Episode 196 - Fat Monica and Other Fat Tropes in Media

What have we learned about who fat people are from the media we consume? What are the common stereotypes we see again and again? In this episode I answer those questions and analyse different examples of fat media including the dreaded Fat Monica from Friends. If you can, watch this episode on YouTube for the full video experience! But I do also audio describe what we are watching :) TW: anti-fat tropes.

Episode 195 - Fat Harm: The Medical Model of Fatness

How can we convince healthcare providers to examine the harm they cause when they tell fat people to lose weight and deny us care? It can be pretty hard to realize that you haven’t been providing evidence-based care so it’s a challenge! That’s where the work of the disability community comes in with their medical and social models of disability. This lets us communicate how medicalizing fatness is not helpful in the same way it’s not helpful for many in the disability community. Alongside that, let’s talk about harm reduction ideas! We’re getting deep today, come join me :)

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 194 - How to Protect Yourself From Anti-Fat Bias This Holiday Season

It’s NOT the most wonderful time of the year for a lot of fat folks because many will be spending time with anti-fat family and then once you survive that it’s into the “New Year New You” diet culture dog shit. Ugh. Want some tactics to overcome this stressful time? Tune into this episode for the salve to all this nonsense. Don’t forget: you’re worthy, you always were you always will be.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Link to the Your Fat Friend doc: https://youtu.be/VZ61fo1SJWs?si=1iNDEc33RW7powzX

Link to healthcare survey: https://forms.gle/wVhrP5EjvyEX5Atx9

Boundaries song: https://youtu.be/rZ0ZUVXqJc4

New Year, Same Body, More Love: Resisting Diet Culture and Anti-Fatness in 2025

Thursday 16th January, 2025, 12pm PST: https://fiercefatty.my.canva.site/new-year-same-body-more-love


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 193- Fat in Healthcare and Ideological Anti-Fatness

Having a bigger body and trying to access healthcare can be a struggle at best and lead to mistreatment, misdaignosis and death at worse. I go over the 5 stages of subpar healthcare in this episode, talk about the root of the issue and share some stories. TW: mentions of death from anti-fat bias and other general anti-fat tomfuckery.


  • Boundary Boss Live Training Announcement 0:00

  • Dealing with Anti-Fat People in Personal Lives 2:02

  • Supporting the Podcast Through Ko-fi 4:27

  • Fat in Healthcare: Introduction and Inspiration 5:36

  • Levels of Anti-Fat Bias in Healthcare 8:47

  • Statistics and Stories of Anti-Fat Bias in Healthcare 9:54

  • Impact of Anti-Fat Bias on Healthcare Outcomes 10:12

  • Personal Stories of Medical Neglect and Discrimination 19:41

  • The Role of Internalized and Externalized Anti-Fat Bias 30:37

  • Institutional and Ideological Anti-Fat Bias 32:13

  • Conclusion and Final Thoughts 42:57


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Link for training: https://fiercefatty.my.canva.site/boundary-boss

Take the Fat in Healthcare survey: https://forms.gle/wVhrP5EjvyEX5Atx9

Five Ways Health Care Can Be Better for Fat People: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/five-ways-health-care-can-be-better-fat-people/2023-07

In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C Health Care: chrome-extension://kdpelmjpfafjppnhbloffcjpeomlnpah/https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/613/2020/11/In-Plain-Sight-Summary-Report.pdf

Viral stories show how 'fatphobia' has life-and-death consequences— even for babies and kids: https://www.upworthy.com/viral-post-shows-how-fatphobia-has-life-and-death-consequences-even-for-babies-and-kids

Opinion Doctors have fatphobia, too — which does serious harm to patients: https://archive.md/nhRFl#selection-447.0-453.65

My sister’s cancer might have been diagnosed sooner — if doctors could have seen beyond her weight: https://archive.md/CGdDf#selection-903.0-903.98

Ellen Bennett Obituary: https://www.legacy.com/ca/obituaries/timescolonist/name/ellen-bennett-obituary?id=40627610

How 'fat shaming' from doctors is leading to misdiagnoses for obese patients: https://cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-august-1-2018-1.4769487/how-fat-shaming-from-doctors-is-leading-to-misdiagnoses-for-obese-patients-1.4769569

Fat shaming in the doctor's office can be mentally and physically harmful: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/08/170803092015.htm

Weighing the care: physicians' reactions to the size of a patient: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11477511/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 192- Ozempic (Wegovy) 2 Years On

Almost 2 years ago I released a 2 part podcast on Wegovy and so I think it’s time for an update! Is it true that semaglutide shows reduced cardiac event risk? What have been people’s experiences? Is everyone on it now and have we “cured” fatness?? Let's dive in!


  • Ozempic Overview and Initial Impressions 0:00

  • Critique of Ozempic Studies and Health Claims 4:48

  • Public Perception and Usage of Ozempic 6:26

  • Side Effects and Health Concerns 29:05

  • Real-World Experiences and Personal Stories 42:04

  • Marketing and Social Media Influence 1:04:14

  • Final Thoughts and Personal Reflections 1:07:30


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Is Wegovy/Ozempic the Miracle Weight Loss Drug It’s Made Out to Be?: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxctjwOybEi/?img_index=1

Past Ozempic Fierce Fatty podcasts: https://fiercefatty.com/155 and https://fiercefatty.com/156

The Semaglutide (Wegovy) Cardiovascular Outcome Trial - Part 1: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/the-semaglutide-wegovy-cardiovascular?utm_source=publication-search

Four-Year Outcomes of Wegovy (Semaglutide 2.4mg) Cardiovascular Study - Part 1: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/four-year-outcomes-of-wegovy-semaglutide

New study ties weight-loss drugs Wegovy, Ozempic to serious gastrointestinal conditions: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/ozempic-wegovy-glp-1-1.6988122

Risk of Gastrointestinal Adverse Events Associated With Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Loss: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2810542

What it’s like to stay on Ozempic for years: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/ozempic-what-its-like-to-take-for-years-rcna93921

Wegovy now in Canada: Who should (and shouldn’t) use the weight-loss drug: https://globalnews.ca/news/10476494/wegovy-drug-canada-weight-loss-drug/

Why weight loss drugs stop working and how to break past the Ozempic plateau: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-weight-loss-drugs-stop-working-how-to-break-past-ozempic-plateau

You’ve Lost Weight Taking New Obesity Drugs. What Happens if You Stop?: https://archive.md/zF3St#selection-4511.0-4514.0

She Shared Her Ozempic Horror Story. TikTok Users Tried to Silence Her: https://archive.md/pFNaE#selection-1635.0-1638.0

Who Can Bring an Ozempic Lawsuit?: https://lawsuitlegalnews.com/news/who-can-bring-ozempic-lawsuit/

Dozens sue saying Ozempic, other weight loss and diabetes drugs cause harmful side effects: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/03/21/lawsuits-ozempic-wegovy-weight-loss-drugs-diabetes-harmful/72947158007/

Can Ozempic Kill You?: https://www.motleyrice.com/diabetes-lawsuits/ozempic/safe-for-weight-loss/deaths#:~:text=As%20of%20April%201%2C%202024,as%20%22sudden%20death%22%20cases

‘It changed my life’: Ozempic patient shares her good, bad and scary side effects: https://globalnews.ca/news/9809465/ozempic-weight-loss-obesity-diabetes-user-experience-canada/

Dozens sue saying Ozempic, other weight loss and diabetes drugs cause harmful side effects: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/03/21/lawsuits-ozempic-wegovy-weight-loss-drugs-diabetes-harmful/72947158007/

18 celebrities who've opened up about taking Ozempic or weight-loss drugs: https://www.today.com/health/celebrities-on-ozempic-rcna129740

Descriptive analysis of TikTok videos posted under the hashtag #Ozempic: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2949916X23000130

Ozempic Defined a TikTok Era. Now the App Wants It Gone: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/ozempic-influencers-tiktok-weight-loss-guidelines-1235029891/

When will the Ozempic shortage end?: https://www.tga.gov.au/safety/shortages/information-about-major-medicine-shortages/about-ozempic-semaglutide-shortage-2022-2024#:~:text=for%20other%20reasons.-,When%20will%20the%20Ozempic%20shortage%20end%3F,organisations%20to%20monitor%20this%20situation

Update on the supply of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists: Notice: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/drug-products/drug-shortages/information-consumers/supply-notices/ozempic.html


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 191- Michael Pollan, Organic Food and Determinants of Health

Should we be listening to the seemingly reasonable advice from food journalist Michael Pollan who says “Eat food, but not too much.” How much power does what we eat and how we move our bodies have on our health? What about organic food?? Today I answer a juicy listener question, some join me!


  • Michael Pollan's Background and Critique 4:41

  • Determinants of Health 26:50

  • Organic Food Misconceptions 35:32

  • Reconciling Social Determinants and Personal Health 40:14

  • Critique of Michael Pollan's Advice 48:04

  • The Role of Social Determinants in Health 56:27

  • The Impact of Social Determinants on Health 56:41

  • The Importance of Critical Thinking in Health Advice 56:56

  • The Role of Systemic Changes in Health 1:03:10

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 190- Being Fat And Unhealthy - Is It True That if You Really Loved Yourself You’d Lose Weight?

I'm on my holidays and so we have a replay for this episode from 2021 which is still super relevant. Let's listen! P.S. This is when I went by Victoria and she/her pronouns. "Self love means caring for your body which means losing weight!" Seems logical, but is it actually? Does being fat mean you've given up and don't give a sh*t about your body, your health and hate yourself? Let's put this statement to the test! TW: brief mention of sexual assault and I talk about getting a PAP/smear test.


  • Vinny Welsby's Introduction and Podcast Setup 30:00

  • Vinny's Recent Health Appointments 32:07

  • Challenges with Healthcare and Body Image 39:52

  • The Unlearning Fat Phobia and Body Hate Journey 43:14

  • Body Positivity and Weight Loss 47:02

  • Rules and Beliefs in the Fierce Fatty Friends Group 50:12

  • Health and Weight Loss Statistics 54:52


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Instagram post on body love journey: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMk8EsOLA3w/

Let's continue the conversation in my free group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/fiercefattyfriends/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 189- 6 Ways Hating My Fat Body Almost Ruined My Life

What would my life be like today if I had never worked to unlearn anti-fat bias? I was so fortunate to stumble upon the message “It’s ok to be fat” over a decade ago and it absolutely revolutionized my life. My life was being ruined by my worship of thinness and obsession with food restriction and body criticism. I’m sharing the 6 main ways my anti-fatness was really messing with me and what it’s like now that I’ve been on the ‘unlearning journey’ for 10 years.

    Internet beef and a song parody about stolen recipes. 0:00

  • Anti-fat bias in the workplace with 95.65% of respondents experiencing it. 2:15

  • How anti-fat bias almost ruined speaker's life, now unlearning and living a more confident life. 8:13

  • Eating disorders and body image as a fat person. 14:36

  • Advocating for oneself in healthcare settings. 18:14

  • Body image, disordered eating, and self-esteem. 25:03

  • Body image, self-erasure, and the impact of societal beauty standards. 29:44

  • Body image, self-acceptance, and personal growth. 32:57

  • Anti-fat bias, food, and self-care. 38:44

  • Neurodivergence, food, and forgetting to eat. 42:56

  • Self-expression, identity, and mental health. 45:25

  • Body image, relationships, and personal growth. 51:21

  • Unlearning weight bias and self-care for fat individuals. 56:31


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Weight Inclusive Consulting Fat at Work Report: https://fiercefatty.my.canva.site/download-the-weight-inclusive-consulting-report

Training - How to Unlearn Weight Bias (and Be at Peace With Your Body and Other Bodies): https://fiercefatty.my.canva.site/replay-how-to-unlearn-weight-bias-and-be-at-peace-with-your-body-and-others

Silly song: https://www.instagram.com/p/CJZXf2tHwgu/

How to Unlearn Weight Bias (and Be at Peace With Your Body and Other Bodies): https://fiercefatty.my.canva.site/how-to-unlearn-weight-bias-and-be-at-peace-with-your-body-and-others


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 188- Fat at Work Stories

327 people have completed my workplace anti-fatness survey and shared their stories. In today's episode, I am revealing the stats on what percentage of fat folks have experienced anti-fatness at work, which marginalized group is affected the most and what types of anti-fatness are commonest. Plus we have a ton of powerful and painful stories - therefore there is a massive TW on this episode as some things are hard to hear.


  • Anti-fat bias in the workplace with personal experiences and a citizenship ceremony. 0:00

  • Body size, marginalized identities, and survey data. 6:00

  • Workplace discrimination against fat individuals, with 76.8% reporting yes. 11:04

  • Anti-fatness in the workplace, including personal stories and experiences. 16:05

  • Anti-fat bias in the workplace. 20:51

  • Weight-related experiences in the workplace. 28:45

  • Body shaming, diet culture, and trauma. 34:12

  • Weight-related stigmas and body shaming in a workplace setting. 38:37

  • Body shaming and stigma in medical settings. 43:09

  • Weight-related challenges in the workplace. 48:25

  • Workplace wellness initiatives and body shaming. 54:39

  • Body shaming, size inclusivity, and customer interactions in various industries. 58:44

  • Anti-fat bias and its impact on marginalized communities. 1:03:14

  • Fat positivity, inclusive workplaces, and anti-fat bias training. 1:08:58


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Anti-Fat Bias in the Workplace Survey by Weight Inclusive Consulting: https://forms.gle/RZgA1JFJ2i2Ls6A78


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 187- DEI's Big Fat Problem: Fat Discrimination at Work

Let me ask you a question: have you ever had diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training that was focused on size inclusion or anti-fat bias? Has anti-fat bias even been a footnote in any DEI training that you’ve had or seen? I asked these questions to company leaders, DEI professionals and my audience on Instagram and the answer was a resounding big fat ‘no’. This is a problem, a big one. Today we talk about weight bias at work, DEI efforts and fat people’s stories. Want me to train at your workplace? Go to: www.weightbiastraining.com


  • Fat discrimination and ADHD diagnosis. 0:00

  • ADHD diagnosis and symptoms. 3:20

  • ADHD, weight inclusivity, and anti-fat bias in diversity training. 9:27

  • Fat bias in diversity and inclusion training. 14:55

  • Weight bias in the workplace, with examples of job applicants being rejected due to their weight. 19:44

  • Weight bias and its impact on women's financial well-being. 27:00

  • Weight-based discrimination in the workplace. 31:25

  • Body size discrimination in the workplace. 40:28

  • Anti-fat bias and its impact on society. 46:20


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Dismantling ​Anti-Fat ​Bias in The ​Workplace: https://fiercefatty.my.canva.site/understanding-and-dismantling-anti-fat-bias-in-the-workplace

DEI’s Big Fat Problem: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/blog/dei

Is your organization legally required to protect fat folks from discrimination?: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/blog/legal

Unfit for Work: Weight Discrimination in the Workplace: https://obesitycanada.ca/weight-bias/unfit-for-work-weight-discrimination-in-the-workplace/

Unfit for Work: Weight Discrimination in the Workplace: https://obesitycanada.ca/weight-bias/unfit-for-work-weight-discrimination-in-the-workplace/

Median earnings for women in 2021 were 83.1 percent of the median for men: https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/median-earnings-for-women-in-2021-were-83-1-percent-of-the-median-for-men.htm

Research: How Americans’ Biases Are Changing (or Not) Over Time: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sDcVL8ooZ9ZsEzNBNIWktvOi4bHDAKnWsmgO7C00tu4/edit

The Health & Retirement Study: https://www.nia.nih.gov/sites/default/files/2017-06/health_and_retirement_study_0.pdf

The weight bias against women in the workforce is real — and it's only getting worse: https://www.npr.org/2023/04/29/1171593736/women-weight-bias-wages-workplace-wage-gap

Fat peoples experience: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UqQGE4RuJMnUBe_fmAVg7spzlXYYEC2gpY0DEFlSgmw/edit



Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 186- But Aren’t We in an “Ob*sity” Epidempic?

We allllll know that fatness is spreading like wildfire and is contagious and who is going to think of the CHILDREN?!!? ERMGHED!” Is it true that we are in an epidemic and everyone is getting fatter? Do fat people need to hurry up and lose weight in order to save the economy and the lives of children and baskets of kittens from burning flames? Let’s talk about it in today’s episode!


  • The misleading term "O word epidemic" in relation to fatness. 0:00

  • Obesity trends and life expectancy. 5:24

  • Flawed assumptions about obesity and health. 8:51

  • Weight stigma and its impact on society. 16:04

  • Fatness-related health costs and bias. 21:53

  • Fatness and its perceived societal burden. 27:38

  • Fatness, cost to society, and ethics. 34:56

  • Healthcare, stigmatization, and community support. 39:29


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers


The obesity ‘crisis’ is a myth by Harriet Brown: https://nypost.com/2015/03/22/why-dieting-doesnt-work/

America's Moral Panic Over Obesity By Megan McArdle: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2009/07/americas-moral-panic-over-obesity/22397/

Is there more to the equation? Weight bias and the costs of “ob*sity”: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6964496/

Letter to the Editor: Response to Singh et al. (2018). Is there more to the equation? Weight bias and the costs of “ob*sity”. Canadian Journal of Public Health: https://link.springer.com/article/10.17269/s41997-019-00223-2

“Ob*sity” In Canada: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/migration/phac-aspc/hp-ps/hl-mvs/oic-oac/assets/pdf/oic-oac-eng.pdf

New “ob*sity” treatments and technology to save the NHS billions: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-obesity-treatments-and-technology-to-save-the-nhs-billions#:~:text=Obesity%20costs%20the%20NHS%20a,spent%20on%20key%20frontline%20services


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 185- Oprah Leaves WW Board After Using Weight Loss Drugs

Seemingly there are non-stop stories and notifications of celebrities and influencers being on a new “weight loss journey” after starting on weight loss drugs. Now, Oprah is among that cohort and it has had an impact on her relationship with WeightWatchers. But hang on a minute, doesn’t WW sell weight loss drugs? Let’s dig into it! Bonus: I also share my favourite purchases under $100 that have positively impacted my life!


  • Weight Watchers and personal growth. 0:00

  • Affordable life improvements. 3:12

  • Oprah Winfrey's departure from Weight Watchers board and weight loss drug use. 9:39

  • Weight Watchers' new weight loss drug and its potential conflicts of interest. 13:27

  • Weight Watchers' effectiveness and customer experiences. 20:33

  • Oprah's weight loss journey and use of medication. 25:04

  • Weight loss, diet culture, and celebrity influence. 29:30

  • Body image, weight loss, and fat acceptance. 34:53


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Oprah's Top 20 Moments: https://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/oprahs-top-20-moments

When Oprah Met Bob: https://www.oprah.com/health/when-oprah-met-fitness-expert-bob-greene/all

Conscious Eating: What I Learned on the 21-Day Cleanse: https://www.oprah.com/omagazine/what-i-know-for-sure-oprahs-vegan-cleanse

Oprah Buys 10 Percent Share In Weight Watchers, Will Join Its Board: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/10/19/449929140/oprah-buys-10-percent-share-in-weight-watchers-will-join-its-board

Oprah Winfrey reveals she’s using a weight-loss drug: ‘Not about willpower’: https://www.today.com/health/diet-fitness/oprah-winfrey-weight-loss-drug-rcna128714

Oprah Winfrey to Exit WeightWatchers Board After She Announced Use of Weight-Loss Drug: https://variety.com/2024/biz/news/oprah-winfrey-leaves-weightwatchers-board-weight-loss-drug-1235926484/

My IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C38_HrFJX-g/

Weight Loss Drugs Part 3 - Wegovy and Tirzepatide: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/weight-loss-drugs-part-3-wegovy-and

Reader Question - What Do You Think Of Obesity Medicine?: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/reader-question-what-do-you-think

The Truth About The Obesity Action Coalition: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-the-obesity-action

Weight Watchers Expands Their Harmful Model - Adding Prescription Drugs: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/weight-watchers-expands-their-harmful

WeightWatchers Clinic: https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/clinic

Noom Announces: We’re Not a Diet – We’re a Pill Mill?: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/noom-announces-were-not-a-diet-were

So WW bought Sequence. Here is what it's like on Sequence.: https://www.reddit.com/r/weightwatchers/comments/13ynjs8/so_ww_bought_sequence_here_is_what_its_like_on/

Oprah Winfrey Reveals She Uses Weight-Loss Medication as a ‘Maintenance Tool': ‘I’m Absolutely Done with the Shaming’ (Exclusive): https://people.com/oprah-winfrey-reveals-weight-loss-medication-exclusive-8414552


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Website for corporate training: https://www.weightbiastraining.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fiercefatty

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Donate on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Other stuff and free stuff: linkin.bio/fiercefatty

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 184- Organized Anti-Fat Fuckery with Tigress Osborn

The villainous tricksters behind the veiled push to “advance fat rights” (when in reality they just want to sell weight loss drugs) are at it again. Tigress Osbourn from NAAFA is here to stop them though! She joins me on the show to talk about what new games anti-fat organizations are getting up to and why it’s a load of BS. Plus we discuss the fat community, fat joy, and fat history. TW: lots of use of the O words as we are covering shit O word organizations are doing.


  • Fat acceptance and stigmatization with Tigris Osbourne. 0:00

  • Intersectionality and inclusivity in a historical civil rights organization. 3:14

  • Fat acceptance and allyship in a predominantly white organization. 9:39

  • Fat acceptance and activism. 15:43

  • Fat Liberation Conference and its Joyful Atmosphere. 20:19

  • Fat-friendly events and community support. 23:09

  • Weight loss drugs and their potential coverage by national healthcare systems. 30:54

  • Weight loss and body autonomy. 34:27

  • Obesity advocacy and pharmaceutical funding. 37:27

  • Weight stigma and healthcare advocacy. 43:29

  • Pharmaceutical companies' role in obesity and weight loss. 46:20

  • Obesity as a disease and its stigmatization. 49:11

  • Obesity and pharmaceutical industry manipulation. 56:09

  • Pharmaceutical industry influence in health advocacy. 59:21

  • Obesity and weight stigma, including height. 1:02:19

  • Body size discrimination and legal protections. 1:09:17

  • Fat liberation and media representation. 1:12:44

  • Pharmaceutical industry influence in healthcare policy. 1:16:12

  • Body positivity and community redemption. 1:22:56

  • Fat activism and legislation. 1:27:33


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

What tomfuckery is Right 2 Ob*sity Care up to with the O Bill of Rights?: https://right2obesitycare.org./#our-purpose

Follow NAAFA and Tigress:


Campaign for Size Freedom

Follow NAAFA @naafaofficial and Tigress @iofthetigress

Right 2 Ob*sity Care up to with the O Bill of Rights: https://right2obesitycare.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/A-National-Call-to-Action-The-Obesity-Bill-of-Rights.pdf

Endorsing orgs: https://right2obesitycare.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/List-of-Supporting-Organizations-01.30.2024-1.pdf


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 183- AITA for telling my DIL she wasn’t invited due to her weight

Have you ever read the “Am I The Asshole” questions on Reddit? If you don’t know what AITA is: People ask the internet if they were in the right or wrong about a situation that happened in their life. Well, these questions are a source of endless entertainment for me! I brought my friend Summer Innanen from Eat The Rules podcast to get her verdict on four AITA posts that I picked out around weight and diets. Some of these AITA question-askers are grade-A donkeys and also there are some grey areas where things are less clear. TW: anti-fatness, ableism, gender A-Hole behaviour.


  • Potato recipes and dairy sensitivity. 0:00

  • Body shaming and weight issues. 4:40

  • Body shaming and exclusion on a shopping trip. 11:07

  • Weight, disability, and family dynamics. 15:40

  • Parental influence on a child's body image and eating habits. 20:06

  • Body shaming and parenting. 25:56

  • Body shaming and furniture concerns. 30:20

  • Fatphobia and seating comfort in a social setting. 36:10

  • Weight and travel plans with a controlling tone. 42:05

  • Body image and attraction in relationships. 47:23

  • Body image and fatphobia. 52:29

Audio Block
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Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Potato recipe: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz6-TUWozwf/

When You Don’t Believe Your Partner Is Attracted to You: https://fiercefatty.com/153

IG roundup on the above podcast episode: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnntWYqSf_r/?img_index=1

AITA for telling my SIL she wasn’t invited due to her weight.


AITA for putting my 9yo on a diet and 'emotionally damaging' her?


AITA for embarrassing my friend’s obese boyfriend by making him sit on a chair different from everyone else’s at dinner?


WIBTA for imposing a diet on my wife if she wants to travel with me? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheEx/comments/12i22oz/wibta_for_imposing_a_diet_on_my_wife_if_she_wants/

AITA for covertly losing weight as a bridesmaid & refusing to be set up with her friend after overhearing the bride call me fat?


AITA for telling my girlfriend to lose weight?



Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 182 - Dealing With Anti-Fat Family During the Holidays

Woah nelly, can family be trying or what? Especially if you’re the only one talking up about bad behaviour and feel like the black sheep or are being told you’re “tooooo sensitive”. If we want to (or have to) spend time with family, having some tactics in our back pockets is a great idea. Sharing your stories, an analogy with a donley and different word tracks in this episode will help you join family celebrations with a little more ease.


  • Fatphobia during the holidays. 0:00

  • Boundaries and dealing with difficult family members. 4:58

  • Body shaming and setting boundaries in a fat-phobic family. 11:26

  • Setting boundaries and respecting them. 17:00

  • Overcoming past trauma and effective communication. 22:42

  • Dealing with friends who promote diet culture and body shaming. 27:53

  • Body image, diet culture, and eating disorders. 34:02

  • Boundaries and responding to hurtful comments. 39:10

  • Assertive responses to body shaming comments. 44:31

  • Setting boundaries and communicating needs. 51:10

  • Setting boundaries during holidays with fatphobic friends and family. 57:26

  • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. 1:02:54

  • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships. 1:09:09

  • Setting and enforcing boundaries in personal relationships. 1:13:29

  • Setting boundaries and self-care. 1:19:48

  • Setting boundaries with family members. 1:23:57


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Boundary Boss: https://2-victoria.systeme.io/page-bb

Fatphobic family and the holidays: https://www.reddit.com/r/PlusSize/comments/17zqz7b/fatphobic_family_and_the_holidays/

My boyfriends fat phobic family and their sly comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/inlaws/comments/13uozs4/my_boyfriends_fat_phobic_family_and_their_sly/

SASSY COMEBACKS FOR WHEN PEOPLE ARE TALKING SHIT ABOUT YOUR BODY: https://fiercefatty.com/blog/sassy-comebacks-for-when-people-are-throwing-shade-about-your-body

Nice Ice Spice: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz6ZZj1LfOF/?img_index=1

Hard and soft boundaries: https://www.kcresolve.com/blog/boundaries-and-relationships#:~:text=Unlike%20a%20hard%20boundary%2C%20a,drive%20your%20car%20for%20you.

Signs someone doesn’t respect your boundaries: https://psychcentral.com/relationships/signs-boundary-violations#discomfort

Boundaries kids song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSFvJbSQdA4

Oh Boundaries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ0ZUVXqJc4

Leslie Jones funny vidoes: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz_5cpFOI3S/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 181 - Fat Liberation Gone Too Far? Misconceptions and Mistakes

Some folks can come in contact with fat liberation and turn away shaking their heads at the things that we believe. The thing is, often what they understand about fat liberation is incorrect, a misunderstanding or just plain false. First I talk about the core tenets of anti-fat beliefs and then I debunk the misconceptions that people have shared on the internet. Big TW for this episode as I am talking about actual anti-fat beliefs and the content of those beliefs so there is talk of anti-fatness and ableism throughout.


  • Misconceptions about fat liberation. 0:00

  • Fatphobia and its impact on society. 5:32

  • Body autonomy and fatness. 11:04

  • Fatness, eating disorders, and societal treatment. 14:48

  • Fatness and health outcomes. 20:22

  • Fatness, health, and societal attitudes. 26:06

  • Fat liberation and influencing others. 34:28

  • Fat liberation and body positivity. 39:41

  • Fat liberation and body acceptance. 45:59

  • Body positivity, fat liberation, and health accessibility. 50:39

  • Body autonomy and fat acceptance. 56:37

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 180 - Being On Reality TV Almost Killed Me

Today we are talking about the the truth about reality television and how devastating it can be to the lives of those featured. There have been incredible numbers of reality TV stars who have died by suicide and I was almost a part of that statistic. If you didn’t know, I was on a 2 part BBC show where I lived in a house for 9 days with people who either hated fatness or were fat positive and some inbetween. This is a deeply vulnerable episode where I am revealing exactly what happened and the resulting shame and grief I experienced culminating in active suicide ideation. A massive trigger warning as I will be playing clips of me talking about my ideation from the time after the show aired. If you are struggling like I was, please reach out for help. You are loveable and not alone.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 179 - How to Feel More Confident in Your Body

How the heck do you feel more confident in your body anyway? In this episode, I go through step by step the actions to take. Get ready to make some notes, or not, I ain’t the boss of you. Plus, the story of someone making me cry in Starbucks last week after shaming my beverage choice, was fun! Also, there’s an update on the Wegovy saga at the beginning so skip to 21.38 mins if you don’t want to hear that.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 178 - When a Loved One Diets and Hates Their Fat Body: Listener Questions

Listener questions! Questions include: My mum blames her poor health on her weight and won’t listen when I tell her about anti-fat bias, what should I do? Help, I have just been diagnosed with diabetes! Is it actually unhealthy to be fat?


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers


165: “Weight Loss” Surgery Stats and Stories (part 3): https://fiercefatty.com/165

126: Stories from Weight Loss Surgery Survivors Part 2: https://fiercefatty.com/126

122: Stories From Weight Loss Surgery Patients 8 Years Post Op: https://fiercefatty.com/122

90: Will "Weight Loss" Surgery Make You Thin, Healthy and Live Longer?: https://fiercefatty.com/090

Weight loss surgery facts: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrfAJxwSVLj/?img_index=1

Stories from bariatric surgery survivors: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcoU5cqPv7e/? img_index=1

Association of All-Cause Mortality With Overweight and Obesity Using Standard Body Mass Index Categories: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4855514/

The obesity ‘crisis’ is a myth By Harriet Brown: https://nypost.com/2015/03/22/why-dieting-doesnt-work/

Diet-free Talk for Diabetes/Insulin Issues: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221981691163510/

Fat Positive Intuitive Eating Diabetes Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatpositivediabetes/

I attend a free virtual weight-inclusive diabetes support group here: https://www.laurennewmanrd.com/groups

25+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Diabetes:


HAES Healthsheets: https://haeshealthsheets.com/type-2-diabetes/

Don’t weigh me cards: https://more-love.org/resources/free-dont-weigh-me-cards/

https://www.instagram.com/fatpositivefertility/ or community and she probably has resources. Do you have a fat Facebook group in your area or a Facebook group on Obgyn’s? As I am in Canada this is where I find my people.

List of Anti-Diet, HAES, and Intuitive Eating Providers via Christy Harrison: https://christyharrison.com/haes-anti-diet-intuitive-eating-providers-eating-disorder-recovery

Fat Friendly Health Professionals List: http://www.fatfriendlydocs.com/

Fat Friendly Healthcare Providers: https://www.self.com/story/find-fat-friendly-doctor



Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 177 - I Want to Lose Weight! Coming to Terms With an Anti-fat World: Listener Questions

Listener questions part 2! Questions include: Help! I want to lose weight, but not for aesthetic reasons anymore but because the world is inaccessible. How do I cope? How to find a doctor who is fat positive? Is it true that biology dictates that fat people are less attractive to others?


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers


165: “Weight Loss” Surgery Stats and Stories (part 3): https://fiercefatty.com/165

126: Stories from Weight Loss Surgery Survivors Part 2: https://fiercefatty.com/126

122: Stories From Weight Loss Surgery Patients 8 Years Post Op: https://fiercefatty.com/122

90: Will "Weight Loss" Surgery Make You Thin, Healthy and Live Longer?: https://fiercefatty.com/090

Weight loss surgery facts: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrfAJxwSVLj/?img_index=1

Stories from bariatric surgery survivors: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcoU5cqPv7e/? img_index=1

Association of All-Cause Mortality With Overweight and Obesity Using Standard Body Mass Index Categories: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4855514/

The obesity ‘crisis’ is a myth By Harriet Brown: https://nypost.com/2015/03/22/why-dieting-doesnt-work/

Diet-free Talk for Diabetes/Insulin Issues: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221981691163510/

Fat Positive Intuitive Eating Diabetes Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatpositivediabetes/

I attend a free virtual weight inclusive diabetes support group here: https://www.laurennewmanrd.com/groups

25+ Weight Neutral and Health at Every Size Resources for Managing Diabetes:


HAES Healthsheets: https://haeshealthsheets.com/type-2-diabetes/

Don’t weigh me cards: https://more-love.org/resources/free-dont-weigh-me-cards/

https://www.instagram.com/fatpositivefertility/ or community and she probably has resources. Do you have a fat facebook group in your area or a facebook group on obgyn’s? As I am in Canada this is where I find my people.

List of Anti-Diet, HAES, and Intuitive Eating Providers via Christy Harrison: https://christyharrison.com/haes-anti-diet-intuitive-eating-providers-eating-disorder-recovery

Fat Friendly Health Professionals List: http://www.fatfriendlydocs.com/

Fat Friendly Healthcare Providers: https://www.self.com/story/find-fat-friendly-doctor



Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 176 - Lisa Marie Presley Died From Weight Loss Surgery: Legends That Fatphobia Stole Part 2

With the news of the cause of death for Lisa Marie Presley recently I thought it was time to expand the list of famous people who have died at the hands of fat hate or diet culture. The first part is episode 145, but you don’t need to listen to that before this episode. I am talking about famous people who had overwhelming pressure to be thin and died trying or their life was damaged because of that. It’s a pretty tough episode so please skip if you need to. TW: Fat hate/diet culture leading to death.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Lisa Marie Presley: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuqObQpx_Uv/?img_index=1

What is a small bowel obstruction? Lisa Marie Presley's cause of death explained: https://www.today.com/health/news/lisa-marie-presley-death-bariatric-surgery-rcna94299

Autopsy reveals Lisa Marie Presley died from small bowel obstruction: https://www.today.com/popculture/lisa-marie-presley-cause-death-bowl-obstruction-rcna94193

Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis and Priscilla Presley, dies at 54: https://www.today.com/popculture/music/lisa-marie-presley-daughter-elvis-priscilla-presley-dies-54-rcna65632

Lisa Marie Presley suffered a cardiac arrest: The different signs of heart disease in women: https://www.today.com/health/womens-health/lisa-marie-presley-cardiac-arrest-rcna65716

Lisa Marie Presley 'rushed' to hospital after apparent medical emergency: https://www.today.com/popculture/lisa-marie-presley-rushed-hospital-apparent-medical-emergency-rcna65604

Intestinal Obstruction: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/intestinal-obstruction/symptoms-causes/syc-20351460

Explained: What is extreme liquid diet that late Shane Warne followed and how it affects the body: https://www.wionews.com/sports/explained-what-is-extreme-liquid-diet-that-late-shane-warne-followed-and-how-it-affects-the-body-460308

'Detox' or 'juice' diets such as that undertaken by Shane Warne are risky for heart health, experts say: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-08/shane-warne-extreme-diets-nutrition-heart-health/100887810

Remembering the demons that lingered for Dolores O’Riordan on anniversary of her death: https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/dolores-oriordan-health

What We Learned From the New Brittany Murphy Documentary: https://www.thecut.com/2021/10/what-we-learned-from-the-new-brittany-murphy-documentary.html

How Judy Garland's Struggle with Food and Need to Stay 'Camera Slim' Fueled Her Drug Addiction: https://people.com/books/judy-garland-struggle-with-food-drug-addiction/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMost%20of%20her%20teen%20and,attempted%20to%20manage%20her%20weight

Judy Garland: https://people.com/tag/judy-garland/

Elizabeth Taylor: https://people.com/tag/elizabeth-taylor/

Frank Sinatra & Ava Gardner: https://people.com/archive/frank-sinatra-ava-gardner-vol-45-no-6/

Despair, Drugs and Attempts to Kill Herself: Judy Garland's Husband Details Her Many Struggles in New Memoir: https://people.com/books/judy-garland-drugs-suicide-husband-memoir/

Judy and I: My Life with Judy Garland Hardcover: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1613735839/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=people0d0-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=1613735839&linkId=b6c64db51ba5537cde7f6088180c67b0

Judy Garland's Lover Sid Luft Reacted So Badly to Her Pregnancy She Didn't Tell Him About Her Abortion: https://people.com/books/judy-garland-sid-luft-abortion-memoir-judy-and-i/

Judy Garland's Daughter Lorna Luft Sings 'Over the Rainbow' for the First Time in Tribute to Orlando, Stonewall and Her Late Mother: https://people.com/celebrity/lorna-luft-sings-over-the-rainbow-for-the-first-time/

Eating disorder at rootof Terri Schiavo case:https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7318508

Pretty Woman singer Roy Orbison died of a heart attack aged 52 'because of yo-yo dieting' following death of his wife and two eldest children, new TV documentary claims: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6004151/Pretty-Woman-singer-Roy-Orbison-died-heart-attack-aged-52-yo-yo-dieting.html

Prince’s personal chef reveals musician was frequently ill towards end of his life: https://www.nme.com/news/music/prince-59-1203439

Laird Cregar: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Laird_Cregar#/Death

Eddie Muller: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Eddie_Muller

Bariatric surgery: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Bariatric_surgery

Oxygen tent: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Oxygen_tent

The Untold Truth Of John Candy: https://www.looper.com/981094/the-untold-truth-of-john-candy/

Aaron Carter: 'Basically, I have an eating disorder': https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/04/26/aaron-carter-basically-have-eating-disorder/100922174/

Toxicology: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Toxicology

Lancaster, California: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Lancaster,_California

Lena Zavaroni: fame, anorexia and the tragedy of a 1970s child star: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/feb/26/lena-zavaroni-fame-anorexia-and-the-tragedy-of-a-1970s-child-star

UK Albums Chart: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/UK_Albums_Chart

Revealed: Callas's secret passion for recipes she refused to taste: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jul/24/italy.arts


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 175 - 6 Things You Could Be Doing That Supports Anti-Fatness (And Can Ruin Body Confidence)

I hate my fat body and I don't know whhhyyyy! Have you ever thought this? If so, you need to check out this episode where I share the 6 things you could be doing inadvertently that perpetuated anti-fatness and could harm your body confidence.

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Episode 174 - Is The AMA Saying BMI Should Be Scrapped!?

The American Medical Association released a press statement saying that the use of BMI is problematic. Is this good news?? The AMA famously went against their own expert advice to classify fatness as a disease with the BMI as the way to diagnose the disease so what’s with this turn about? Does it mean that the BMI will be no more or is this just more sneaky weight loss industry lobbying which will cause more harm?

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Episode 173 - The Psychology of Hunger

Today we are looking at the Warsaw Ghetto Hunger Study, the Children of HungerWinter and the Minnesota Starvation Experiment to answer the question what does hunger do to our mental and physical wellbeing? Massive trigger warning: mention of calories, types of food, starvation, eating disorders, self-harm, murder, the holocaust and death. Although most are brief mentions and not going into details.

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Episode 172 - The Science of Protecting Ourselves From Anti-Fat Bias

Anti-fatness is everywhere, yuck! Do you know what weight bigotry does to our brains and bodies? If not you’ll hear all about it in this episode. More importantly, you will also hear about what science tells us about how to survive this sh*t show. It’s good news, you’re probably doing a lot of the good stuff already!


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Study Looks At Ways To Protect Ourselves from Weight Stigma: https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=534306&post_id=99410920&utm_source=post-email-title&isFreemail=false&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMDU1OTQwOSwicG9zdF9pZCI6OTk0MTA5MjAsImlhdCI6MTY3ODU1NzcwNSwiZXhwIjoxNjgxMTQ5NzA1LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNTM0MzA2Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.pc8UxFO8zdkqH3qAKJRqnEoI1s6iY4aLsUtcCk71bEQ

Challenging oppression: A social identity model of stigma resistance in higher-weight individuals: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1740144522001061?via%3Dihub

Studies on weight stigma and body image in higher-weight individuals Angela Meadows and Rachel M Calogero . DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90817-5_28

Fat trans legal histroy: https://www.instagram.com/callmesj.theletters/

SJ donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sj-graduate-and-continue-their-work?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer

Anti-Fatness and Public Health by Mikey Mercedes and Monica Kriete for New England Public Health Training Center: https://www.patreon.com/posts/reconsidering-84517517?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link

Sutin, A. R., Stephan, Y., & Terracciano, A. (2015). Weight Discrimination and Risk of Mortality. Psychological science, 26(11), 1803–1811. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797615601103


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

Download the Episode (right-click here and save the link as)

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Episode 171 - Fat Sex and Overcoming Anti-Fat Bias

Fat sex! How does society view fat bodies and how do we view our own fat bodies when it comes to sex and desirability? What impact does that have on the way we relate to others sexually? I talk about how sex was one of the final ways anti-fat bias had a hold on me as desirability is key to seld esteem. TW: mention of fatphobic beliefs about fat bodies. This episode was first aired in December 2020.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Fatphobia is not a sexual preference from The Fat Sex Therapist: https://wearyourvoicemag.com/fatphobia-is-not-a-sexual-preference/

Treating My Friends Like Lovers: The Politics of Desirability from Cale Luna: https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/how-to-be-fat-caleb-luna-sub/

3 Reasons Dating, Attraction, and Desire Are Always Political by Hari Ziyad: https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/04/attraction-desire-political/

Fatphobia Exists – and It's Especially Bad in the Bedroom by Marie Southard Ospina: https://www.vice.com/en/article/8894bx/plus-size-girls-sex-stories-fatphobia


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 170 - The Full NEDA Controversy Explained

NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) have been in hot water what seems like recently, but actually they have been disappointing people for a while now. If you have seen posts on social media and aren’t sure what the whole story is I have you covered today. I am talking about NEDAs anti-fatness, the firing of fat lib senior leader, a disastrous AAP guidelines response, the terrible experience of fat community members, alleged union-busting, the harmful chatbot Tessa, calling community members liars and ignoring them and finally questions around conflict of interest. PHEW! Buckle up, we are in for a ride! Correction: In the episode, I said Chevese Turner was CEO of NEDA but she was actually Chief Strategy & Policy Officer.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Essential listening: https://chartable.com/podcasts/fierce-fatty-podcast/reviews/KKT4nvp7

I feel seen: https://chartable.com/podcasts/fierce-fatty-podcast/reviews/odTr5XW1

International Federation of Eating Disorders Dietitians: https://substack.com/redirect/44032796-2f54-4730-b5f8-b151dcbf63ec?j=eyJ1IjoiYzhucXAifQ.5LqS022gY2yt-ZbqqdfAOunB4FrsAoRRqysGuwjUI4M

Eating Disorder Helpline Fires Staff, Transitions to Chatbot After Unionization: https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ezkm/eating-disorder-helpline-fires-staff-transitions-to-chatbot-after-unionization?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

US eating disorder helpline takes down AI chatbot over harmful advice: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/31/eating-disorder-hotline-union-ai-chatbot-harm

Sharon Maxwell’s (she her) 1st post about NEDA about lived experience and AAP: https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRK9HXuU3Y/

2nd about AAP: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq80Ql9PeNl/

NEDA calling her a liar: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs4xUNHPmn4/

Conflicts of interest: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs9CPZzL7nA/

The New Obesity Guidelines for Kids Are Appalling: https://www.self.com/story/new-childhood-obesity-guidelines#:~:text=Pediatricians%20should%20offer%20weight%2Dloss,on%20the%20CDC%20growth%20charts

Eating Disorders Support ChatBot Promotes Weight Loss from Ragen Chastain: https://open.substack.com/pub/weightandhealthcare/p/nedas-union-busting-eating-disorders?r=c8nqp&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

Why I Resigned As A NEDA Ambassador: https://substack.com/redirect/3ef40366-a9ed-4574-8f6b-4278f0156516?j=eyJ1IjoiYzhucXAifQ.5LqS022gY2yt-ZbqqdfAOunB4FrsAoRRqysGuwjUI4M

Serious Issues With the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines For Higher-Weight Children and Adolescents: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/serious-issues-with-the-american?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Center for Body Trust open letter about Cheve:


Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Obesity: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/doi/10.1542/peds.2022-060640/190443/Clinical-Practice-Guideline-for-the-Evaluation-and?autologincheck=redirected

Preventing Obesity and Eating Disorders in Adolescents: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/138/3/e20161649/52684/Preventing-Obesity-and-Eating-Disorders-in

7 Ways to Have a Healthier Body Image in College: https://www.self.com/story/healthy-body-image-college-tips

Important Reminder: Anyone Can Have an Eating Disorder: https://www.self.com/story/important-reminder-anyone-can-have-an-eating-disorder

NEDA 1st statement: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq_OPCZvQPK/

NEDA 2nd https://www.instagram.com/p/CoOBd8jO7J9/

The Shira Rose: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq8zY-lr6PG/

Sharon Maxwell’s (she her) 1st post about NEDA about lived experience and AAP: https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRK9HXuU3Y/

Nia they/them thefriendineverwanted: https://www.instagram.com/p/CogX_uzOvwO/

A Union Busting Chatbot? Eating Disorders Nonprofit Puts the 'AI' in Retaliation: https://www.labornotes.org/blogs/2023/05/union-busting-chatbot-eating-disorders-nonprofit-puts-ai-retaliation

Eating Disorder Helpline Fires Staff, Transitions to Chatbot After Unionization: https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ezkm/eating-disorder-helpline-fires-staff-transitions-to-chatbot-after-unionization?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


Online Chat: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Online_chat

Chatbot: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Chatbot

Washington University School of Medicine: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Washington_University_School_of_Medicine

Mental health: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Mental_health

Calling community members liars and ignoring them: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs4BiC9AhDe/

NEDA knew about issues with chatbot: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs9RxPor-Gx/

Conflicts of interest: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs9CPZzL7nA/

Serious Issues With the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines For Higher-Weight Children and Adolescents: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/serious-issues-with-the-american?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Special Edition: Dangerous New American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines for Higher-Weight Children: https://weightandhealthcare.substack.com/p/special-edition-dangerous-new-american?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS ASSOCIATION: https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/133444882

Tell NEDA to STOP working with the STOP Alliance: https://www.change.org/p/tell-neda-to-stop-working-with-the-stop-alliance?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 169 - Intuitive Eating for Pets and Dealing With Anti-fat Family

Can pets eat intuitively? Are we messing with their natural ability to eat until they're full by only feeding them at certain times and in certain amounts? Or will some pets just eat forever if we let them? What about fat pets? Should we put them on diets? More listener questions today including how to deal with family who are anti-fat and how to cope with weight gain post intuitive eating.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 168 - Will Getting Plastic Surgery Mean I Am Anti-fat? Listener Questions!

We have listener questions today! From plastic surgery worries to new type 2 diabetes diagnoses. From being genderqueer and fat to reclaiming the word fat in conversations. Let’s hear from you :)

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 167 - I Am Terrified People Are Judging Me!

So many of us are anxious about people negatively judging our appearance and body size. And let’s be real; people DO judge us and that sucks! So should we hide away and never venture out for fear of that judgement? Do people who seem to not give AF really not give AF or are they only pretending? How can we support ourselves to live with judgement from others? ALSO bonus info: I share every single cost of running a business, that business being mine! From the cost of contractors to Facebook ads and everything in between. If that doesn’t interest you skip to 27 mins in for the fat stuff.

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Episode 166 - The Alleged “Cost” of Fatness on Society

When we see headlines about the cost of fatness on society and what a terrible burden that is - are those numbers real? How do they come up with that number? We are looking at the supposed burden of fat people in Canada today and their $7.1 billion cost and working out how they got to that figure and how much of that number can be attributable to anti-fat bias and the harms living in a society dedicated to fat hate. TW: 3 mentions of O Word by mistake and anti-fat fuckery.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

The costs of obesity in Canada have been estimated at $4.6–$7.1 billion annually: https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/phac-aspc/migration/phac-aspc/hp-ps/hl-mvs/oic-oac/assets/pdf/oic-oac-eng.pdf

Is there more to the equation? Weight bias and the costs of obesity: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6964496/

Letter to the Editor: Response to Singh et al. (2018). Is there more to the equation? Weight bias and the costs of obesity. Canadian Journal of Public Health: https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-019-00223-2

New “ob*sity” treatments and technology to save the NHS billions: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-obesity-treatments-and-technology-to-save-the-nhs-billions#:~:text=Obesity%20costs%20the%20NHS%20a,spent%20on%20key%20frontline%20services.


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 165 - “Weight Loss” Surgery Stats and Stories (part 3)

Does weight loss surgery make you thin? What percentage of people is it successful for? Are the side effects worth it and what are they exactly? This episode is a deep dive into bariatric surgery AKA "weight loss" surgery AKA stomach amputation. CW: There are mentions of the O Words, suicide rates, and brief mentions of calories.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Comparison of the Performance of Common Measures of Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery for Association With Clinical Outcomes: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2707460

All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Associated with Bariatric Surgery: A Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5055056/#:~:text=findings%20have%20emerged.-,Bariatric%20surgical%20patients%20have%3A%201

Comparison of the Performance of Common Measures of Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery for Association With Clinical Outcomes: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2707460

Body Image Disturbances and Weight Bias After Obesity Surgery: Semantic and Visual Evaluation in a Controlled Study, Findings from the BodyTalk Project: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8012323/

Coping With "ob*sity" Stigma Affects Depressed Mood in African-American and White Candidates for Bariatric Surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5670735/#R4

Death Rates and Causes of Death After Bariatric Surgery for Pennsylvania Residents, 1995 to 2004: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4888907/

Depression, Anxiety, and Binge Eating Before and After Bariatric Surgery: Problems that Remain: https://www.scielo.br/j/abcd/a/tZXDCfc855KxdXcFKTbVtHR/?lang=en

Diabetes after Bariatric Surgery: https://www.canadianjournalofdiabetes.com/article/S1499-2671(16)30072-7/fulltext

Ethical questions about surgery raised by scientists: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/196339

Late Relapse of Diabetes After Bariatric Surgery: Not Rare, but Not a Failure: https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/43/3/534/35625/Late-Relapse-of-Diabetes-After-Bariatric-Surgery

Long-Term Follow-up After Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1900516

Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Weight Loss at 10 or More Years for All Bariatric Procedures and a Single-Centre Review of 20-Year Outcomes After Adjustable Gastric Banding: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11695-018-3525-0

Mineral Malnutrition Following Bariatric Surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3771134/#:~:text=Bariatric%20surgery%20exacerbates%20preexisting%20malnutrition,with%20micronutrient%20supplementation%20following%20surgery.

Patient experiences of outcomes of bariatric surgery: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.12518

Prevalence of alcohol use disorders before and after bariatric surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3682834/#:~:text=There%20is%20some%20evidence%20that

Recent Experiences of Weight-based Stigmatization in a Weight Loss Surgery Population: Psychological and Behavioral Correlates: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1038/oby.2008.457

Risk of suicide and non-fatal self-harm after bariatric surgery: results from two matched cohort studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932484/

Risk of suicide and self-harm is increased after bariatric surgery - a systematic review and meta-analysis: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11695-018-3493-4

Substance Use after Bariatric Surgery: A Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4789154/

Suicide rates after bariatric surgery: https://bariatrictimes.com/understanding-postoperative-suicide-self-injury/#:~:text=Based%20on%20their%20analysis%2C%20the,3.2%E2%80%935.1%2F10%2C000

Survival among high-risk patients after bariatric surgery: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21666276/#:~:text=Results%3A%20Among%20patients%20who%20had,and%2015.2%25%20for%20nonsurgical%20controls.

The Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Psychological Health: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jobe/2013/837989/

Untold stories of living with a bariatric body: long-term experiences of weight-loss surgery: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.12999

“But Everything Is Supposed to Get Better After Surgery!” Understanding Postoperative Suicide and Self-Injury: https://bariatrictimes.com/understanding-postoperative-suicide-self-injury/

Long-term weight regain after gastric bypass: a 5-year prospective study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5459557_Long-term_Weight_Regain_after_Gastric_Bypass_A_5-year_Prospective_Study

Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison: https://christyharrison.com/book-anti-diet-intuitive-eating-christy-harrison

Ethical Questions About Surgery Raised By Scientists: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/196339

Food Junk Science Blog: http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/2007/01/junkfood-science-weekend-special.html

Suicide Rates: https://bariatrictimes.com/understanding-postoperative-suicide-self-injury/#:~:text=Based%20on%20their%20analysis%2C%20the,3.2%E2%80%935.1%2F10%2C000

Kaitlin Anderle Who Had Surgery: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9B7HwSh3RM/

Roxane Gay - What Fullness Is: https://gay.medium.com/the-body-that-understands-what-fullness-is-f2e40c40cd75

Lindo Bacon on Bariatric Surgery: https://www.lindobacon.com/HAESbook/pdf_files/HAES_Bariatric-Surgery.pdf

Prevalence of alcohol use disorders before and after bariatric surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3682834/#:~:text=There%20is%20some%20evidence%20that

Mineral Malnutrition Following Bariatric Surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3771134/#:~:text=Bariatric%20surgery%20exacerbates%20preexisting%20malnutrition,with%20micronutrient%20supplementation%20following%20surgery.

Substance Use after Bariatric Surgery: A Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4789154/

Early mortality among Medicare beneficiaries undergoing bariatric surgical procedures: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16234496/#:~:text=The%20rates%20of%2030%2Dday,001

All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Associated with Bariatric Surgery: A Review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5055056/#:~:text=findings%20have%20emerged.-,Bariatric%20surgical%20patients%20have%3A%201

Survival among high-risk patients after bariatric surgery: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21666276/#:~:text=Results%3A%20Among%20patients%20who%20had,and%2015.2%25%20for%20nonsurgical%20controls.

Death Rates and Causes of Death After Bariatric Surgery for Pennsylvania Residents, 1995 to 2004: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4888907/

No evidence that bariatric surgeries save healthcare costs or save lives: http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/2008/09/no-evidence-that-bariatric-surgeries.html

Quote from Junkfood Science: http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/2007/02/rumor-versus-facts.html

Accidents or Unintentional Injuries: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/accidental-injury.htm

Early Mortality Among Medicare Beneficiaries Undergoing Bariatric Surgical Procedures: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/201707


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 164 - What Would You Say to Someone Who Claimed You Are Promoting “Ob*sity”?

Today we have listener questions! What do you say to someone who claims you are promoting fatness? What things can you do to be a helpful fat ally and what things aren’t so great? Where can I find fat trans and nonbinary masculine representation? What to say when someone comments on your unintentional weight loss due to illness? I’ve got all these covered in this episode!

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 163 - Hustle Culture vs Anti-Fat Culture

How do anti-fat culture and hustle culture share characteristics? How intertwined are they exactly? And what about the links to white supremacy culture? I am a recover(ed/ing) hustle culture enthusiast and long-removed anti-fat culture supporter and have observed firsthand the harms of both and how eerily similar they actually are. TW: anti-fat, classist, ableist, and healthist attitudes shared in the show.

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Episode 162 - Fat People Barred From Home Ownership, Adoption and More

Did you know that in some countries (like Ireland), people with a BMI that is deemed “too high” are unable to buy a property? Fat people are turned away from IVF clinics and their ability to parent an adoptive child can be deemed insufficient due solely to body size. We talk about these outrageous denials of basic opportunities and eugenics that fat people experience in this episode. TW: mention of BMI and weight plus anti-fat bias.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

The Misguided Logic of Deporting Fat People: https://archive.is/1e2Hd#selection-427.0-432.0

Too fat to live here?: http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/8970683/Too-fat-to-live-here

Too fat for NZ: Mum can't lose weight fast enough for immigration officials: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/300341891/too-fat-for-nz-mum-cant-lose-weight-fast-enough-for-immigration-officials

Bank refuses to release mortgage for woman deemed at higher Covid risk: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/bank-refuses-to-release-mortgage-for-woman-deemed-at-higher-covid-risk-1.4517854

Flare: Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights, & Education: https://www.flareproject.org/

Intuitive Eating Counsellor: https://www.instagram.com/intuitive.eating.ireland/

Too fat to adopt - the married, teetotal couple rejected by council because of man's weight: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2009/jan/13/adoption-rejected-couple

BMI Criteria for Adoption: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/directory-record/66750/bmi-criteria-for-adoption

Guidance on Overweight Adopters: https://www.proceduresonline.com/adoptnortheast/raa/files/overweight_adopters.pdf

We were turned down for adoption for being obese: https://metro.co.uk/2021/10/23/we-were-turned-down-for-adoption-for-being-overweight-2-15462005/

Obese Face Obstacles in Adoption Process: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=3429655&page=1

Should there be a weight cutoff for IVF? Firestorm of debate over denying fertility treatments to obese women: https://nationalpost.com/health/should-there-be-a-weight-cutoff-for-ivf-firestorm-of-debate-over-denying-fertility-treatments-to-obese-women#:~:text=In%20B.C.%2C%20private%20IVF%20clinics,with%20a%20BMI%20over%2038

When You’re Told You’re Too Fat to Get Pregnant: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/18/magazine/fertility-weight-obesity-ivf.html?fbclid=IwAR22Z_wKX0-LyGPhMhnWPaHWjXZn6vw3e-TejXQS3nLic-xsaI21NdwoGyI

Infertility: https://archive.is/8eGnm#selection-1355.0-1355.11

How is weight and height (BMI) used in life insurance?: https://protectyourwealth.ca/height-and-weight-impact-on-life-insurance-canada/#one

Yes, You Can Still Be Fired for Being Fat: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-03-15/weight-discrimination-remains-legal-in-most-of-the-u-s

At Victoria Hospital, Obese Job Candidates Need Not Apply: https://www.texastribune.org/2012/03/26/victoria-hospital-wont-hire-very-obese-workers/

Most Americans Are Too Fat to Donate their Bodies to Science: https://www.vice.com/en/article/vvjz3d/most-americans-are-too-fat-to-donate-their-bodies-to-science

Overweight and Obesity Statistics: https://archive.is/pRI5D#selection-1345.1-1345.34


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 161 - PE in School And The Horrific Harm Fat Kids Experience

If you went to school and were/are fat then there is a sizeable chance that you have a least some stories to tell about the harm your experienced, specifically about physical education (PE) classes. From government-mandated fitness tests to running around the track in shame many people have had heartbreakingly awful experiences that have turned them off formal exercise, sometimes for good, destroyed self-esteem, and created eating disorders. TW: some pretty awful stories of abusive treatment of kids.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Gym Class Is So Bad, Kids Are Skipping School to Avoid It: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/01/why-pe-is-terrible/581467/

The effects of physical education on student fitness, achievement, and behavior: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027277571830726X

Anti-fat bias in secondary school teachers: Are physical education teachers more biased than mathematics teachers?: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1356336X20932187


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 160 - How Life Changes After You Discover Fat Liberation and Anti-Diet (The Good the Bad and the Annoying)

Discovering fat liberation and anti-diet was life-changing for me! There have been so many shifts in my ways of thinking and a huge change in how I now experience the world. What are these changes and how many of them are good, bad and just plain annoying? Do I wish I could go back to where I was blissfully unaware of anti-fat bias and how pervasive it is?

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 159 - Anti-Fat Bias in the Workplace

What is it like to be fat in the workplace? I asked you to share your stories and I will be sharing the stats. Is there a difference in how fat men vs fat women are perceived and treated? And how much distinction do we see between smaller fat people and larger fat people? We have some pretty jaw-dropping stories of weight bias in the workplace and so if that’s not feeling good for you today skip the second half of the show.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

Obesity Discrimination in the Recruitment Process: “You’re Not Hired!”: Stuart W. Flint,1,2,* Martin Čadek,3 Sonia C. Codreanu,4 Vanja Ivić,5 Colene Zomer,6 and Amalia Gomoiu7: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4853419/

The grim reality of being a female job seeker:



When it comes to pay do the thin win? 2010 American Psychological Association: http://www.timothy-judge.com/Judge%20and%20Cable%20%28JAP%202010%29.pdf

Height, body mass index, and socioeconomic status: mendelian randomisation study in UK Biobank: https://www.bmj.com/content/352/bmj.i582

Weight Bias in the Workplace: A Literature Review: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/weight-bias-in-the-workplace-a-literature-review-2329-6879-1000206.php?aid=55088&fbclid=IwAR12Ib3IRwZ0iMy4NRzjLWzkkXjcTd_jkUg8452Y97KHd6kEKoSSPfjePUM

Weight Bias: A Policy Brief: https://media.ruddcenter.uconn.edu/PDFs/Weight%20Bias%20Policy%20Brief.pdf


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 158 - Fatness as a Disease and “Ob*sity” Medicine’s Giant Flaws

There has been a shift in recent years to embrace fatness as a disease and in fact, the American Medical Association did do just that in 2013, against advice from many experts. Is the premise of larger body sizes as inherently “diseased” helpful? What about “ob*sity” doctors who advocate for the use of a person's first language? Is that shift going to end the stigma for fat people? Let’s talk about it!


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Support me on Ko-Fi and get the Size Diversity Resource Guide: https://ko-fi.com/fiercefatty/tiers

High blood pressure dangers: Hypertension's effects on your body: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure/art-20045868#:~:text=Uncontrolled%20high%20blood%20pressure%20can,risk%20of%20life%2Dthreatening%20complications.

New JAMA Study Challenges CDC’s 400,000 Obesity Deaths Figure: https://consumerfreedom.com/press-releases/99-new-jama-study-challenges-cdcs-400000-obesity-deaths-figure/

How Can You Ignore The Correlation Between Weight And Health?: https://danceswithfat.org/2021/09/14/how-can-you-ignore-the-correlation-between-weight-and-health/

A Disturbing New “Weight Loss Device” Seeks To Lock People’s Jaws Shut: https://www.refinery29.com/en-ca/2021/07/10558914/otago-weight-loss-device-magnetic-backlash

For an overview of how the media gets it wrong and right check this out: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn6H2WAS0E8/

Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLstAvS1gl/

Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcoU5cqPv7e/

Instagram Reel: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClC7rUIj_vB/

If you want an overview of lots of studies go here:



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Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 157 - Intergenerational Food Trauma

What did you learn from the people who raised you about food and weight? How did their caregivers talk to them about diets and fatness? Today we have a super VIP special guest; my Mum! We talk about The Great Starvation (Irish Potato Famine), and British colonialism and look at research on trauma passed down the generations. Even if you don't come from a family that experienced something similar, day-to-day trauma around food and size can be incredibly impactful for many generations.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 156 - Part 2: Is Wegovy/Ozempic the Miracle Weight Loss Drug It’s Made Out to Be? (Part 2)

This is part 2 of the breaking down of the newest diet drug frenzy. In today’s episode, we are talking about personal stories of those using the drug, Novo’s lawsuits, and scandals including their marketing campaign which co-opts fat liberatory language in order to trick its consumers. Plus what other new drugs are about, what is happening with celebs and the supply shortage? We have a ton of stuff for you! TW: mentions of side effects


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

A So-Called Game-Changing Weight Loss Drug Is Here—So What Happens Next?: By Ed Cara for Gizmodo: https://gizmodo.com/a-so-called-game-changing-weight-loss-drug-is-here-so-w-1847309279

Wegovy Isn’t A “Game Changer”, But An Update by Mikey Mercedes: https://www.marquiselemercedes.com/writing/wegovy













https://www.instagram.com/fionawiller /


What is Wegovy: https://www.goodrx.com/rybelsus/what-is









Overview of the drugs: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Semaglutide

Outcome of the trials: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3NMTf7VJoCE_r3Qa_q4gxR7esXGFk1231Qi9snuoFs/edit?usp=sharing

Weight Stigma and Marketing: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988332 /




This Diabetes Drug Is Being Prescribed Off-Label for Weight Loss. Now There’s a Shortage, Glamour: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=ozempic,wegovy,semaglutide,mounjaro










Personal stories: https://people.com/health/tiktok-star-remi-bader-treatment-for-binge-eating/

You Might Go Through Hell for Your Post-Ozempic Body, The Cut: https://tinyurl.com/3ccdjym4



Did your doc tell you all the warnings including the box warning for thyroid cancer?: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/informed-consent-what-must-physician-disclose-patient/2012-07

Novo’s Lawsuits and scandals: https://www.drugwatch.com/news/2017/09/13/victoza-maker-paying-58-million-doj-settlement/



From Fierce Pharma: https://www.novonordisk.com/news-and-media/news-and-ir-materials/news-details.html?id=78734


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 155 - Part 1: Is Wegovy/Ozempic the Miracle Weight Loss Drug It’s Made Out to Be?

Have you noticed this new craze where influencers and celebs are taking diet drugs, specifically Ozempic/Wegovy? Well if you haven’t then you’re one of the lucky ones! This drug is being touted as “game-changing”, a “miracle” and the “end of ob*sity.” But is it? In this 1st episode of 2, we go into the actual science behind the drug, the clinical trial outcomes and who is the company behind manufacturing the drug…and the hype. TW: mentions of side effects


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

A So-Called Game-Changing Weight Loss Drug Is Here—So What Happens Next?: By Ed Cara for Gizmodo: https://gizmodo.com/a-so-called-game-changing-weight-loss-drug-is-here-so-w-1847309279

Wegovy Isn’t A “Game Changer”, But An Update by Mikey Mercedes: https://www.marquiselemercedes.com/writing/wegovy













https://www.instagram.com/fionawiller /


What is Wegovy: https://www.goodrx.com/rybelsus/what-is









Overview of the drugs: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Semaglutide

Outcome of the trials: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I3NMTf7VJoCE_r3Qa_q4gxR7esXGFk1231Qi9snuoFs/edit?usp=sharing

Weight Stigma and Marketing: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988332 /




This Diabetes Drug Is Being Prescribed Off-Label for Weight Loss. Now There’s a Shortage, Glamour: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=ozempic,wegovy,semaglutide,mounjaro










Personal stories: https://people.com/health/tiktok-star-remi-bader-treatment-for-binge-eating/

You Might Go Through Hell for Your Post-Ozempic Body, The Cut: https://tinyurl.com/3ccdjym4



Did your doc tell you all the warnings including the box warning for thyroid cancer?: https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/informed-consent-what-must-physician-disclose-patient/2012-07

Novo’s Lawsuits and scandals: https://www.drugwatch.com/news/2017/09/13/victoza-maker-paying-58-million-doj-settlement/



From Fierce Pharma: https://www.novonordisk.com/news-and-media/news-and-ir-materials/news-details.html?id=78734


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 154 - Fat Bias in the News

An analysis of the news representations of fat bodies in the last year has been completed by NAAFA which we will go over in today’s episode. Out of 19,000+ mentions of fatness in the news last year, how many are talking about weight loss, diets, and ill health, and how many focus on fat liberation and weight stigma? I also share my own traumatizing experience of being featured in the media which almost lead to my de@th. How fat people are represented in reporting is super important and I’ll share why and the state of where we’re at today. TW: Mention of s*icide ideation.

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Episode 153 - When You Don’t Believe Your Partner Is Attracted to You

This episode is for fat folks who have partners who reassure them that their body is attractive but you just can't seem to believe them or feel it for yourself. Many, many fat folks have experienced this! What could your partner say (if anything) to make you truly believe them? What if your partner has made comments that have sent you ruminating about how they actually prefer thin people? How do we overcome this frustrating feeling? What’s it like for our partners who hear us yuk their yum? All that and more in this episode!


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Come with me to the Dominican Republic: https://trovatrip.com/trip/north-america/dominican-republic/dominican-republic-with-vinny-welsby-jun-2023

3 Reasons Dating, Attraction, and Desire Are Always Political by Hari Ziyad:



Fatphobia is not a sexual preference from The Fat Sex Therapist: https://wearyourvoicemag.com/fatphobia-is-not-a-sexual-preference/

Treating My Friends Like Lovers: The Politics of Desirability from Caleb Luna: https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/how-to-be-fat-caleb-luna-sub/

3 Reasons Dating, Attraction, and Desire Are Always Political by Hari Ziyad: https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/04/attraction-desire-political/

Fatphobia Exists – and It's Especially Bad in the Bedroom by Marie Southard Ospina: https://www.vice.com/en/article/8894bx/plus-size-girls-sex-stories-fatphobia


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 152 - Diet Culture and Religion

How much has religion influenced the propagation of diet culture, if at all? Are atheists affected by religious moralizing of food? Do beliefs about “indulgences” from the 1500’s still have an impact on us today or are they quite notions from the past? Let’s talk about it in today’s episode!

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Episode 151 - The Whale: Fatphobic Misery P*rn

The movie ‘The Whale’ is now out in cinemas. The fat community has been dreading the release ever since the trailer dropped. Is it as bad as we had feared or is the story told with compassion? What about other films that depict super fat folks who spend their life indoors, are they empathetic or reinforcing the same old tropes?

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 150 - When the People in Your Life Are Anti-fat and Pro-diet

One of the biggest barriers people who are trying to unlearn anti-fat bias has, is dealing with other people who won’t stop talking about diets and how much they don’t want to be fat. Often these are friends or loved ones and commonly they aren’t talking negatively about YOU directly, but about THEMSELVES (of course there are many exceptions to this). But the message they are sharing is that fatness is bad, they don’t want to look like you or that dieting is a good solution to fatphobia. How the heck do we deal with these people? I am answering real-life scenarios from followers today and the biggest culprit that comes up is” mother-in-law”….lol, ugh.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 149 - Atypical Anorexia

What’s the deal with atypical anorexia? Is it actually “atypical” and where did the diagnosis come from? Learn the in’s and out’s of this eating disorder and the ways in which weight bias stops people from getting treatment and even diagnosis. Plus: is it true that to be “really” starving you would be thin?


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Join me in the Dominican Republic: https://trovatrip.com/trip/north-america/dominican-republic/dominican-republic-with-vinny-welsby-jun-2023

NYT You Don’t Look Anorexic: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/magazine/anorexia-obesity-eating-disorder.html

Free from paywall link: https://archive.ph/3D1b6#selection-635.0-641.483

Sharon Maxwell IG: https://www.instagram.com/heysharonmaxwell/?hl=en

Sharon Maxwell TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heysharonmaxwell?lang=en

Perversion of the ego: https://ia600708.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/22/items/crossref-pre-1909-scholarly-works/10.1016%252Fs0140-6736%252800%252946510-4.zip&file=10.1016%252Fs0140-6736%252800%252948519-3.pdf




Anorexia Nervosa: https://ia600708.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/22/items/crossref-pre-1909-scholarly-works/10.1016%252Fs0140-6736%252800%252946510-4.zip&file=10.1016%252Fs0140-6736%252800%252948519-3.pdf

Atypical Anorexia in Youth: Cautiously Bridging the Treatment Gap: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9221982/

Eating disorders in adolescent boys and young men: an update: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7867380/

Duration of untreated eating disorder and relationship to outcomes: A systematic review of the literature: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/erv.2745

Defining "significant weight loss" in atypical anorexia nervosa: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28436084/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 148 - Biggest Scammers in the Diet Industry

Who has personally benefitted the most from our obsession with thinness? Which individuals are the biggest diet hucksters? From the 1800s right up to the present day I have a list of those who have scammed us the most and in the process line their pockets. TW: I talk about calories, specific diets, and mentions of eating disorders (specifically machine-assisted b*limia).


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

The Men Who Made Us Thin:

Episode 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cuv9f

Episode 2: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cuvbl

Episode 3: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cuve4

Episode 4: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cuvfq












National Institutes of Health: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/National_Institutes_of_Health

Dances With Fat: https://danceswithfat.org/2020/02/21/i-cant-believe-people-are-still-pushing-calories-in-calories-out/

Paul Brunton & Richard Hall: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2002030341A1/en


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 147 - What if You Want to Support a Fat Person to Lose Weight?

We have a special episode today which is for the loved ones of fat folks who are worried about their health or want them to lose weight. I am going to be talking directly to the people who deeply care about a fat person and may say or think something like “I don’t quite understand why they don’t eat in a certain way, or stick to a diet when they know it could have negative impacts on their health.” If you know someone who could benefit from hearing about weight science, and the impacts that living in a fat body has on fat individuals with personal stories then tune in and share. TW: mention of The “o words” and weight in pounds, I also read advice columns from people wanting their spouse to lose weight and that can be hard to hear.

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Episode 146 - Actions to Take Today to Stop Hating Your Fat Body

Are you struggling with how you're feeling about your body or perhaps your body love journey has stalled and you want some fresh inspiration? Want some tactics and tips that you can take action on today as well as some longer term juicy things you can get your teeth stuck into? If yes, then this episode is for you!

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Episode 145 - Legends That Fatphobia Stole

TW: Fatphobia/diet culture leading to death. I am talking about famous people who had overwhelming pressure to be thin and died trying or their life was damaged because of that. I am also talking about the idea that fatphobia caused or deeply contributed to them being unalive. It’s a pretty tough episode so please skip if you need to.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49


Amy Winehouse: https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/861-we-need-to-talk-about-amy-winehouses-eating-disorder-and-its-role-in-her-death/

Carrie Fisher: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/lifestyle/a558228/carrie-fisher/

Carrie Fisher Pressured To Lose Weight Before Reprising Role In “Star Wars’: http://www.etcanada.com/blogs/etc_169413/carrie-fisher-pressured-to-lose-weight-before-reprising-role-in-star-wars/movies

Cass Elliot: https://www.vogue.com/article/mama-cass-elliot-died-almost-50-years-ago-but-her-memory-is-still-obscured-by-fatphobia


Karen Carpenter: https://www.independent.ie/life/the-real-reason-karen-carpenter-was-driven-to-anorexia-26703889.html

Elvis Presley: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/elvis-presleys-lover-linda-thomspon-take-drugs-dentists-office.html/



Other mentions: https://www.tmz.com/2011/11/02/bubba-smith-cause-of-death-diet-pill-overdose/


Tekashi 6ix9ine Was Hospitalized After Ingesting a Combo of Diet Pills and Caffeine: https://www.nme.com/news/music/tekashi-6ix9ine-hospitalised-after-overdosing-on-diet-pills-and-caffeine-2767448




Civilians from an eating disorder prevention company: https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1267/2021/02/STRIPED_news_summaries-diet-pills.pdf

Celebs who had stomach amputation surgery: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/g19976029/celebrity-weight-loss-surgery/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

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Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 144 - Wanna Come on Vacation With Me?? Fierce Fatty Community Vacation!

"TLDR: I am organising a vacation for fatties. Tell me where you wanna go by completing this survey: https://my.trovatrip.com/public/l/survey/fierce.fatty

Today I am telling you all about the dream fatty vacation and what you need to do to tell me about your preferences. Do you want to go to Italy, Ireland, or Iceland? Costa Rica, Cyprus, Cambodia?

Fierce Fatty vacation goals:

✈️ A location where the airline has a customer of-size policy

😌 Chilled vibes: no 75 activities a day. Lots of relaxing, and then fun activities every other day

❤️ Incredible community with other fatties

♿️ Accessible for all folks and covid protocols

🎉 Fun, laughter, and FAT JOY!!"

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 143 - Beachbody Announce They Are “Body Positive”, but Are They Really?

Beachbody just announced that they are changing their name to BODi and will be embracing body positivity. Is this another branding tactic like Weight Watchers changing to “WW” or is it another grift to get more people to join their MLM (ahem, pyramid scheme). Perhaps they are genuine in their aims to be more inclusive? Let’s find out in this episode where I talk to ex-Beachbody coach Jen Borruso (@jenb.coaching) who is now a Size-Inclusive Fitness Specialist with her biz ​​Anchor Fit Club (@anchorfitclub)

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Episode 142 - Why Have I Been Diagnosed With “Ob*sity?” (And When Dieting Is The Only Option)

It’s part 2 of listener questions today! We are talking about why doctors are diagnosing you with fatness in your medical charts when they haven’t weighed you or even spoken about weight. Also, is there a time that weight loss IS the answer? If so, what are those circumstances?

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 141 - Listener Questions: Mum Abusive About My Body and How to Stop Fears of Judgement

I am answering your questions today! We talk about being denied IVF due to size, working out if it's transphobia or fatphobic that is causing body dysmorphia, how to call in or call out fatphobic comments, and finally how the heck to stop spiraling when you think everyone is judging your weight.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 140 - Is it Body Dysmorphia or Is It Weight Bias?

“JuSt lOvE YoUrSeLf, I DiD It, So cAn yOu! Yeah, I’m thin, conventionally attractive, neurotypical, white, non-disabled, and rich but ANYONE can do it!” Is accepting your body as simple as choosing to stop hating yourself or could something else be going on if you’re struggling with body hate? Could BDD be at play and if it is is that a form of fatphobia? TW: talking about symptoms of BDD and mention of $uic*de symptom.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 139 - Kourtney Kardashian and Britney Spears: Thin Celebs Being Anti-fat and Pro-diet

Kourtney Kardashian reveals super concerning rules around the food she is teaching her kids in an interview to sell gummies (of course the gummies are non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, gelatin-free, no artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, corn syrup, or any actual ingredients at all. They are just air, oh wait, oxygen is a chemical! Oh no!). In the same week, Britney Spears puts up an explicitly anti-fat IG post and calls Xtina’s backup dancers fat. Pluuuuus the fat community is also dealing with the fatphobic mess that is The Whale, a movie starring Brenden Fraser. Fun! /sarcasm. Let’s talk celebs today and their BS. TW: disordered eating (but no numbers and limited food descriptions), anti-fatness.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Kourtney Kardashian Has Been Accused Of Projecting An “Obsessive" And "Unhealthy” Relationship With Food Onto Her Kids After Revealing What She Restricts Them From Having In A Controversial Interview: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/kourtney-kardashian-unhealthy-relationship-food-children?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bfsharecopy

Kourtney Kardashian Barker Takes On Gummies:


Kourtney Kardashian Explains Why She and Her Kids Went Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free: https://people.com/food/kourtney-kardashian-gluten-and-dairy-free/

Britney Spears Said She Didn’t Mean To “Be Critical Of Anybody” But “It Is What It Is” After Body-Shaming Christina Aguilera’s Dancers In A “Fatphobic” And “Disgusting” Instagram Post: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/britney-spears-christina-aguilera-body-shaming-backlash?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bfsharecopy

Britney IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CibIJgMpyi9/?hl=en

A Stockpile Of Points Against The Fatphobic Film The Whale by J Aprileo: https://comfyfat.com/2021/03/01/the-whale/

Aubrey Gordon: https://twitter.com/yrfatfriend/status/1566578114062614529


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 138 - 20 Ways to Tell if You’re Unlearning Anti-fat Bias and Diet Culture and 20 Signs You’re Not

If you’ve lived your whole life being told that fat is bad and dieting will be your salvation then unlearning those messages can be hard! So what are the signs you’re making progress and what are the ways to know that you still have some work to do? I’ll break down both into lists for you in this episode.

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Episode 137 - Fat Shaming in Kids Media

Which shows and movies are the most aggressively fatphobic? I asked my IG followers that question and wow, you had the stuff to say! I got a lot of examples of egregious depictions of fat people that go into the brains of kids. Studies show that kids start displaying anti-fat attitudes by the age of 4, want to help them avoid harmful fat tropes? Listen in! TW: I’m talking about fatphobic depictions and storylines throughout the episode.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Fatphobic Kids Shows: https://cafemom.com/parenting/210376-fat-shaming-kids-shows

Arthur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0d8tYnW8ag

Trolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkjPdJHgfco

Peppa Pig: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-peppa-pig-fat-shaming_n_586d158ce4b0d9a5945d505c

Zootopia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zze5ltaDFKA

Snow White: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/red-shoes-and-the-7-dwarves

Blubber by Judy Blume: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blubber_(novel)

Books celebrating body diversity for kids: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/childrens-books-characters-diverse-body-types_l_60340160c5b66dfc1020b205

Lovely: https://amzn.to/3zfUvC6

Pies From Nowhere: https://amzn.to/3zjmAbz

Cave Baby: https://amzn.to/3EoRJhy

Her Body Can: https://amzn.to/3loD6lG

My Rainbow: https://amzn.to/3Cxx0GL

Abigail the Whale: https://amzn.to/2Xm5XyO

What Would Fashion Look Like If It Included All Of Us?: https://go.skimresources.com/?id=38395X1559468&isjs=1&jv=15.3.0-stackpath&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fchildrens-books-characters-diverse-body-types_l_60340160c5b66dfc1020b205&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.universalstandard.com%2Fpages%2Fchildrens-book&xs=1&xtz=-480&xuuid=0c81a1e0e5e1be37f96ad8e3b6068266&xjsf=other_click__auxclick%20%5B2%5D

Fry Bread: https://amzn.to/3tN9D8J

Backyard Fairies: https://amzn.to/2XkD5a0

Amanda's Big Dream: https://amzn.to/3lsEXpH

Brontorina: https://amzn.to/3nECIlN

My Great Big Mamma: https://amzn.to/3Avp6Nv

Voice Of Freedom: https://amzn.to/3CfjcAr

The Truth About Old People: https://amzn.to/3EoSEP2

The Body Book: https://amzn.to/3lu3URE

Chunky: https://amzn.to/3lzJ7vZ

Flora And The Flamingo: https://amzn.to/2XhCrKp

Full Mouse, Empty Mouse: https://amzn.to/2XoVX8o

Your Body Is Awesome: https://amzn.to/3hEAFdv

Dusk: https://amzn.to/3kbFi0p


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 136 - Hypnotic Gastric Band and Herbs up your vag to lose weight?!

I have been seeing some wild sh*t advertised lately regarding weight loss. I’ve looked into them and am sharing the most cringe-inducing in this week's episode! TW: I’m gonna be talking about diets and diet claims (no numbers mentioned) and so if you think this could be triggering please skip. TW: In part 1 I talk about transphobia, suicide ideation briefly, and violence against trans folks. Skip to 30 mins in to avoid.

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Episode 135 - Food Addiction, Sugar Addiction, CARBS ADDICTION?!

Do you think about food all the time? Countdown the minutes until you can eat again? Are you addicted to eating? In this episode found out what my experience with this is and finally answer the question: Food Addiction, Sugar Addiction, CARBS ADDICTION?! Are they real? TW: I talk about addiction symptoms and binge eating disorder, restriction.

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Episode 134 - How to Decode Alarmist Fatphobic News Stories

A day fails to go by where news outlets don’t report on fatness, how terrible it is, or some new miracle cure that’ll make you thin in an instant (just don’t look at the side effects or efficacy rates!). These can be fear-inducing, and stressful and can lead us to question whether we should just give in and try a new shiny diet. Fear not! In this episode, I will break down how to read a scholarly article to see if something that is being reported in the news media is actually true and if the science was even reliable in the first place.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 133 - Is the “Ob*sity” Epidemic Real??

“We allllll know that fatness is spreading like wildfire and is contagious and who is going to think of the CHILDREN?!!? ERMGHED!” Is it true that we are in an epidemic and everyone is getting fatter? Do fat people need to hurry up and lose weight in order to save the economy and the lives of children and baskets of kittens from burning flames? Let’s talk about it in today’s episode!

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Episode 132 - Raising Fat Positive Kids

This episode is inspired by a member of my group program, Fierce Fatty Academy, who shared that her doctor shamed her son's weight. Children are going to be exposed to weight bias, so what can we do when that happens? And what can we do to make sure that we don't unintentionally cause them to stress about their weight and food? Isn’t childhood “ob*sity” causing massive issues in society meaning we need to control children's weights? BONUS: List of 39 books for kids to adolescents that spread the body diversity message.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Filter ads by weight loss: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfB-8nYsfGK/

Children are 242 times more likely to suffer from an eating disorder than they are from type 2 diabetes. If you took a sample of 100,000 children, only 12 would have type 2 diabetes...but 2,900 would meet the criteria for an eating disorder.: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17940755158451275/

By age 6, girls especially start to express concerns about their own weight or shape. 40-60% of elementary school girls (ages 6-12) are concerned about their weight or about becoming too fat. This concern endures through life (Smolak, 2011). PLUS OTHER STATS:  https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/sites/default/files/ResourceHandouts/GeneralStatistics.pdf

“The best-known environmental contributor to the development of eating disorders is the sociocultural idealization of thinness.” PLUS OTHER STATS:  https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/statistics-research-eating-disorders

Division of responsibility: https://www.ellynsatterinstitute.org/

Books celebrating body diversity for kids

45 Pounds (More or Less) by Kelly Barson

Animals Brag About Their Bottoms by Maki Sato

Body Image Because All Bodies Are Great Bodies by Hohn, Tierra

C is for Consent by Eleanor Morrison

Camp Utopia and The Forgiveness Diet by Jenny Ruden

Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes, Too!): The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls by Sonya Renee Taylor

Dancing in the Wings by Debbie Allen

Deenie by Judy Blume

Dumplin' by Julie Murphy

El Deafo by Cece Bell

I Am Confident, Brave & Beautiful: A Coloring Book for Girls by Hopscotch Girls

I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont

I Love My Hair! by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley

It's Okay To Be Different by Todd Parr

Jane, The Fox, and Me by Fanny Britt

Karma Khullar's Mustache by Kristi Wientge

Leah On The Offbeat by Becky Albertalli

Listening to My Body: A Guide to Helping Kids Understand the Connection Between Their Sensations by Gabi Garcia

Love Your Body: Your Body Can Do Amazing Things! by Jessica Sanders

Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald No Combina by Monica Brown

Puddin' (Dumplin') by Julie Murphy

Red: A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall

Smile by Raina Telgemeier

Stand Straight, Ella Kate by Kate Klise

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

Sticks & Stones by Abby Cooper

Taking Flight: From War Orphan to Star Ballerina by Michaela DePrince, Elaine Deprince

The Body Image Book for Girls Love Yourself and Grow up Fearless by Markey, Charlotte N.

The Body Image Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help Girls Develop a Healthy Body Image In An Image-Obsessed World by Julia V. Taylor MA

The Colors of Us by Karen Katz

The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, and Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self by Katty Kay

The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food by Elyse Resch

The Skin I'm In by Sharon Flake

The Summer of Jordi Perez (and The Best Burgers in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding

The Ugly One by Leanne Statland Ellis

To Be Honest by Maggie Ann Martin

Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson

Your Body is Awesome: Body Respect for Children by Sigrun Danielsdottir

Your Child’s Weight - Helping Without Harming by Ellyn Satter


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

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Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 131 - Help! I’m Surrounded by Fatphobes!

Struggling with accepting your body and unsure why? Could it be that you’re surrounded by people who think dieting is super awesome and fatness is icky? If you are friends with folks who make casual references to thin being better than fat or even full-out fat jokes then this episode is for you! I’m giving you tactics for dealing with them and am also talking about other ways to improve your levels of body satisfaction.

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Episode 130 - Mistakes Well Meaning Dieticians Make That Can Hurt Fat Folks

I asked the question to my IG followers “What do you think when IE/HAES/anti-diet dieticians share “what I eat in a day” posts?” and the response was overwhelming. Y’all hate it. Today we are talking about that, and the other things that dieticians who care about fat folks might get wrong that can harm fat clients and followers.

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Episode 129 - Health is a Social Construct

There are so many things that influence health and most are not in our control. The moralistic value that society places on "healthy" bodies is ableism, healthism, and not helpful for anyone. "Health" is largely a social justice issue and also a social construct. "Health" is not attainable for many and a temporary state of being. What the heck am I even talking about?! Tune into this episode for a deep dive into the concept of health being a social construct.

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Episode 128 - The Benefits of Being Fat!

We hear so often how awful fatness is and how fat people are all going to imminently die and being fat is the worst thing ever…but is it? Are there any good sides to fatness? What about the health and mortality of fat people? Are we in fact, at an advantage? In this episode I share 28 benefits of being fat, how many can you think of? TW: brief mention of O Words.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

“Ob*se” patients who fall have less injury severity but a longer hospital stay than “normal-weight” patients: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4700636/

Why I Only Want to Have Sex with Fat Bodies: By Gina Tonic: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/love-sex/sex/a32823682/fat-sex/

The Weight of Medical Authority: The Making and Unmaking of Knowledge in the Obesity Epidemic, Rogers, Julia: https://www.proquest.com/openview/39a652352f0a180b82a29539ccd72f4e/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750

Study: “Overw*ight” People Live Longer - Association of All-Cause Mortality With Overweight and Obesity Using Standard Body Mass Index Categories A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1555137

​​Rethinking “Ob*sity”: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327475628_Rethinking_Obesity by Paul Ernsberger 

Risk Factors for Hospitalization, Mechanical Ventilation, or Death Among 10 131 US Veterans With SARS-CoV-2 Infection: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2770946?utm_source=convertkit&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Weight-Stigma+Awareness+About+COVID-19%20-%204524753

Study – Body Size NOT a COVID-19 Risk Factor: https://danceswithfat.org/2020/10/05/study-body-size-not-a-covid-19-risk-factor/



Fat Dr post (page since deleted): ​​https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRCmdRIFIg/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D

Fat Acceptance Cloud: https://www.facebook.com/groups/584497762388427/?ref=share

Fat Chat Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChatWithFatFeminists/?ref=share

Chat with Fat Feminists: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChatWithFatFeminists/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 127 - Funny Ways I Used To Try And Disguise Fatness

I used to think I could channel David Copperfield and use illusion techniques to make people think that I was a size zero. Of course, I’d do all the normal things, avoid stripes, and wear black…but I also had some very weird ideas of things that would make me appear thin; like wearing clown shoes and eating food with teaspoons. Come join me as we commiserate with my younger horned-up teenager self and perhaps quit some of the things that you may still be doing to try and hide your fatness (only if you want to, that is!).

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Episode 126 - Stories from Weight Loss Surgery Survivors Part 2

A companion piece to episode 122, today we are hearing from even more people about their experience pre and post-bariatric surgery. These people whose voices have been ignored and unheard and their testimonies are incredibly important. You don’t have to have listened to episode 122 but it would be helpful for more context. Giant trigger warning: death, bad health outcomes, general awful fat hate.

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Episode 125 - Food, Faith, MLMs and Cults

We are going on a wild ride today! From tall-haired religious leaders who say you need to stop bowing down to the refrigerator and instead bow down to god to Breatharians who think you can live just on air and energy from the universe. We are talking cults, MLMs, and weird religious groups and it’s a doozy. TW: starvation, abuse, coercion, child abuse, death, and eating disorders mention specific foods and calories.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

From NXIVM to 'The Way Down,' Cults Really Love a Dangerous Diet Culture: https://jezebel.com/the-way-down-cults-diet-culture-nxivm-1848848898?utm_campaign=Jezebel&utm_content=1651082543&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR2oH2WLP20vM4hqZti7CyyMGmeVO7MrlFACuvIV7xDQhU9EldfWij0pmGc

Gwen Shamblin’s Weigh Down Workshops Are Unfortunately Still Active: https://www.bustle.com/entertainment/do-the-weigh-down-workshops-still-exist-active

Ex-members of Nxivm say leader Keith Raniere brainwashed women into starving themselves: https://www.insider.com/nxivm-leader-keith-raniere-brainwashed-women-into-starving-themselves-2020-10

NXVIM docs: The Vow and Seduced and CBC podcast Uncover

LuLaRoe Founder Profits From Sending Consultants To Mexico For Weight Loss Surgery: https://www.ravishly.com/lularoe-founder-profits-sending-consultants-mexico-weight-loss-surgery

Thousands of Women Say LuLaRoe’s Legging Empire Is a Scam: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-04-27/thousands-of-women-say-lularoe-s-legging-empire-is-a-scam

The People Who Think Air Is Food: https://www.gq.com/story/breatharians-the-people-who-think-air-is-food

Breatherian 60 Minute’s doc snippet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnCuzUd4eC0

94: The Psychology of Hunger: https://fiercefatty.com/094

41: Is Diet Culture a Cult?: https://fiercefatty.com/041


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 124 - 10 Hidden Ways Fatphobia Lurks in People's Lives

Being trans nonbinary and fat is quite the adventure for me! Especially as I am talking to cishet men on the dating apps, interacting with them can be triggering for my internalized transphobia. In today’s episode, we are talking about the two identities of trans and fat and how they play off each other PLUS dating stories and theories on why cishet men can be giant ding-a-lings.

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Episode 123 - Fat and Trans Identities Intersecting

Being trans nonbinary and fat is quite the adventure for me! Especially as I am talking to cishet men on the dating apps, interacting with them can be triggering for my internalized transphobia. In today’s episode, we are talking about the two identities of trans and fat and how they play off each other PLUS dating stories and theories on why cishet men can be giant ding-a-lings.

Search for a topic you want to learn more about, I bet I’ve covered it!

Episode 122 - Stories From Weight Loss Surgery Patients 8 Years Post Op

If you google weight loss surgery then you'll be met with images of smiling formally fat, now thin, people and the image of their unhappy former fat self alongside them. Life is great now they are thin and happy and (presumably) healthy. But are these images accurate? Do they tell the complete story? In today's show, I am sharing first-person accounts from folks who have 8 years post-surgery. It's particularly important to hear from people who are not in the honeymoon stage as their stories are seldom told. TW: mention of suicide attempts and negative outcomes from surgery.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Untold stories of living with a bariatric body: long-term experiences of weight-loss surgery by Anita Berg: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.12999?fbclid=IwAR3sxUfVnpiHL0kfZNAIZRX6xu_EArYepgOcR57dbuOX9E0sDFvObCKQdIQ

This is a companion piece to episode 50. What about weight loss surgery: https://fiercefatty.com/050

My Instagram post with stats on WLS: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQwarxcB_g2/

Patient experiences of outcomes of bariatric surgery: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5709707/?fbclid=IwAR3QZ5VCY8iYMCn-BZzvR-4yZ-kZaf2DkfYjZfNkUqQsJTF8Dxlaumv4rH4


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 121 - Seeing People after Gaining Weight

I get so many questions around the difficult situation of overcoming the anxiety around having to see humans when your body has changed size. It feels like almost everyone is (or at some point in time, will be) dealing with this obstable. Even if our weight stays the same during our lives, our bodies will change in other ways and so talking through this very real anxiety is super important. In today’s episode let me give you a pep talk so we can live our lives and not be consumed with thoughts of “but people are going to judge me negatively so I should hide away.”

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Episode 120 - What about if you NEED to lose weight?

Diabetes! High blood pressure! Joint pain! Sleep apnea! Surely these are all things that can only be avoided by not being fat and treated primarily by being on a diet? Yeah, we all know that dieting doesn’t work, but what if you NEED to lose weight for health or mobility reasons? Summer Innanen and I talk about that today in our last Death to Diets episode and also share the 2 reasons why you may choose to go on a diet or intentionally lose weight.

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Episode 119 - “Cancel Culture” and Thinness in Fat Spaces

With the revelations about Lindo Bacon surfacing some folks have had mixed feelings on how to feel or act especially if they don’t want to “cancel” Lindo. In this episode, I am breaking down what “cancel culture” is and isn’t and talking about the impact of thin white folks being seen as the spokespeople in fat liberatory spaces. I am also revealing the name of another person who people have been scared to speak up about (including me). TW: mentions of suicide, but nothing in detail/graphic.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

I will never work with you: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63524845

Movements, Missing Stairs and Lindo Bacon: https://bodyliberationphotos.com/2022/03/08/movements-missing-stairs-and-lindo-bacon/

Holding Lindo Bacon Accountable for Repeated Harm in the Fat Liberation & HAES® Communities: https://asdah.org/lindo-accountability/

A Week Into The Lindo-pocalypse: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63858830

Pay No Attention to the Mob behind the Curtain: On Cancel Culture: https://fluffykittenparty.com/2021/08/21/pay-no-attention-to-the-mob-behind-the-curtain-on-cancel-culture/

My post on IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbJMnhKPeeq/

Elliott Geneste: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLKPAJh2aV/

Antidietfatty: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbFUWgsvXmC/

ProjectHeal. If you are not fat: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLWOutpiDB/

Fat Dr. Analysis: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lindo-bacon-and-63742578?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare

Nic McDermid: https://www.instagram.com/p/CbGwVDvvhbP/

Caroline Dooner response: ​​https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17861921042697796/ and here for screenshot link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BbtfXevh5ZDfJ4jMjqUnbgdKAQ19prkI/view?usp=sharing

Dooner cancel culture FB post: https://www.facebook.com/261041360669676/photos/pb.100050390594159.-2207520000../4801766803263753/?type=3


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 118 - The Limitations of “Body Love”

Is loving your body all it’s cracked up to be? Do people who lack body hate to spend all day making out with their reflections? Will body acceptance cure a fatphobic world? What are the harms caused by the concept of body love? I’m going to answer those questions in today’s episode!

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Episode 117 - Why is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics prescribing disordered eating for fat clients?

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has “reviewed” the science and the literature and decided that it’s an excellent idea to tell fat folks to eat the same amount of calories that a 2-year-old needs. Fun! When I say they reviewed the science, I mean that they didn’t really and totally misunderstand what HAES is…thinking it’s a weight loss mechanism, and coming to the conclusion people should avoid it as it doesn’t work…as a weight loss solution. Join me today as I talk about that total clanger as well as lots more courtesy of AND!

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Episode 116 - Is there a “gamechanging” new weight loss drug?

There’s been hub-bub in the UK because a new weight loss drug has been approved for the NHS. This same drug is also approved in the US and has lots of fat people hopeful that something will finally help them become thin, especially when it is touted at a “gamechanging” intervention by the manufacturer and many other outlets. Is it though? I’m breaking down my thoughts alongside chatting about the harms for fat folks with atypical anorexia. TW: assumptions about fat bodies and health dissected, it’s kinda a rage inducing episode.

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Episode 115 - TV Shows and Movies That Messed With Our Body Image

​​The Biggest Loser, Friends and Bridget Jones have a LOT to answer to when it comes to body image! Today Summer Innanen and I are talking about the shows and movies that did a number on our self-esteem. Have things got better recently or is it the same old BS and were there ANY good shows from the ’00s that helped with body image?

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Episode 114 - The Latest Science on Trauma and Weight

Let’s talk about the assumption that fat people are fat because they have trauma. I’m reading and discussing Judith Matz’s article called Unlearning Weight Stigma: The Latest Science on Trauma and Weight in this episode. TW: mentions of abuse and SA

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Episode 113 - "Toxic" Food

OMG, there is a chemical in my food…and I can’t pronounce the name of it, never mind spell it!!! AND I am definitely addicted to TOXIC sugar! I must be, I can’t stop eating it! Did you see the new Jonathan Van Ness show called Getting Curious where they answered the question “Why Do I Love Snacks So Much?” Instead of a delighted foray into the wonderful world of snacks this episode took a dark turn into debunked science from 1996, fatphobia, and food shaming. Fun! Summer Innanen and I break down the BS around it and other “toxic” food myths.

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Episode 112 - Auto Immune Disease Nonsense

What if you have an autoimmune disorder and the doctor tells you to lose weight? How much does weight have to play in managing certain conditions? We got a short and sweet episode today that gets right to the meat and potatoes.

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Episode 111 - Before and After Photos

Before and After photos used to be my favourite thing to skip to in my Weight Watchers magazine. Seeing what was possible for me as long as I stuck to the diet was intoxicating. But what are we really learning from before and afters and what about “body positive” before and afters showing people who used to be thin and in diet hell and now heavier but at peace, are they good, bad, or something else? Join me and Summer for another incredible episode of Death to Diets!

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Episode 110 - How to Cope With Weight Gain and Feeling Uncomfortable in Your Body

Does this sound familiar? "I keep going into negative thought spirals around weight and it’s worse now because since starting intuitive eating and recovering from my ED I have gained weight." Noticing changes in our body can be distressing and consume our thoughts. Thoughts like "If only I was thin then my life would be better!" Today we talk about how to deal with them and remove shame from the driver's seat.

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Episode 109 - The Most Ridiculous Modern Diets

I am back with Summer with episode 2 of Death to Diets and we are talking all about extreme diets. Summer and I have picked our most "favourite" new diets on the market and we talk about why they are fucked up and won't work and are just ridiculous to the max. One diet even says you MUST read a non-fiction book every day, no other genre....say what?! Join us as we laugh and I talk about my swinging tits.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

What Is the 75Hard Challenge You Keep Hearing About?: https://www.popsugar.com/fitness/what-is-75hard-47290210

Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes (T2D): https://haeshealthsheets.com/type-2-diabetes/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

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Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

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Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 108 - Death to Diets!

We’ve got something a little different for you this week….Death To Diets is a candid, honest chat led by professional body image coach Summer Innanen and world-leading expert on dismantling fatphobia and diet culture, Victoria Welsby. Together, they invite listeners to join them in conversation as they share their topical takes and empowering insights on self image. This week, they're sharing tips on setting boundaries and how to respond to diet talk during the holiday season.

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Episode 107 - Be Sassy and Badassy (AKA Know Your Worth)

Is it true that all my friends are friends with me because they pity me and actually secretly hate me? Probably not. Is it true that I will never find a romantic partner because I am fat? Probably not. Is it true that because the regional manager is in town that they are there to fire me? Probably not. And even if they are then you survive. Today we have tips for you to deal with shame and feeling better about who you are as a human.

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Episode 106 - Medical Fatphobia

Medical fatphobia - it’s just being told to lose weight, right? Nah, not so much. Of course pretty much every fat person has faced weight bias when encountering health care providers but a lot of people don’t know how rampant and nonsensical fatphobia is in healthcare. I’m sharing 30_ examples today. Plus I talk about the levels of fatphobia. TW: Ton of horrific examples of medical fatphobia, I let you know when that starts.

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Episode 105 - Eye Rolling Misconceptions About Fat Positivity

There are so many misconceptions about fat positivity and I will happily dispel them today! Also...if you really were body positive would you want to pursue health? Do we owe ourselves health?


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

Working toward eradicating weight stigma by combating pathologization: A qualitative pilot study using direct contact and narrative medicine: https://mcusercontent.com/7a8bc7d91775aad77a0d21345/files/93f3a8f2-8caf-92c1-0fff-745ef5069092/Working_toward_eradicating_weight_stigma_by_combating_pathologization.pdf


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 104 - BMI, the Fat Spectrum and Who Is Classed as Fat?

Do you know why the BMI is racist? Who gets to claim the awesome title of “fat”? What the heck is “death fat”? Answers coming your way, rat bastard!

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Episode 103 - What is a “Good Fatty” and “Bad Fatty”?

If you are struggling to really get into a place of loving your fat body you may be scared of being seen as a "bad fatty" or letting go of your "good fatty" identity. What the heck even is a good fatty and bad fatty and which one should we be? Is it helpful to know these different tropes or does categorising fat people like this cause harm?

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Episode 102 - Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Unlocking Gender Expectations from Fatphobia

Today we have stories of hypnosis for “food addiction” and weight lossand discuss if the method of hypnosis is any more effective than traditional diets for weight loss. I also talk about the intersection of gender identity, performing femininity and fatphobia. PLUS transracial vs transgender identities.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

If you want to donate to me on PayPal you can do it here: https://paypal.me/fiercefatty

Why We Shouldn’t Compare Transracial to Transgender Identities:​​ https://bostonreview.net/race-philosophy-religion-gender-sexuality/robin-dembroff-dee-payton-why-we-shouldnt-compare

Hypnosis: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hypnosis

Is Hypnosis Real? Here's What Science Says: https://time.com/5380312/is-hypnosis-real-science/

Hypnotherapy for “ov*rweight” and “ob*se” patients: A narrative review: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2095496420301229


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Episode 101 - Are Fat People at Higher Risk From COVID?

Now that the panini has been going on for a while the science nerds have been able to collect more evidence to support the idea that fat people are going around eating people in the street and giving them covid. Right? Or are other science boffins telling us something else? Let’s look at what we know so far and discuss inequalities in healthcare - and one glaring issue that you may never even heard about. TW: there are some mentions of violent healthcare fatphobia in this episode, plus talk about needles.


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

Cat’s Study Survey found here - tinyurl.com/VaxxC19

Cat’s blog post: https://www.friendofmarilyn.com/blog/onprotectingfatpeoplefromcv19

Even when getting vaccinated against Covid, fatphobia runs rampant - Ally Garrett: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/14/even-when-getting-vaccinated-against-covid-fatphobia-runs-rampant

Vaccine Injections for Fat People: https://www.fatbesties.ca/blog/vaccine-injections-for-fat-people

Resisting fatphobia in the time of COVID-19 - Medical Xpress: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-01-resisting-fatphobia-covid-.html

Research paper called Resisting the problematisation of fatness in COVID-19: In pursuit of health justice: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212420920315235

Weight and prognosis for influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 infection during the pandemic period between 2009 and 2011: a systematic review of observational studies with meta-analysis: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23744235.2016.1201721?journalCode=infd20


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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covid, h1n1, fat besties, vaccine, cat pause, health outcomes

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Episode 100 - Is Weight Loss a Mindset Issue?

I held the belief that I was fat because there was something "wrong with my brain" for a long time. Weight is a manifestation of trauma on the body, isn't it? If I had my life together then I'd be thin, right? I talk about how those beliefs are so prevalent in the self-help and online business world. Plus I answer questions on how to tell people to stop talking about weight and diet culture without alienating them (or losing them as your customer!).


Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

I’m a Life Coach, You’re a Life Coach: The Rise of an Unregulated Industry: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/06/life-coaching-brooke-castillo-unregulated-industry

Boundary Boss: https://bampowlife.kartra.com/page/BB


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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online business, boundaries, brooke castillo, life coach, hairdresser

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Episode 99 - Did Rebel Wilson Gain Weight To Become Famous?

What’s with all these formerly fat celebs losing weight and seemingly throwing their fat fans under the bus? Is it true that Rebel Wilson used fatness as a way to capitalize off fat bodies? Are we allowed to be mad and sad if they are no longer fat? Let’s talk about it!

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Episode 98 - Does Anti-Diet Mean Anti-Vax?

Is being anti-diet is a fringe theory based on one study from the 50’s? Does questioning bad science mean that you also question vaccine science? Is it ok to be hesitant? Are anti-diet proponents conspiracy theorists? The answers to these questions are in today’s show!

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Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

Edadhd_therapist: https://www.instagram.com/p/CUBhS6jpIQR/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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conspiracy theory, anti-vaxx, vaccination, dating

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Episode 97 - When Your Spouse Isn’t Attracted to Your Fat Body

How the heck should you react if your spouse confesses your body is a turn off? Luckily (lol) I have experienced this very thing and if you're in the same boat, I got some advice for ya! Also we are talking about plus size dating, leaving vegetarianism, and weight science, it's a jam packed episode!

Leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher and you will get a free copy of my best-selling book as a thank you!

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Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49

Free Training: The 4 Simple Steps to Feel Confident in Your Body and Around Food ... Even If You Believe It's Not Possible! https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/org

Why I Was Happy When My Boyfriend Told Me He Wasn’t Attracted To Me: http://fiercefatty.com/blog/why-i-was-happy-when-my-boyfriend-told-me-he-wasnt-attracted-to-me

My Partner Told Me I Was No Longer Attractive: http://fiercefatty.com/blog/my-partner-told-me-i-was-no-longer-attractive

How Can You Ignore The Correlation Between Weight And Health?: https://danceswithfat.org/2021/09/14/how-can-you-ignore-the-correlation-between-weight-and-health/


Website: http://fiercefatty.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/

Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby

Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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Vaccine, vaccination, wooplus, ok cupid, correlation, causation, dating, shame, therapy, vegan, tuna