Episode 144 Transcript

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Unknown Speaker 0:00

You're listening to the Fierce Fatty Podcast. Do you want to go on vacation with me? Let's do it.

Hey, hey, hey, face fan ease. How you doing? We got a special episode today where it's just chatting about chatting about going on a vacation with you. With you. Yes, I've spoken about it before. This has been like long time planning long time coming. But I'm officially starting the process of organizing a vacation for fatties. And I want to get your input before we start the planning process. Well, this is the planning process before we start the confirmation of where we're going. So I mean, it's really timely because it started raining in Vancouver this week, and I cracked out my jumpers. And so yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready to go to somewhere hot. Yeah, so there's a link in my in the show notes, which will take you to a questionnaire to see where you want to go, what do you want to do? What's, what's your budget, or that type of stuff. So the company that so this is, this is a this is a deal, this is a deal. So there's different companies out there, you might have seen other people doing something similar, but there's companies out here, which is such a great idea that help people organize trips for their community, and they take care of everything. I will just see who wants to go and then they just book everything do everything. Look after everything, look after us. And the the company that I'm I'm working with is called trover trip. And I've been talking to them for probably about six months now. And I'm just really impressed with their knowledge on fat activism, and accessibility, disability rights, all that type of stuff. So because I was like, listen, I know these types of trips, it's just you know, trips made for thin. You know, active, hyperactive, high, not hyperactive, but super active people who were. And we don't think about fat folks. But this is not the case with this company, they've really made efforts to make sure certain trips are are inclusive, which is really cool. So that's why I decided to go with them. And they have really helped me craft this vision that I have for a vacation with with the first community which is a vacation where fat folks are obviously right at the center. And accessibility is incredibly important. The theme I've decided not that vacations need to have themes, but it was like our theme and the theme is fat joy. That joy. So this is this is these are the things that are important for me, my goals, it would be to a location that you can fly to with an airline that has a customer of size policy. And it would be accessible to those with limited mobility or folks who have disabilities, as well as non disabled fatties. There will be COVID Private protocols in place. And we will be doing activities together that have been vetted in advance to make sure that there are they are safe and fun for fatties. And we can all do together. So what they do is they have tour guides on on site in on location, and they will vet the activities to make sure is good, you know, because sometimes when you go on vacation, you're like, I'm gonna go on this thing and who knows, who knows, like one time when I was in Greece, I went to Greece like 20 years ago. There was it was it was this tiny little tiny little, I don't want to say village, maybe town. It was a really small community. Anyway, and so we went on this horse tour this horse tour so it feels very

Unknown Speaker 4:52

like we were we were driven to this out into the country and it was a blister During a hot day, and this is me and my then boyfriend, we couldn't speak the language. And so we went these, like, we went around around the area on these two horses and I was like, the horses, they looked like they were like, fuck, you know, we don't want to do this, we're hot. We just want to go and have a nap and you know, eat some hay. Anyway, so we went around, it was fun. I remember, they gave me a helmet. The helmet was a child's helmet. And I was like, Oh, it doesn't fit. And the guy came along and just hit the top of my helmet on my head. And it was like, We got stuck under my head, and you go, and he's like, there it fits now. I was like, Okay, anyway, and then at the end of the tour, I thought that the horse was straining under my way. I don't know if that was true, or if that was just my insecurity. And then of it, they were like, Okay, thanks. And they left us at this farm. And I said, someone will be here to pick you up. Take you back to the community. And we waited for ages, so much so that I got what is it when you're in out in the sun and you get to sit, you get sick from it. heatstroke then there was no shade. It was a field, right? There was no shade. It was awful. It's terrible. And in the car back and eventually did come pick us up in the car back. I was not like him, I had my head out the window because I was I was throwing up anyway, all that to say that there will be things like that where it's like, if this is this going to be good or not, it's going to be good. So there's lots of different things that we can do. So one of the things on one of the tours I saw that was really fun, like a sunset boat tour with optional snorkeling, and I thought, oh, that's gonna be really nice. And, and I don't want there to be a million activities every single day. I want it to be kind of like, one day, we have nothing planned. So you can just chill by the pool. Go and explore on your own. You know, spend more time with your new friends, your new fat community. nap, drink, drink, liquid eat food, sleep, you know, well nap and sleep are the same things. But are they no sleep is longer term napping shorter term. Yes, I can sleep and now. And then maybe the next day, then we'll go off and do some activity which is inclusive, which is not like let's go and hike. Kilimanjaro. Good luck, you know, so things where we're, everyone's included, right? I think that's a big thing with with fat folks, is that a lot of times when you want to go and do things like this, you're thinking about the fact that there's going to be loads of straight size people who were like, going really fast and running up the hills and, and you're left behind, or you're you feel like a burden or, or you know, perhaps you you're, you know, an athlete fatty and, and you do like those things, and that's great. But then you know, you go and do something like you want to go snorkeling and Oh, surprise, surprise, they only have life vests in size small or, or, you know, things that are not accessible because no one saw that fat people exist. And this is this is my my dream of, of that not being the case, you know, and because of activities are vetted. And, and we can think about accessibility needs on site. So if if we have folks who need access to mobility aids or devices, and we can look to organize that on site, in case you don't want to fly with them. Yeah. So right now, this is a dream for me, but it can become a reality. And I need your help to make it happen. And, and your help is to fill out that survey, which is in the show notes. And it's going to take two minutes to complete. So the survey asks you where do you want to go? What is your budget? I think it asks you what type of activities you want to do want to go on. It doesn't ask and I asked them to change this, but they weren't they were unable to in time. It doesn't ask you what your accessibility needs are, which is really important for me. And so if you fill out the survey, and you want to let me know, what is important for you and your accessibility needs, and absolutely please email me and let me know.

Unknown Speaker 9:46

And you can email me fatty at face fatty.com And so then, so then once we get enough people doing the survey and saying yes I want to go then we can Han see what location people have decided that they would like to go to? And then make it official. And then that's when we would open the doors for people to actually go ahead and purchase. And I think they offer payment plans correct me if I'm wrong person who is not even here by you you put like a down payment and then you then you've got, you know, the final payments. Yeah, so yeah, I'm excited. What do you think? Do you want to go on go on vacation with me? Can you imagine going on vacation with so minimum 10 people, maximum 20 people, a group of RAD fatties who are there to have fun and be supportive and love and go out for dinner with each other and sunbathe and hype each other up, and I'm thinking of doing, you know, we're like fat joy. I'm thinking of how we can include fat joy. And so I'm wondering, if because, you know, with an investment Academy, a big part of it by the Academy is what is your What are you doing right now that you you know, that you don't want to be doing in regards to loving and accepting your body? And what what are you doing? And what are you not doing? So are there things that you want to achieve. So, for example, a lot of folks might have things around wearing certain clothes, or doing certain things and I mean, like something like this even just going on, not even just but going on vacation with folks, that could be an incredible thing to achieve in regards to the things that you are or aren't doing because of the way that you view your body or because of societal realities in regards to how fat people are treated. And, you know, if there's ways that we can help folks achieve any goals that they might want to achieve during the vacation, for example, wearing a bikini, or, you know, eating a certain food that makes them feel anxious, or having a dance or you know, whatever it is, whatever it is, you know, wearing shorts or whatever, you know, being surrounded by by folks that will help you and also with me that you know, would be really really amazing. And yeah, so that's, that's something else I'm thinking about of of you know, can we overcome together so and relax and chill and and lounge and just having a wonderful time with with the first party community. So to make this reality you need to fill out the survey if you're interested. If you're like No, I would never do this and I hate you have any that you don't need to fill out the survey and you can just carry on with your life. And someone messaged me and said, Well, what do I can what do i Is this just for fat? What is fat? This is just for fat folks. So this is it. This is a community for fat folks. What is fat? Well, if we look at the fat lip ash from the fat lip, she popularized the fat spectrum. And let me tell you what the lowest is on the fat spectrum fat spectrum. I think it's 16 or 18. But that's not helpful if you are not wearing women's clothes zoomable look I come up with the fat spectrum. Okay, so small fat size 18 a 1x or 2x Yeah, so I think about fatness Are you fat? If you are sis you are systemically excluded because of your body size so so that's not you know, have people talk shit about your body because everyone in every size has probably experienced that but is the world less accessible to you because of your body size? And have you experienced oppression and discrimination because of your body size? Because it is not seen as a straight size body? So that's for me is that but if you're if you're unsure feel free to message me fatty at fears fatty.

Unknown Speaker 14:46

Yeah, ya CRC is yours. Okay, so link is in the show notes. Go find it. If you can't find it for any reason you can go to my Instagram and on the In my bio, the link is the first link on there. And if you've got any questions, email me, but I would love to go on vacation with you. It's probably going to be March, April ish time. But again, that's in the survey of when, when when you want to do this? Yeah. And let's see, well, I mean, if people people not interested, then we won't. We won't go. If people are interested, then we will. So it's up to you if you want to go. I would love for it to happen. So we shall see. We shall see. All right. Well, thank you for hanging out with me today for the shortest episode of the face for any podcast that's ever been recorded. Yeah, like normally, I'm always like, Oh, I'm gonna make a short episode. I'm gonna ramble on forever. But this time, I am actually making a short episode. So yeah, and for those who are watching on video, you might notice that I'm in a different apartment. That's because I moved last week. Well, yeah, a few days ago. I'm still unpacking boxes and stuff and getting things sorted. So. But I had a couple of people that I got from TaskRabbit to come and do all the heavy lifting for me, while I sat back sipping a martini and smoking a cigarette from one of those long pipes. I didn't do that. But just imagine and I was wearing a fur coat, and I was dressed like Corona DeVille. I said, Hurry up and work. No, they did the heavy lifting. And I was doing no like the fixing stuff. And, and they were both both the task robots were like, Oh my God, you were so handy. You managed to dismantle your bed and put it back up in half an hour for each of the tasks. And I was like, Yes, that was super gender affirming. And then one of the TAs Roberts, people came back and he was doing stuff around the house, like, you know, drilling, because drilling into walls and stuff because I haven't got a drill or a stud finder. And I was helping, like put things together. And he was like, Oh my God, what you're working way faster than me. And you're so good at this and, like kept going on about how how how handy I was and it just felt very gender affirming. I was just like, yeah, because I'm non binary. didn't say that. But that's what I was thinking. I was like, yeah, a magical, a magical, but I mean, it is gender stereotypes, really, isn't it? That's yeah. Okay, well, thanks for hanging out with me. And we'll see you on the next episode on the face value podcast where we're actually gonna be talking about other fat stuff, but this is important stuff too. So very crash on. Alright, see ya soon. Bye.