good. Okay, so you eat something and you say, that was so big.

Unknown Speaker 16:46

That was what a huge portion, or when the plate arrives, this is massive. I'm never going to be able to eat all this. And in say, instead of saying it in a kind of observation way. It's, it's a judgment thing.

Unknown Speaker 17:03

I'm never going to eat all of this. And what if you did all of that? What would you be saying about yourself? If you look at the whatever it is, you've got, it's huge. It giant is gargantuan. I couldn't. And then you just happen to be hungry and you ate it or you happen to love it and you ate it.

Unknown Speaker 17:23

And then you feel bad about it.

Unknown Speaker 17:26

Or saying things like, Oh, we're being so naughty. We're being so naughty. I looked, I looked something and I got like, two calories.

Unknown Speaker 17:37

Don't tell anyone. You know that kind of like, it is very bonding. Like, we've been so naughty. Like when you're eating something that you've decided is bad. It's very bonding, isn't it to be like, Oh, we're being naughty together. But are you being naughty? Like it's probably a piece of cake. Like you're not murdering anyone? Are you killing someone?

Unknown Speaker 18:02

Are you like hitting a baby or something? No, you're probably having a piece of birthday cake. Like, chill.

Unknown Speaker 18:14

Okay, so are you still subscribed to diet company emails. And I know that when you're in diet culture, you're probably subscribed to loads of different emails, mailing lists, and subscribe maybe when you're in a dieting group, they just happen to have your you on the email address. Or maybe you're still paying for a dieting membership, and you just haven't canceled it.

Unknown Speaker 18:42

You are supporting diet culture in a massive way, especially if you're paying

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for don't give them any more money, you've already given them too much of your your money, cut them off, get rid of them. And everything that you're subscribed to just go unsubscribe them answers as a scribe the shit out of it, don't read, don't even read it. Some people are like, You know what, I just have it and I just want to read it, you know, just to see what they're up to or whatever.

Unknown Speaker 19:14

And if you're not in a place where you are

Unknown Speaker 19:17

feeling really good and strong and, and whatnot, then that's just gonna lure you back in, you know, especially if you're newer in your journey. Don't even be tempted by stuff like that.

Unknown Speaker 19:30

Really, like I wouldn't subscribe wouldn't subscribe to any type of thing like that, even to get, you know,

Unknown Speaker 19:38

material to talk about because I could be like, oh, you know what I heard about the new diet. And then this is what you do. And this is how silly it is. I wouldn't expose myself to that. And I've been doing this for years. So it's not.

Unknown Speaker 19:52

It's not going to be helpful if you're newer to this. And you're exposed to those types of messages in your email.

Unknown Speaker 20:00

In a box, okay?

Unknown Speaker 20:03

What about being secretly impressed with someone who is thin? Or,

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you know, muscular or

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have done, you know, lots of things that are healthiest? Or who someone who's like, I've only inorganic and I'm only in this and that and this only in like,

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grains. I don't even fucking know. I never know what they get up to nowadays. I'm so out of it. But you know, they're doing someone's doing things like this and you're like, Oh, that is that's really good that they're doing that. And, you know, they're not they're not doing that, because they're into health that really into being healthiest, and dieting and all that type of bullshit. And how do you feel when you see

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fat people engaging in things which you have decided are unhealthy or bad?

Unknown Speaker 21:09

How does Are you having those judgments?

Unknown Speaker 21:13

Are you think about if you are still doing this, if you still have access to like before and after pictures, on your social media, get rid of that shit? But how are you feeling when you see a smaller body like the before and afters? How are you feeling when you see that? That that bigger body? Are you secretly in your head being like, yeah, that smaller body person is more desirable, is more attractive, is better, is probably healthier, all that type of stuff, and saying all that, that the person with a bigger body, if it's even if it's the same person looks like they're probably really sad, and they're just they're probably a bit of a loser. And they're probably

Unknown Speaker 21:57

eating loads of food and you know, whatever judgment that you're having.

Unknown Speaker 22:03

And yeah, if your social media has got before and after pictures, get rid of that blog block, get rid of the dough. Dough is not good, though. So next, we're on number five, number five of 11. You say? What you think it's not about being thin? It's about being healthy? Well, this is a big one. This is a big one. This is this, this is you know, the way that companies get into your brain nowadays, because they have to be smart, because people are figuring out their bullshit. And so they're like, oh, no, no, no, no, it's not. It's not about making you thin. It's about making you healthy. By really restricting how much food you're allowed and making you obsess about your body and making you over exercise and stuff. It's about your health. It's about your health.

Unknown Speaker 22:57

Yes, even though we're fucking with your health and fagging with your mental health, yeah, it's about your habit that you have that very health. Yeah. And so you're like, Okay, well, it's, you know, I do I do secretly want to be thin. And, yes, I'm working on that. But really,

Unknown Speaker 23:17

for me, it's about being healthy. And that is that is problematic on many different ways, like this other wrong with wanting to be healthy. But there's so much tied up within that.

Unknown Speaker 23:30

I've done episodes on help ism before but

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what is health? Is his health an end destination? Can you arrive at being healthy and then that's it, that's it, you're done.

Unknown Speaker 23:43

are healthy people more valuable than unhealthy people.

Unknown Speaker 23:48

It's ableist. Not everyone can be quote, unquote, healthy, whatever that is.

Unknown Speaker 23:55

The way that we view health in our society, it's very looking at your body versus your brain, and your mental health and how focusing so much on your physical health can be very detrimental towards your mental health. And so that is all wrapped up in diet culture, the nice style culture Bo, and his diet culture and so you move away from your goal being I just want to look sexy, and you're kind of like that secretly, like secretly I want to get thin and sexy, but I won't I won't tell anyone that No, no, no, I'm moving away from that. And you are you are, you're genuinely are really, it's kind of like a deep dark, you know, I do want to be thin and sexy.

Unknown Speaker 24:39

And you're moving more towards I want to be healthy as well because it's it's way more palatable to people.

Unknown Speaker 24:48

For everyone, the person saying it and those around the person saying I just want to be healthy, it's a lot more palatable, versus especially if you're fat person. If you say you know, I'm not

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I'm going to be dieting anymore because I want to focus on my health, versus I'm not dieting anymore because it's problematic and it doesn't work. And I'm going to focus on feeling better about myself, because then people are like, but what about your how you're going to spontaneously combust.

Unknown Speaker 25:21

So it's easy, it's a lot easier to be like, you know, talking about health, but talking about that and pushing that, we just need to be healthy, or we just want to be fit and, and you can like, that's great. Like, if you do want to be healthy and fit, but you need to also examine war is wrapped up in those sentiments, and the way that you're talking about it, is it harming you? Is it harming others?

Unknown Speaker 25:46

And a lot of times it is, you know, because it's kind of like, you know, no pay no gain. And what is it sweat is just your fat crying or you know, that shit like that, that kind of toxic.

Unknown Speaker 26:00

Just push through and just keep keep working and just, you know, do anything to become healthy, even if it damages your health.

Unknown Speaker 26:08

I roles.

Unknown Speaker 26:10

Okay, so, next number six, restricting what you eat because of what you think others will think. Or eating more food when you're alone.

Unknown Speaker 26:23

So this is this is this is this is diet culture, right? Because,

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but it's so complicated. It doesn't mean you're bad if you do this, but it's still kind of buying into diet culture that

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what you're eating is not, quote unquote, acceptable? Or good? Would you feel more comfortable if you ate something that you think is good? In front of others? Are you ashamed for eating things that you think are less nutrient rich in front of others? Is there a way for you to work on that, so that you can be

Unknown Speaker 27:10

be yourself and not buy into these lies that diet culture have have taught us that, you know, it's inappropriate for a fat person to be out in public eating a doughnut or whatever.

Unknown Speaker 27:25

And, and also recognizing that other layer of

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fat phobia and that it is hard to be a fat person out in the public in a donor because you are going to have people judging.

Unknown Speaker 27:40

But we're kind of dismantling that and deciding, you know, is it a Am I being am i doing a micro activism? And today, am I going to do a micro activism by sitting in the lunchroom and just eating my lunch? Whatever it is that you've got for lunch?

Unknown Speaker 28:01

Or am I bad? Am I bad, therefore, I should eat this food. And with no one watching me, because I'm bad to eat that food, you're not bad, because you're eating that food.

Unknown Speaker 28:14

Obviously, and there is no bad food. Well, there is bad food, you know, food that might kill you or poison you or make you sick or you know, ladapo ship.

Unknown Speaker 28:24

So next,

Unknown Speaker 28:27

number seven, tracking yourself. So tracking calories, which is an obvious one, but also tracking, you know, Fitbits.

Unknown Speaker 28:40

And those health apps that you have in your phone, like my iPhone, it has like a health thing. I'm like, get rid of that shit, I think you can't delete and so I all the apps that you can't delete, I put it in a folder of like, don't need apps.

Unknown Speaker 28:54

Because you might be like, well, it's just interesting to see how many steps and I just want to see, you know, it's important for me to take X amount of steps a day. Now, there are a lot of times where you can be doing that and it can just be in not disordered. But more often than not

Unknown Speaker 29:14

when you're monitoring yourself in that way. It is not helpful

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and it is contributing towards your you judging your productivity on I was really lazy today I only did X amount of steps.

Unknown Speaker 29:31

Were you were you were you lazy. Were you like really busy doing something else? Or were you taking some very well deserved and needed rest. You know, it's like encouraging you is if it's like making you into a machine. You know, we need to see like if we're driving a car we need to we need all these gauges and share to monitor how the car is behaving. But you're not a machine.

Unknown Speaker 29:57

And you know if you're doing if you

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have like your Fitbit or health tracking or whatever. And it's and you can recognize that it's not disordered, then you know, knock yourself out, do what you want. But more often than not, it is not helpful when you're trying to get rid of diet culture from your life. And if you're, you're tracking of food, unless there's an actual reason, like, I don't know, you're you're testing, you might be allergic to something. And so you're tracking food to see how it makes you feel. But if you're tracking your food

Unknown Speaker 30:32

in a way that that you know, is making you feel uncomfortable, or judging yourself, then you if you can, and you need to stop doing that. Number eight,

Unknown Speaker 30:45

we touched on this thinking that there are good and bad foods. Now this is very difficult to get out of very difficult,

Unknown Speaker 30:57

very difficult to get out of.

Unknown Speaker 31:00

Because there are foods that have lots of juicy

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things in it that your body needs.

Unknown Speaker 31:10

And there are foods that

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make us feel great when we then make our body feel great. And there's foods that make our body and brain feel gray and those foods that make our brain just just our brain feel great. There's foods that remind us of happy times with our families, there's foods that feels

Unknown Speaker 31:33

feel like a celebration, you know,

Unknown Speaker 31:36


Unknown Speaker 31:39

food is is complicated. And there's no kind of one food which is like okay, now versus the bad food and it'll all the times people make up in their head because not every everyone's different it always slightly, like what you've decided is bad. And one person will be like, Oh, I think that's really bad. And another person I'm like, well, oh, I think this one's really bad. And it's kind of like we've been influenced in some way because someone has told us like, Oh, that was really bad. And

Unknown Speaker 32:12

it's something that you've kind of decided, and obviously there's there's foods that society you know, says Oh, you must be more of this than that.

Unknown Speaker 32:22

But recognizing that food has so many different things about it that makes it

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desirable and good and fun, and helpful and

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healing and comforting. And, and it's not black and white. So it's that black and white thinking that is very diet culture.

Unknown Speaker 32:52

Okay, so

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number nine, you do something else to stop yourself from eating or thinking about food.

Unknown Speaker 33:03

So you feel like I might be I might be getting hungry, so I'm just gonna have a big glass of water or, or I'm just gonna go and do something else. And because it's so kind of drummed into you from diet culture that

Unknown Speaker 33:21

you can't be hungry. You ate 17 hours ago. How can you be hungry? Again? Why you thought grainy? Oh, you ate like, six weeks ago? Huh?

Unknown Speaker 33:36

So, it's so confusing. When we're hungry. Especially when you're recovering from this stuff. Your body is just like, fucking Yes. Give me the food. Jesus. Finally, this has been years there's been he has not been feeding me now. Give it to me. And so it can be really kind of like, what? Why? Why are you telling me you're hungry? You're not hungry. Listen to me. We ate X, you know, X amount of hours ago. You can't be hungry now. And you what is like your thing? I am hungry. Give me some food motherfucker. And you're like, maybe some water. Maybe you're thirsty because like I had I read somewhere that if you're if you're hungry, it might be that you're just thirsty as bullshit by the way.

Unknown Speaker 34:23

Yeah, so eat something. And the I remember experiencing this firsthand and

Unknown Speaker 34:31

I told this story before the podcast, being out work and in the afternoon getting this strange feeling in my stomach. And to the point where I was like, You know what, I need to go to the doctors because I getting this ache in my stomach in the afternoon.

Unknown Speaker 34:53

I remember saying to my boyfriend.

Unknown Speaker 34:55

There's something wrong with I think I'm going to go to the doctor because this has been going on for ages.

Unknown Speaker 35:00

This ache in my stomach, what is wrong with me? And he said to me, have you tried eating something?

Unknown Speaker 35:09

And I was like,

Unknown Speaker 35:11

oh, it's fucking clown eating something. I had just had lunch at lunchtime. I couldn't possibly be hungry. Next time I'm allowed to eat his dinner time.

Unknown Speaker 35:24

Silly, silly guy. And so then anyway, I decided, You know what, I'm going to try it out. Eat something a little bit. You know, I couldn't possibly, you know,

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easily a lot. But eat something. Oh, the feeling went away. Surprise. Fucking surprise. It was I was hungry. But I was so kind of detached from that feeling and in denial that my body could possibly need or want.

Unknown Speaker 35:54

And all snacky snack. A little snack stir for the afternoon.

Unknown Speaker 36:00

Because diet culture was in my brain so much so. And if someone said at the time, like

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a how much diet culture do you have in your life? i Well, I'm not dieting. No. None. While I'm like, I need to go to the doctor. There's something wrong with my stomach.

Unknown Speaker 36:18

I'm googling WebMD. Yeah, yeah, looks like I'm Yep. Definitely dying. Dying. Definitely dying. No.

Unknown Speaker 36:28

So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 36:30

ignoring those kind of hunger, hunger cues. Feed yourself. Give yourself some food. Eat some food. Yes. Okay, number 10.

Unknown Speaker 36:43

You detox.

Unknown Speaker 36:47

You detox and no, not detox from ripples, drag race, detox as in deciding that your body needs a break from all of these toxins in our environment, that your liver and kidneys can't seem to handle

Unknown Speaker 37:09

that sarcasm there. Your liver and kidneys do all the detoxing that you ever need. And so things like detoxes or

Unknown Speaker 37:20

juice cleanses and things like that. That's diet culture. That's diet culture. It's bullshit. It's just it's just bullshit. There's no no scientific evidence to show that you need to detox. Or there's any benefits. Like some people are like, Oh, I detox and, you know, I felt high and I felt really good. And, and

Unknown Speaker 37:44

you know, your body starving, and sometimes you get like a high from, you know, the adrenaline and whatnot of having no food. And, and then, oh, and then when I ate again, I didn't feel so good. Yeah. Because your body's probably like, oh my god, like, I don't know how to handle this food that's coming into my stomach. It feels so much. You know?

Unknown Speaker 38:05

Yeah, so if you're doing things like that, then that is via culture.

Unknown Speaker 38:09

A culture in your brain. Okay, number 11. You believe that fat people are fat because they ate too much food and didn't exercise enough. And that thin people probably did the opposite, then people probably only eat

Unknown Speaker 38:30

and exercise

Unknown Speaker 38:34

17 hours, every hour, how people are fat for so many different reasons. Like literally hundreds. There's a report that came out that had all of the different reasons that fat people are fat. It was a lot, obviously, like obviously, obviously, well, not obviously because a lot of people were like, well, I found people are fat because they are a horrible human beings. Because they should you know they're lazy or whatever it is, you know? fatphobia so

Unknown Speaker 39:05

are you still kind of looking at Fat people and being like,

Unknown Speaker 39:10

well, even looking if you have a fat body

Unknown Speaker 39:16

or seeing a fat person eating food and being like,

Unknown Speaker 39:20

should they really be doing?

Unknown Speaker 39:26

So acquainting health and fitness and this is probably like deep dark shit in the in your head that you're not voicing, like, you wouldn't come up to a fat person and be like yo fe, because you're a good person, right? But in the deep, deep, dark depths of your brain, you're like, well, like kind of raw really fat, you know? So, you know, you're still kind of uncovering stuff that is diet culture, and fat phobia, obviously, but

Unknown Speaker 39:55

it's not good shit,

Unknown Speaker 39:57

and all of this stuff. Okay, so all of this stuff.

Unknown Speaker 40:00

If it's going to take time me going going over these 11 things

Unknown Speaker 40:07

there is there is like probably 11 eleventy billion things, probably probably that's not an accurate number eleventy billion. But so many ways, so many ways. These are like common ones that, that I've seen, but there are so many ways that, like culture will be in your life. And

Unknown Speaker 40:28

yeah, so you're, you're with these 11 things, there might be a couple here that you're like, oh, shit, yeah, I do that. Or I do like a version of that. And I'm gonna try and stop doing that. But there are also so many other things, and ways of thinking and ways of behavior that is contributing towards

Unknown Speaker 40:51

continuing this diet culture, and supporting diet culture, and you're just not aware of it. You know? And so it's not like, you know, it's not like you're rubbing your hands together being like, you know, I'm gonna be a real fucking diet culture daycare today. Oh, that'd be it should be something on a t shirt. diet culture decade.

Unknown Speaker 41:13

Fuck off diet culture decade. I'm not interested in your bowl ship today.

Unknown Speaker 41:18

So, yeah, so you're not like,

Unknown Speaker 41:22

login. Shit. You we don't realize we don't realize when we are doing and saying things which are contributing towards the oppression of ourselves or others.

Unknown Speaker 41:38

And so sometimes, a lot of times, you need someone to point it out for you to be able to go.

Unknown Speaker 41:47

Whether that be through listening to a podcast, or reading stuff, or

Unknown Speaker 41:53

watching stuff, I was like, what are the ways to people,

Unknown Speaker 41:57

they listen to podcasts, and they read shit.

Unknown Speaker 42:00

There's lots of different ways or doing something like Facebook Academy,

Unknown Speaker 42:05

where you're able to really have someone hold up a mirror for you to be like, Oh, yeah. And also, oh, yeah, I'm amazing. No, no, because you're so if you're working on this stuff, and you're working on trying to get diet culture out of your life, fuck yeah, you're you're fucking awesome. You're amazing.

Unknown Speaker 42:27

If I meet people, and they tell me, you know, outside of, you know, professionally like clients and stuff. If I'm just walking in the street, and I meet someone who is who is anti diet, who is who understands this stuff, I literally will do a shit with excitement because it's so

Unknown Speaker 42:48


Unknown Speaker 42:51

for someone to get to that place. It's so common for people to be in diet culture. So just big kudos to you big fatty, high fives for you getting there.

Unknown Speaker 43:02

So, yeah, let me do that. Let me read out that 11 real quick. So compensating for eating food or eating quote unquote bad food. That's number one. Number two, speaking and thinking about food in a disordered way. Why shouldn't we so naughty. Number three, being subscribed to company emails or still paying them or following accounts that are quote unquote, health and fitness. Number four, you're impressed when you see inspirational bodies

Unknown Speaker 43:33

and feel unimpressed when you see fat body so before and after pictures. You say it's not about being thin, it's about being healthy. That is number five. Number six, restricting what you eat because of what others will think. Number seven, tracking yourself. Number eight, thinking that there aren't good and bad foods. Number nine.

Unknown Speaker 43:54

You do stuff to stop yourself from thinking about food or ignoring hunger signals number 10. You detox number 11 You believe that people are fat because they eat too much food and don't exercise.

Unknown Speaker 44:11

And that's the only reason someone is fat. And that's the only reason that someone is fit and then because they do that opposite stuff.

Unknown Speaker 44:19

Yeah. Another great thing about what how I'm feeling today is that

Unknown Speaker 44:27

I got to choose a new Wi Fi name.

Unknown Speaker 44:30

In my new apartment, as I've been waiting for this day to come. My last Wi Fi was called pretty fly for a Wi Fi.

Unknown Speaker 44:41

That was my old Wi Fi.

Unknown Speaker 44:43

My new Wi Fi I was like, You know what, I'm going to do an Arrested Development inspired Wi Fi name. So this is like you know when you're joining a Wi Fi but like what's your Wi Fi name and it'd be like, Mary's Wi Fi, 5g

Unknown Speaker 44:59

or whatever.

Unknown Speaker 45:00

And so I live in like the Gay Village here in Vancouver and the Wi Fi, everyone's Wi Fi. So like really pretty funny, you know, like, unicorn orgy and

Unknown Speaker 45:12

I can't remember the state of the rest of them in my building, but I was like, Yeah, this is cool people here. Anyway, so I said, you know, I'm okay, I'm going to do a rest and the rest of development, which is a TV show, if you're not seeing it, it's really good. It's really good. It's really good. And so my new Wi Fi I was going to do banana stand I was going to do there's always money in the banana stand, but that's too long and so then I was like, I'm gonna do banana stand but then I was like, You know what? No. And then I was gonna do

Unknown Speaker 45:44

them one of my most favorite lines is how much can a how much can a banana be $10 That's too long to go down. But I don't remember but Tobias Tobias from KY

Unknown Speaker 46:00

he gets a new license plate, a custom license plate to celebrate the New START that he has in his life. And so, he got a custom plate saying a new start. Spelt A n u.

Unknown Speaker 46:21

Sta, RT, a new start. But when you read it, it reads a N U S. Enos T A R T. Tart anus tart. But it also can be read as a new stir Hanzo Yes, so that is my, my wave I is a anus tart. And as me I am a big anus toughts whatever that is. Yeah. So um, yeah. If you want any Wi Fi inspiration, there you go. Just be an anus start. Just be a happy miscellaneous tart. And life will be good.

Unknown Speaker 47:04

Okay, thank you for hanging out with me today on this podcast. It's been a slice. And

Unknown Speaker 47:15

and what and what and what and the law and

Unknown Speaker 47:20

I will see you in the next episode. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Goodbye 30

Unknown Speaker 47:31

Thanks for listening to the episode. If you feel ready to get serious about this work and want to know when the doors open to fears fattier Academy which is my signature program where I teach all about how to overcome your fat phobic beliefs and learn to love your fat body. Then go to phase fatty.com forward slash waitlist again that is phase fatty.com. Forward slash waitlist to get your name on the waitlist. For when first party Academy my signature program opens