Episode 44 Transcript

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You're listening to The Fierce Fatty Podcast, episode 44. I’m your host, Victoria Welsby. And in today’s episode, we're talking about “Avoid these two limiting beliefs and you will see big changes in your body confidence”. Let's do it.

I'm Victoria Welsby TEDx speaker, Best Selling Author, and fat activist. I have transformed my life from hating my body with desperately low self esteem to being a courageous and confident Fierce Fatty who loves every inch of this jelly. Society teaches us living in a fat body is bad. But what if we spent less time, money, and energy on the pursuit of thinness and instead focused on the things that actually matter? Like if pineapple on pizza should be outlawed? Or if the mullet was the greatest haircut of the 20th century? So how do you stop negative beliefs about your fat body controlling your life? It's the Fierce Fatty podcast Let's begin.

Unknown Speaker 1:28

Hello, fatty our devil Oh yeah. How you doing today? Thanks for tuning in. I'm feeling excited, because I'm a Leo and it's my birthday in a few days when I'm recording this. And obviously, it's all about me. It's my birthday. I'm super excited. It's, yeah, I'm gonna go to the I'm gonna go to the movies. I do love the movies, or the cinema or as we say, in the UK. And I haven't been obviously because of the quarantine. They haven't been open. I've been since probably seven months now. Yeah. And so I'm just like, I ended up liking the seminar. So we're gonna go to the cinema. And I'm going to see a film called stage mother. Synopsis worlds collide when a Texas church choir director in her inherits her late son's drag queen club in San Francisco. Track Queens is probably mediocre. Rotten Tomatoes give us gives it like 70 something percent, so it's probably not that ship. Anyway, so I'm gonna see that and then eat some food. So eat in a restaurant or as they eat some food eat in a restaurant, which too, is obviously something that's so mad, you know, meaning quarantine, eating in a restaurant. And it's nice because in Ireland, we don't have many cases at all. And so things are beginning to open and stuff. So sorry to rub it in your face if you're in the US as a presenter you because it's my birthday, because it's all about me. I thought I do like giving presents when it's when it's my birthday. I do one almost every year. And this year, I thought, Do you know what I have never created a vault, a vault of all of the resources that I have made over the years now actually isn't the last couple of years that they still have stuff that I'm sharing with you. I've made and lots of recent stuff too. So I have collated for you 16 training videos and workbooks into the first fatty vault. So it's like a little three fingerplays with treasures in I'm giving you the key guess what, how much free obviously. So I'm going to give you the fifth vathy Vault, check out the link in the description for the vault. And the topics covered in these videos and workbooks are overcoming fear and negative beliefs how to live in a world that hates fatties, etc, etc. all in one place. Now you could go around and try and find all these separately. But I'm putting them all in one place for you because I love you so much watch. So I hope you enjoy that and yes, thank you thank you for thank you for saying happy birthday. Appreciate

Unknown Speaker 4:40

it. Yeah, so sweet. So my name my my nibbling. Finley. He is three years old. And because I know I guess my sister and my mom have been made by me presents a letter for my birthday. So he knows it's my birthday. And so he's like singing Happy Birthday all the time and saying happy birthday party. And it's like, this has been from like two weeks out of my birthday. I'm like, Huh? I love being around little kids when it's your birthday, because they just make you feel like, you know, the queen that you need to feel like. Yeah, so I recommend it. If you have any three year olds, go hang out with them tell it's your birthday, make them sing happy birthday for you. Like I do. Yeah. So in today's episode, we are talking about two big limiting beliefs that I see time and time again. And you're going to be reframing them for you. You know, I love a nice, juicy limiting beliefs, beliefs. So there's two big things that people say to themselves that stopped them from seeing results when it comes to learning to love their fat body. And we're going to reframe those, and also talking about what is really going on when we make these excuses and don't take action. So let's do it. The two big limiting beliefs that people really struggle with now the first one, number one is telling yourself that you don't have the time, or that you are too busy to work on this stuff. I'm going to preface this by saying some people seriously don't have the time. They are working, you know, 57 jobs, and they you know, work from 6am to midnight, and they have 100 children, and they are really actually busy. I'm not talking about those people. So if you're one of those people, then it's absolutely fine for you to say that you don't have the time or that you're busy. I'm talking about the people who will say this to themselves as a mask for the real reason that they're not taking action. And also, by the way, I'm not saying that you need to be productive 25 hours a day, and the taking time out and watching Netflix is bad. No, I fucking love Netflix, what watch minimum 10 hours a day, you must. And I really don't like you like the guilting of if you have time to watch Netflix, and you have time to do this thing. I'm not talking about that. Because you know that downtime is really good for your mental health. I'm talking about if you're just a quote unquote, average person, and you go to work and you come home and you have downtime. And you're saying that you don't have the time to do this work. And you know, that you actually do deep down, you know, that you do. Because you have for example, time to take a survey online to find out what type of potato you are, which is very important. It's very important. I know, whatever the data you are, if I were a potato, I would be a roast potato. So crispy and delicious. What type of potato would you be taking online survey to find out or maybe you're on like level 5000 of Candy Crush Saga. And you're you know, you're doing that type of stuff, because you're bored. And and you're saying I'm just I'm too busy, I'm too busy, because it feels like you might be busy because you're doing stuff from morning to night. But really, you know, some of the stuff that you're doing is just to counteract boredom, and you actually do have time to do some cool stuff, like working on loving off that body. Now, when you say that you don't have the time, what you're saying is what you're doing is saying that you're deciding that to prioritize certain things over doing this work. And of course, there are some lots of things that are more important than doing this work. But there are a lot of things that you are doing, or not doing that or not as important as this work, right. And also, you're saying when you say I don't have the time you're saying I'm choosing not to prioritize this stuff because this stuff is not that important.

Unknown Speaker 9:35

And it's so fucking important. This though, is so important. This stuff affects everything in your life. If you hate your fat body, it affects so much. And the thing is, here's here's the kind of tricky thing about it is when you're in it And when you're still in a place where you don't like your body or you're struggling with confidence, they can be really hard to see how this is affecting all the areas in your life, you might be like, Yeah, you know, I don't want to have my partner see me naked, or Yeah, I don't wear a crop top or whatever it is. But it's hard to see all of the other insidious ways this stuff really gets into your life. And so you kind of say, well, whatever, it's not that big a deal that I won't get naked in front of my partner. Well, you know, whatever, it's not that big a deal, that I wouldn't wear a bikini or whatever. And really, it's only when you get out of it, that you can look back and be like, Oh, shit, there were so many things that I learned I wasn't doing because I had low confidence. And that's why a lot of times, you need a coach, or someone who has gone through this stuff already to help point out when there's something problematic going on, or to help you when you're stuck, because it can feel like sometimes I'm doing all the things but I'm not moving forward and someone who's already been through it, and done the work, and helps others do is able to more easily look at what's going on with you and be like, Ah, okay, well, well, here's a big thing that you've not noticed. And it's just because of experience anyway. And so that is why a lot of times people say, Oh, it's not that important, because they don't realize the impact that this stuff has on their lives, which is gigantic, so big. Like, really, really, really, really, really, and a lot of people are no, like, they already know that it's, it's, it's really affecting their lives. So not everyone is, you know, doesn't have that, you know, the full picture. So, also, by not taking the time to make yourself you know, more confident or happier or less in pain with this stuff. You're reinforcing the idea or that belief that you're not worth it, that you're not important. Why spend time and money on yourself when you can spend it on your kids? Or your dog? Or your friends? Or your partner? Or some random person? Why when there's so many other people that could get that time and effort and money and etc. You know, we're always putting ourselves last. And so I always like to think about who are you? Because you will always think about other people? Are you showing up as the best version? You know? Because if you're only thinking about other people, are you showing up as the best version of yourself for those other people that you care so deeply about? Or would taking some time on yourself? benefit them as well? Because say, if you have kids, if you're like, wow, it's not that big a deal, but I hate my body. And, you know, instead I'm going to spend time doing stuff for my kids, you know, all the time not saying don't spend time with your kids? No, that's fucking weird. But you know what I mean? Like, I don't want to take time away from my kids. Because it you know, it's not that big a deal or whatever, you know? And really, are your kids getting that best version of you? Or are your kids being influenced by you not liking your body? Just some questions to think about. And it's kind of like, oh, you know, when you have projects in the house, you know, I don't know paint the spare room or your your windscreen windshield has got a crack in it, and you're like, Oh, I'll get round to it later. You know, when I have the time and, and you don't do it. And for weeks or months, it's just they're like a sore thumb sticking out. And really, that's not that big of a deal. But are you treating yourself like that project, which is, you know, always kind of

Unknown Speaker 14:07

annoying, and you look at it, and you're like, I should do that thing, but I'll get around to it some time. You know, the crack in the windshield is not that big of a deal. But you being happy and vibrant and confident and not, you know, spending so much time hating yourself. That is a big deal, right? That is a big deal. So don't treat yourself like this project that you'll get round to use, you know, you're not some project, you're super important and amazing. So as well. Not investing in yourself with time. It's kind of like you're saying, you know, I'm not worth it. I'm not spending I'm not worth spending time on myself because I'm so busy. And you're in that circle of I'm not worth it. You don't invest in yourself using time and then you don't increase your self esteem and then you believe you're not worth it and you don't invest time is like a vicious circle. And by the way, I have done this so many times in my life. And I have to train myself to catch myself when I'm falling into this limiting belief of, I don't have the time when really I know I do, you know, because I've just done that potato survey. And I found out that I'm a roast potato.

Unknown Speaker 15:29

I do this a lot with reading books, like I have books, and I'm like, I'll, I'm too busy to read them, I'm too busy to read them and know, it's bullshit. And I know it's bullshit, you know, because there's something going on there behind the scenes that makes me not want to read them. And we're talking about that in a moment. Now, number two, number two, limiting belief that you need to let go off to skyrocket that body confidence of yours is, I don't have the money, or it's too expensive. So the types of things that you might be saying, if you have this belief is it's not in my budget, there are more important things to worry about. It's too expensive, it's not worth it, I'll afford it another time, I'll get just as much value from free stuff I find on the internet versus paying for stuff. I don't waste my money on things like that. And this is a big one. It's selfish to spend money on myself when I could be spending on my kids, my spouse, my family, etc, etc, etc. Right? Because when you have lower spending, it's all about I can be doing it for other people, I can be giving my time money, love resources to other people, why would I give it to myself? Yeah. Because you don't think that you sometimes you don't think that you're worth it. And FYI, again, this is not for people who actually don't have money. So if you're like, Victoria, I've got like, 12 cents in my bank account. Clearly, you don't have the money. So, when considering this, I want you to think about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Now, I've shared this in previous episodes, but Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is basically it's like this pyramid. And its needs that human beings need requirements in order to survive, and then to thrive. And so the basic things you need are, you know, shelter, food, water, and then it moves on to a home safety, and then it moves on to love. And then it moves on to self actualization. So, once you've got all of the things in your life, you know, sorted out, quote, unquote, sorted out, then you're able to move on to self actualization. Of course, you can try to, you know, engage in self actualization, in the lower levels. But you know, if you don't have a house is kind of hard to work on, you know, becoming a better person. And if you're like, Well, I don't have any way to live, that's not important right now. Find somewhere to live, find food to eat, you know, that type of stuff. And so this is for people who, you know, have a secure job, they have somewhere to live, they are safe and secure, and they have money, but they are making it excuses to say they're using this as an excuse, when really, there's something else going on. So if you don't have money, you don't have money, it's not an excuse. But this is something that I've done a lot, and I see a lot of people doing, and I just want to call it out. So no guilt or shame, if you literally don't have the money, if you do have the money. And you're telling yourself that you don't say the same with the time one, some people don't have time. Some people don't have money. But a lot of people do and use it as a reason why they can't do stuff. The reason why we do this, listen to this carefully. We're only afraid to part with money, if we don't understand or believe in the value of the thing that we are buying, then we repeat that we're only afraid to part with money if we don't understand or believe in the value of the thing that we are buying.

Unknown Speaker 19:40

So as an example, you know, like designer handbags, and they can cost like $10,000.20 Whatever. 50 I don't know, because I don't buy that because I don't believe in their value. But actually if I think about it, I do believe in their value in regards to I know that people buy handbags and investment and then they can sell them later. But then some people buy handbags. And they just enjoy have an expensive handbag. And that's great for them like that is something that's valuable to them. But for me, you know, unless I was a millionaire, I probably wouldn't value an expensive handbag because I'd be like, shit, that's 10 grand, I could have done like XYZ, you were 10 grand, you know, it's not, I don't personally believe in the value of that thing. So it's an opinion, right? It's an opinion. So there's no right or wrong, because, you know, some people do believe in the value. And let me give you another example. So imagine if I came to you, and I said, Hey, I've got this car. Brand new, it's a Tesla. I think they're expensive. I don't want it anymore. I'm just gonna give it to you. But you have to give me $1,000 The car is worth $200,000. And you knew that you could sell it for $200,000. Now, is the car worth $1,000? To you? Well, yeah, because you know that, you will be able to sell it for $200,000. And so you see the value in that thing, it's a no brainer, it's a no brainer. If you didn't have $1,000 in your bank account, right? Then you'd call friends and family, you'd be like, shit, we'd get this $1,000 I'm gonna get $200,000 It's gonna be amazing, right? And there's no scam, it's no scam, like, it's for real. So, if you think that something, you know, whatever price is on something, if you think it's expensive, it might be that you don't value what you're going to get from it. So a question for you is, how much is it worth? For you to have a positive relationship with your body? To have a positive relationship with fat bodies, your fat body with food? How much is that worth to you? And now it's really hard to put a number on that, because really, it's priceless. Now that I've done the work, like pour, it really is, is priceless. But before when I was in it, if someone said to me, Hey Victoria, for example, $100,000. And I'll make it so that you don't that you love your body. I'd like $100,000 Like, that's too much. But in reality, now I look, I would look back and be like $100,000 Like, what that is great deal. If they can guarantee that, obviously, that's why I'm thinking about magic here. And I don't have a Tesla to be able to sell to you for 1000 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So how much is it worth to you? You know, it's priceless? And then because we haven't thought about how much is something it's worth to us? Then someone says, Hey, why don't you buy my book is 20 quid, it's going to help you feel a little bit more confident. And some people are like, 20 quid? No, no, no, I'm not gonna spend 20 quid in the book. It's a bit much. And so you're saying my confidence, your confidence is not worth 20 quid. You're right, it's not worth 20 quid is worth a lot more. You know, and what is that? What is that teaching you? When is that teaching you? So for some people, it might not be worth 20 quid, you know, it just it might not have any impact on their life. So if they're already super confident, they already love their fat body. So someone said, Hey, Victoria, here's a manual to how to love your fat body is $1,000. I'd say it's not actually worth $1,000 to me now, because I know how to do it. Give it to someone else, you know. And another thing, I know that you don't do this, but a lot of people who say that they don't have the money will go out and buy expensive stuff. They'll be like, Oh, I don't have any money. And then you'll be like, hang on a minute, didn't you just buy like a insanely big flat screen TV? And didn't you just buy a new Apple Watch? Or didn't you just what you're doing, you don't have the money. And it's just something they say isn't actually true. And I know you don't do that. But you know, some people do that.

Unknown Speaker 24:21

And so when we do this a lot, because when we have lower self esteem, we don't value our own self development. We don't value ourselves as much. So it's a catch 22 Again, with the time thing we don't invest in ourselves because we don't think we're worth it. And we continue to not think that we're worth it or as valuable as human being because we have a bigger body and then we don't invest in ourselves. It's like a vicious circle. Also, investing in yourself in like personal development. It's not something that you can touch or feel, I mean, you can like doesn't feel as tactile, but you can feel emotions. But it's not something that you you get that instant reward from you don't, it's not like going to the shop and buying a new outfit and being like, oh yeah, this feels good. It's this thing that takes time, and effort. And you're not even sure if you're gonna get the results that you want. And so it's a lot easier to spend money that we do have on things that bring us instant gratification. And as well, it is inherently scary to spend money on something like this. Because if you think that you're going to fail, you think or you think that you're not the type of person who can see results, then it might feel like you it's risky, or that you're throwing your money away. Whereas if you buy something like a flat screen TV, then you can instantly go home and watch them Netflix, which is important ones that never makes. So if I hadn't have spent money and time on this stuff, I would not be here talking to you. I would not be here talking to you. But it is an on going thing. So it's not like I said to myself is you know, you need to invest in yourself, Victoria, spend time and money on yourself. And then I was just like, Okay, I'm never gonna have that problem again. No, even just recently, so recently, I needed to put $100 deposit down for this workshop. It was a deposit, I was gonna get it back. If I if I attend the workshop. And I was like, I can't afford it. Can't afford it. And then the next week, I went out and bought clothes, which was it came to like 100 and came to like 120 pounds, which I think it was that was close to $200 and Canadian. And then I thought, Ah ha ha Victoria, what's going on here, you're liking this instant gratification. And as well, because this workshop thing is in the future. It's in like September. And so I you know, putting the deposit down, even though I get that money back. So I'm not even spending money. I told myself, I kind of thought it, which was a lie. Because I you know, and then I went out and got satisfaction from buying clothes. Not the same. Not saying buying clothes is wrong. buying clothes is great. For me. It was great. But also I was making an excuse about putting the money down because there was something going on in the background like some fear some scarcity, something was going on for me, right. So this is a way that humans are programmed. So don't feel bad if you're doing any of this stuff that that I talked about. I do it. But we kind of have to call ourselves out on our bullshit. A big thing, like a big lesson that I learned because when I first started in business, doing my online business, five, five ish years ago, I say, I always forget how long I've been doing this, but let's say five years. So five years ago, I was like, why would I spend any money on coaching when I can find out everything that I need to know, on the Internet for free. I don't need to get a business coach. No way. And so I remember this so clearly watching this webinar if someone, this business person who was going to, like made an offer to teach me about business, and it was something like $300 a month for six months. And I was like, I'm, I'm not stupid. I'm not spending $300 a month for six months to learn how to do you know, my business? I am going to be smart about it. And I'm going to reverse engineer everything that she's doing. And just copy her.

Unknown Speaker 29:10

I thought I was being really smart. I was not. There's not because I just looked at what she was doing and just made assumptions and being like, oh, okay, so she's doing this and saying this. So I should do this and say this and and No, no, no, I was so wrong. And so then I had to spend loads of money fixing all of the stupid stuff that I did. Because I was being I was being cheap. I was being cheap, but also I was like, well I can I can find this stuff for free. And technically yes, yes. You know, I could find the stuff for free. But what this person was offering was like a really clear kind of like, Do this, do this, do this and then you're done. Whereas getting information for free online It's just, it's just like a forest of information and you don't know which thing, one thing to do or which one thing is going to work for you. And, and also, you will have specific needs and issues and problems that you need to address. And so then just like Googling and finding some random shit on the internet wasn't helping me. And so then I, that I really took that as a big lesson. And I learned that the transformation is in the transaction, I learned that whenever I put my money where my mouth was, I saw transformation. And so here's an example. So recently, I have started doing this coaching program. This coaching program costs $2,000 a month, for 12 months. So 24,000 I'm not rich, okay? For these other I am not rich. So 2k a month is a massive stretch for me, a massive stretch for me, like makes me feel sick, massive stretch. And I was telling myself all sorts of things, you know, you know, I can, I can just do this on my own. And actually I did, I tried to do the thing that this thing is teaching me on my own and it didn't work. And now that I'm spending $2,000 a month to learn what I'm learning about this certain business procedure? Do you think that I'm doing the work? Hell Fucking yes, I'm doing the work. Do you think that I turn up to everything? Do you think that I complete every single task? Do you think that I'm getting every last drop of value from this coaching program from this support? Would I would I be doing the same if I were spending $20 a month? For example? If I had spent $20 a month, would I be turning up to the calls? Would I be you know, engaging with the content in the same way? No, I can tell you no, I wouldn't. I don't know whatever 2020 works, who cares sort of thing. So that's why I say for me, transformation is in the transaction. Because when I put my money where my mouth is, especially when it's an amount that makes me feel uncomfortable, and two grand a month, really makes me feel uncomfortable. I do the work Holy shit, do I do the work? And I see this time and time again. So when people invest in my face value Academy, they do the work and fears that you had if it's not two grand a month for me, no, it's not 24 grand. But depending on you know what's going on with your life. It's, it's still cost money, right? It's not free, people do the work because because it's not free. They're like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do this shit, because I'm spending money on this shit. So what is really going on? When we say we don't have the time, we don't have the money? Well, it's individual to everyone, right? It's individual to everyone. But here are some ideas to get your beautiful brain thinking, what could be going on? So if you say I don't have the time, I don't have the money when you do not when you're poor. And you're, you don't have any time. When you do have time and money. It could be that you are coming from a place of fear, fear of success, fear of failure, fear of what people are going to say, fear, fear is a big one. Is there any fear going on with you? Could you be not believing in yourself not believing in the method.

Unknown Speaker 33:48

So say if someone came to me, I didn't trust them. And they said, Hey, he then learn my method on how to share a sheep or whatever. And it was just some random person off the street. I probably like one, I don't need to learn how to share a sheep. But two, I don't trust you and I don't trust your method. So are you know, believing in the method? And that's valid, absolutely valid, like because you don't just want to throw money randomly. When throw time randomly, randomly at some, you know, some dude walking down the street, you know. Next, is there any benefit to staying where you are? There could be benefits. Right? What will it mean? If you have to admit that you do have time and money? And what will that? What will that mean about you as a person that you theoretically had time and money but you chose to not you use your time and money to make things better for yourself? Does that mean something about you as a person couldn't couldn't just put in some questions out here to get your beautiful brain thinking. Do you not value having body acceptance body confidence, body love? Are you saying it's not that big a deal? And it might not be that big a deal. You might be like, You know what? I feel good. That's fine. Another question, do you value material possessions more? It's okay. If you do, that's fine. You know, if you value that, for example, so when, when it's like my birthday or Christmas, if people say what do you want, I'm almost always say, let's do something like, let's have an experience versus buy me something. Sometimes I'll say buy me something. But that's my, that's what I value. Now. Someone else might be like, Fuck experiences, I want something nice. And I like nice things to write. Don't get me wrong. So do you value spending your money on material things versus experiential things? And that's really fine. But that's a question to ask. And another question is, do you believe doing this work is going to take up all your time, like, you're going to have to devote yourself to learning to love your body, you know, from dusk to dawn, you're going to have to fly away to some convent, and then you know, change your life completely. And everything is gonna it's just gonna be really hard and difficult. Is that what you think, is that I believe that you have so for example, my program first party Academy takes on average 30 minutes a week. So is time really the issue? If you know that something takes 30 minutes a week? Or are you saying what? Oh, you know, it's gonna take me like, you know, five hours after work. And I don't want to do that. Like if someone said, Oh, it's gonna take you five hours after work or something? I'm like, No, I don't want to do that, like no. But the reality of so many times we put things off. It doesn't actually take that long. Have you heard of the Pomodoro Technique? Pomodoro is Italian for tomato, you know, there's tomato timers. And this is technique where you put the timer on for 10 minutes, and you do the thing that you've been putting off. And then you just the 10 minutes goes on, you're like, oh, they made a massive dent in that thing. And it only took me 10 minutes. It's not the time. It's, it's your brain, saying, I don't want to do it for whatever reason, you know, or you can take so long, it's gonna take so much effort or whatever. But the reality is, it's our brain telling us for whatever reason, is individual that we don't want to because of this bad thing. So some things to think, think things to think about where and you know, if you're doing these things, it's so fucking normal. Everyone does this. So don't feel bad. Don't be like, Oh, my God, I'm making these excuses all the time. I do it all the time. And we'll continue to do it. But I try to catch myself when I'm like, I'm forbidding. And as well, it's not in our culture is it's very common for people. I'm so busy just to make, you know, make you feel like you're important. Give you so any bumped into someone on the street, and they're like, oh my god, I'm so busy. You know, I'm, you know, the kids are at school, and we're taking them to karate and blah, blah, blah. And how are you? You're probably not going to like, actually, I got loads of free time. And I just, you know, sit on the couch and my hands down my pants, you know? Doing nothing. You're probably like, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 38:45

so there's a So, so busy. I know, I've done that in the past. Also, I'll say that like if someone is like asking me about my my business, and I don't really want to talk about it. I just like, oh yeah, we're just you know, it's just super busy. versus telling them something nuanced. But anyway, there's a side side note. So the two things are telling us if you don't have the time or that you're too busy, or telling yourself that you don't have the money or it's too expensive. So everyone is different and you might do these things. You might not do these things. And and again, reminder, just a big reminder that if you don't have time and money, you're not making an excuse. That's just life. That's true. You know, you're not bullshitting yourself or anything. That's true, but this is for people who are in that self actualization phase of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Okay. Okay, good. That is our episode for today. A reminder to go and get the first fatty vault. Oh my gosh. What an amazing thing. Coco? Your hands on it for free. Link below if you want to see, if you want to ask a question that I do on the show, go to first fatty.com forward slash podcast, or any of the if you want to go to specific episode number fatty.com forward slash. It's episode 44 here so it'd be zero for for face value.com forward slash 044 for episode 44 to get the show notes and links and all the juicy stuff that you could ever dream off, is there. So yeah, thanks for hanging out with me today. I will see you in the next episode. And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Rest of your morning, rest of your afternoon rest of your evening, rest of your middle of the night. If you're using me to fall asleep, I hope your sleep go to sleep. I'm probably not a good podcast to fall asleep because I make too much noise. That's how I judge my podcasts. Because I fall asleep listen to podcasts and I'm always like, okay, which podcast host has the most droning voice I listened to casefile which is a murder podcast to fall asleep to because that host is like in burnout. And there's no no ever he's never like Isn't that so annoying when you listen to a podcast and then you falling asleep to it and there'll be a really loud noise and you're like, oh my god, I'm dying. Now it's just a podcast. Anyway, so I'm probably not what you're listening to to fall asleep to but if you are go for it go wild. I hope you're having a nice sleep. subliminal messaging. Sleep. Well. Love your fat body. Stop dieting. You're amazing. All right, so see you later, crocodile and in a while alligator.