Episode 136 Transcript

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You're listening to the Fierce Fatty Podcast episode 136. Hypnotic Gastric Band and Herbs up your Vag to lose weight. What? Let's do it.

Unknown Speaker 0:26

Welcome to the episode I just got a text through from some Indian friend of the show that she says that she shuts us off all day long. She's that's probably not true. She's probably she's probably joking. Who knows. So today we're talking about the wild shit. I have seen advertised late lately in regards to weight loss. One of my friends who lives in Australia has sends me things that she sees that she thinks that I would like or you would like and her and she's right, because the stuff you sent sends me is. It's primo free, primo ridiculous gone dent. So because I'm going to be talking about diets, if you are thinking it could be triggering in regards to hearing what's inside the diet. I'm not going to talk about any numbers or weights or anything like that. But I'm going to be talking about the products. They're all bullshit. I mean, every diet is bullshit anyway, but there's I'm not advertising them. I'm just talking about how ding dong delicious they are as in the people who were selling them a ding dongs. That is not ding dong as in good ding dong as in bad. Yeah. So when we talk about that, before I do, I've got I had something on my mind. And I just want you to talk about it. And and the reason why I want you to do kind of a light, more light hearted episode is that I have not been feeling a light hearted in the last week, I'm going to be talking about transphobia for the next 510 minutes. So if you don't want to hear about transphobia suicidal thoughts, a very brief mention of that. Yeah, then yes, go ahead, like 510 minutes. So yeah, so I'm trans non binary, as you know, or maybe you don't know, maybe you're new to the show. I am non binary. And trans gender means someone who does not align with the gender that they were assigned at birth, I was assigned female at birth, I am not a female, I am non binary. And so I am a trans non binary. Many people have different labels and different ways that they identify. And that's just how I identify as this is something that I have been working through for the last couple of years now. And unlearning fatphobia and weight bias and all the bullshit around femininity. And fatness has really helped me understand who I am in my gender. And the response from first fatty the first fatty community, it has been beautiful and affirming and wonderful, and so respectful. And you might not realize when I see you talking about me, typing about me not talking, it's not like, I'm going around, I'm following around the streets. I mean, like a user, what he's saying or how I say if I, if the page is flat, he gets tagged somewhere, or someone recommends me and, and someone correctly genders me, that always happens when people are tagging me, it just feels so nice. I just want you to know that that I might not always respond, because you might just be telling your friend, oh, hey, go check out face for a podcast or whatever. And then you say they agree. And I'm just like, Ah, thank you so much. Just to be correctly gendered is beautiful. And so that, you know, obviously, not all of the response has been positive, but from the face value community. That was that was a couple of couple of people who were like, I'm gonna unfollow you now, but that means they're very in the minority. And so I've I've been very lucky that I've been shielded from a lot of shit and also because of the gobs of privilege that I have in regards to appearing cysts, and so cisgender so when I walk through the streets, people don't think oh, that's a trans person. And then I don't experience marginalization due to people's perceptions. Have me, that's a whole different story in regards to how I want them to perceive me, I don't want them to perceive me as a woman. But I also want to dress the way that I want to dress which happens to align with a lot of feminine things what we as society has deemed feminine, it's fucking complicated. Anyway, because of that, I've got lots of privilege, right? Also, I have other privileges. Big one being white,

Unknown Speaker 5:28

British, I am not physically disabled in regards to I don't use any member mobility aids. I lower middle class, I guess. Anyway, so I've got lots of privilege, I've got lots of privilege. And so I don't experience transphobia in the same way as say someone who is a trans woman who happens to also be black, for example, who also happens to be disabled, who also happens to be etcetera, etcetera, right. So I just want to point that out that I'm so lucky in regards to that. But also, that doesn't mean that I'm immune from experiencing transphobia in the last week or two, in the last couple of months, like, last three months or whatever. I've seen it and oh, sad face. So in the community that I live in, it is a queer community. It's amazing. I love it. And there's a guy down the road who is the caretaker of the church, the church isn't a queer friendly Church. The caretaker is actually not religious himself, but because I have Dougal the dog, the cute little baby puppy is another puppy. He's nine. Because I'm Dougal, I walk around the streets. And I talked to a lot of people who also have dogs, and he happens to be one of the people that I have talked to for the last 18 months. And he's a I what I presume is like an older guy, like maybe 65, maybe? I don't know, but he's kind of like a rocker. And he's cool. And I've enjoyed talking to him. And so I had, I think it's about couple of months now, a couple of months ago, I saw him and he was like, oh, have you heard about the new JK Rowling book? Or is it rolling? I don't know. I don't care to correctly pronounce her name. JK Rowling is a raging transphobic has said some done some awfully transphobic stuff. And she has penned a new book. The pseudonym she's used is a Robert Galbraith in the book is about a man dressing up as a woman to go into women's toilets to attack women. Now, that is a big deal. What is the word? trope? Is it a trope? Is it a it's a fear that trans folks have and people who are just learning about trans people is that trans people want to be trans so that they can fake being a woman, you know, in quotation marks so that they can be predators against women. And that's just not true, right? There's not true there's, there's no there's no issue with trans people going into toilets and assaulting, quote, real women. The opposite you know, the other way around is trans women, a very marginalized and vulnerable to attacks and murders and all that type of, of jazz. And actually really what people are scared about in that instance is not trans people. It's sis men, pretending to be women. So really, what they're scared of assessment. I know. So he's going on about Robert Robert Galbraith, this this book, which is JK Rowling. And I was like, yeah, it's not great, you know, and you're saying how, you know, his daughter is taught, told him about how all of these trans women are trying to have sex with her and she's like, I don't want to have sex with you go away and all this type of stuff and is his daughter's a lesbian, and saying how that they're, you know, forcing, they're forcing women to have sex with them. And as I

Unknown Speaker 9:43

think that that is what is going on. That is not what's that that's that's sexual assault, right? People are doing that, then that's wrong, but that is not the, quote, trans agenda to force people to have sex with someone against their will. That's how long a time So that's what people think about fat folks, too, is that if a fat person says, Oh, well I'm you know, when you're in school, a fat person is Oh, I really fancy this this boy, everyone's like, it's so weird. Oh, look, she's a stalker, because she fancies Johnny or whatever. But if a thin person says, Oh, my fancy Johnny, then people like, you know, or the idea that we want fat rights, because we want people to be forced to fuck us. It's not Oh, he doesn't want to be treated like a human being. It's so strange. It's really, really weird. And it's common rhetoric with with retrans stuff, too. Anyway, he started going on blah, blah, blah. And I was just like, You know what, I think people should just be kind, and I didn't sound like that's where I kind of, you know, and eventually, he was going on about it on going on. And I was like, Hey, did you know that actually, I'm trans non binary. And he was like, taken aback, I don't remember what he said exactly. But the gist of what he said was, well, you're not like those trans people. Whatever those mean, and, and then I said, Listen, I'm gonna go Celada, baby. And he said, as I was walking away, the whole reason why this sparked was because I said, I need to go, that whole conversation started because I said, I need to go. I'm going to diversity presentation that I'm presenting to a company this morning. And he said, Oh, diversity, trans people, you need to hear my rant. And I was because I was literally like, oh, I need to go. And then he spoke at me for like, five to seven minutes. And, and then anyway, so when I was leaving, he was like, oh, have you heard of Ricky Gervais? His new comedy special? And I just said, yeah, he's a piece of shit. So I have avoided that walking that route, which is the main route, I would normally walk with Google for the last two months. And I saw him in the street and I went the other way, the long way round. And because it feels like here's this guy, and he also said shit about gay men. He was saying, aren't gay men around here, they just have sex in the streets. And I was like, Ah, wait, I live here too. And I have never once seen someone getting sucked off or people having sex industry and what and anyway, we're, we're like a block away from a few nightclubs. If we were in nightclubs. And it was nightclubs where there were straight people. I have seen straight before fucking I have seen men getting the decks by women, like in club districts, you just expect that right? And so if that has obviously that's happened around here that the guys are getting blowers in bushes, or whatever the same way is it happened in St. predominant straight areas. And he seemed to be have a problem with this anyway. So I had that and I was like, a hawk sake. And then a couple of weekends ago, I went away to a singing retreat with my singing group, and there was a lot of misgendering happening of me a lot of we're all women here and that song sing songs about being women. And, and that was really difficult for me, because I kept saying, Oh, hey, actually, oh, another woman? Can you include me, please? And I just gave up and at the end of it, I really had a tough time with it, actually, because it just felt really kind of like I was asking way too much for people to say, you know, say women or say women and other genders, or just to say, everybody, you know. And so I was just feeling really kind of a big theme of my life is you taking up too much space, you're being a troublemaker, you're asking too much. That's what I talk about in therapy all the time is that I am asking for too much by people correctly gendering me, which, FYI, I'm not. It's a really basic thing. Yeah, so I had all that type of stuff in my in my mind and then this weekend, Saturday afternoon.

Unknown Speaker 14:31

I've spoken about this person on the podcast before. I'm not gonna say their name again. But it is someone who is very famous in the anti diet space, who has in the last couple of years or year I'm not sure about the timing, but certainly in the last year has turned their back on forward thinking, generous kindness. You left leaning ideologies and has turned into what looks like into a right wing conspiracy theory theorist She's thin and white, which is important to note. Straight cisgender all that type of stuff. Yes. So from time to time, I'll be like, Oh, what are they up to right now just being a bit nosy. What stuff has she said right now and I sat down, I was like, I'm gonna have a look. Big fucking mistake. So I went and had a look at her profile. And she has complained about posts of hers getting banned and, and Instagram, taking them down and stuff. And so I was like, what she said, what she said, so deeply affected me. And I had this ground, there's less ground work of this trans stuff. And other other other stuff had been going on to like other little, you know, other things like people misgendering me in my life. And anyway, so I looked at her posts, and I saved highlights, she asked her audience a question, what are your most controversial views. And people shared their most controversial views, and she shared them on her stories, and then saved the stories to highlights. And the idea behind this was that you're a big, you're a big person, you're in charge of your feelings. And if this upsets you, and if this offends you, it's got nothing to do with the person sharing the opinions, or the opinion, it's got to do with you and not being able to manage your emotions correctly. Which I think is a very unkind position to take. And, you know, because it's not like, we go around the world being like, Hey, you're a piece of shit, I hate your hairstyle. Oh, my God, you're really ugly. And then people say, hey, that hurt my feelings. And then you say, I don't give a shit, you should be big enough to be able to not be offended by that. And so she shared some really heinous things. For the things, we're anti trans sentiments, so this is our audience sharing. And I'm one of the trans things. She says, Yeah, I agree. I'm not gonna repeat the anti trans things, because, you know, we've had, we've had so much of any trans people listening. Anyone listening, we don't need to hear that stuff again. So I'm not going to share them. But if you're nosy you can try and guess who this person is and go and look at their save stories. And so I looked at them and I was just gobsmacked. Literally, I my jaw was like, my mouth opened my mouth was a gate, but like, I cannot believe she is sharing these and other egregious opinions harmful. And it made me think about you know, like, it maybe, you know, I sitting there thinking, What about her point of view of wow, you should just get over it. And I was walking, you know, I'd sat with it and just, you know, just just contemplating things and then eventually in the evening, I went down and walked away for his nighttime walking in the elevator downstairs, I had this feeling of you should just give up. You should just die in my brain me. And I had suicidal ideation flashed in front of me, which I think is quite a normal thing for a lot of people and it's something that I've experienced many times in my life and other times it's been a lot more difficult for me and and I've struggled with with

Unknown Speaker 19:01

Yeah, thinking about suicide. And again, I think it's a pretty normal thing that we have those sorts and that I should just give up. Like, I should just stop asking people to correctly gender me I should stop asking I should just just stop being me being alive because clearly, in this community, this community of where I physically live, there's there's turfs, turfs is trans, exclusionary, exclusionary radical feminists, there are turfs lurking in places that I thought was safe, who else in my neighborhood thinks that my identity is not valid and thinks that I'm whatever for having my identity? In places where I find joy in my singing group, I am not being met with the level of acceptance that human beings need And then in places which are anti diet, which I knew, like, I knew go into this page, I'd see some shit. But it kind of just felt like, everywhere that I, you know, had everywhere that I am have community. It's like the secret opinions, like people on the surface are like, Oh yeah, trans it's fine, whatever. non binary Yeah, we love it. But then secretly they're like, not actually, if I get the chance to, you know, share my real opinions, I will two people who I think are cis, or people who people who ask this, and it feels so exhausting, so exhausting that it. Most places that I turn, my identity is not being validated. And not all places, there's lots of places that you know, like, I'm, I've recently got a new therapist, I've had one session with them, and they are trans non binary, cannot wait to continue with them. And I told her this, you know, this story about the guy and and, and the, the response was so affirming of being like, yeah, oh, my God. I got it. And it was great, right? So, so I was thinking about this. And then and then I'm just like, was really sad. And then I called a friend, the same friend who's in Australia. And was like, I cried, and I cried, this is the first time in my whole life I've ever called up a friend and cried, I cried to her. And I was like, everyone, you know, there's just transphobia is everywhere. It's just really sad. I feel I don't feel my normal self, my normal, fierce, fatty self, can you give me a bit of a pep talk, she gave me a pep talk, I watched the documentary about non binary kids from Australia that she shared with me, I'll put it in the show notes, in case you're interested. And I felt a lot better. And so I am so lucky. I have the support system, I have a trans therapist, I have family who are working to understand who I am, I have friends who deeply loves me. And who can take my call at 11:30pm at night, where I'm crying, and I say pump me up. And they say, right, I'm right to it. And so I was thinking about this idea of her saying, Well, tough shit, you should just deal with it. Because everyone has different views. And if you can't hack it, then that's, that's a huge problem. And I was thinking, you know, after I got, I got back to my normal, first fatty, non binary ban ourself, I was talking about this. And I was like, You know what, no, sharing those egregious views, normalizes those views, and empowers others who also have those views in secret to say, Oh, this is normal for us to have these views, which are filled based in misinformation and hate. And it directly hurts marginalized communities. it legitimizes those false beliefs, when I say it directly hurts those marginalized communities. Here I am, as an example, as someone who I think that I'm a very strong, resilient person, I have got a ton of privilege that I'm able to be that type of person, and a lot of genetic privileges in my brain to be that person. And not everyone has those things, same things. And it still hurt me to see those few words on a screen of anonymous strangers, being shared by someone who I once respected, and trusted, and it hurt me. And I was able to stop that suicide ideation pretty quickly. And, and reach out for help. In the past, I have struggled with that. And it's only because I've had years of therapy, and other privileges that I hold that I was able to get back past that. And that is not the case for every body.

Unknown Speaker 23:55

Trans people. The average age, life expectancy for a trans person is 35 years. 35 years old, is the average life expectancy for a trans person. For sis folks, it's 70 to 80 years old, and the reason why trans folks die so young is because of transphobia is because of high suicide rates because we are not welcome. It's because of all of the negative health impacts that we see from bias is because trans women and trans men and gender non conforming people are murdered beat when they present in public in a way that is authentic to them. And so, sharing these beliefs is dangerous. Normalizing those beliefs is dangerous and legitimizing those beliefs which are based in false science, because people were talking about science stuff, and I was like, No, that's not true. And I'm, I'm not an expert on on, you know, free speech and, and philosophy and all that type of stuff. But I know someone who is, and I really urge you to go and watch their videos. Abigail Thorne is known as philosophy, philosophy tube on YouTube. And her videos are amazing. I'm going to link you to one I watched recently, which is the philosophy of Antifa. So Anti Fascist, so Anti Fascist people who don't like Nazis and all that type of stuff. And talking about that, and talking about, you know, the media positions, the right wing media positions, Anti Fascist says, like, quote, just as bad as fascists, and Abigail breaks all of this down. Now. Abigail is a trans woman, this video was filmed in 2017, before she had transitioned, so when you click on the link, just be prepared to see Abigail before transition, just a heads up there. But a really, really great video. And what Abigail was talking about was the idea that right wing ideologies always lead to violence. So if trans women are not women, and that belief is happily shared by folks, then that's a erasure of identity and and what happens when we seek to erase people, what has happened before, when society has said, These people are not welcome in regards to right wing fascists, we know what has happened. And of course, there is violence on the left, but the difference is that the left would attack people who are actively engaging in anti social fascist behavior, whereas the right will attack everyone who doesn't align with our worldviews. Do you think about terrorism in the United States, from young, white Christian boys, men, and who they attack great swaths of people who have never done anything to them. But they're supposedly ideologies are not aligned with the right wing thinking. So they all need to be exterminated. So the left will use targeted violence and the right indiscriminate violence. And there's violence in all political ideologies, but it's different. Um, Abigail also talks about appeasement and how, you know, the idea of let's just, let's just let them have this weird, just let's just not make a bit. It's not a big deal. If someone shares transphobic stuff, you know, let's just let them do that.

Unknown Speaker 28:12

Let's just share their views with their Instagram audience with 100k followers. It's not hurting anyone. The thing is, as I mentioned before, trans people's average lifespan is 35 years. And trans folks, especially trans women and trans black indigenous people of color, and other marginalized trans folks have a higher risk, higher risk of dying young, due to transphobia suicide murder. And so we have a group of marginalized people and and everything intersectionality intersectionally, all of the different people within those communities how they can or have other marginalization. And so if we are sharing messages about people who are already marginalized, we're going to further marginalize them. So what does sharing anti trans rhetoric does? Do? What does it do? Does it help marginalize people? does it harm them? And we have free speech, right? We have free speech, but we cannot have free speech with also without consequence. So the consequence might be against someone that is not intended. And so this consequence of our free speech here, of this person sharing with her Instagram following is the consequence is, I am harmed. The consequence is I am telling you about it and maybe you might be harmed as well, maybe you might not, you know, who knows the consequences. People might say to this person, we don't like what you're saying, and she might lose followers. By the way, she claims to be canceled. She hasn't lost followers. Or I think like there was an episode that talked about it, and it was kind of like something like 100 followers out of 100 and plus 1000s Like When was nothing, right? So we cannot expect to be able to incite hate or incite violence. And I'm not saying that this person has. But we cannot expect to be able to incite violence or hate without seeing the consequences of that, and the consequences could be for the person speaking those things. And more likely it's going to be for the person for the groups of marginalized individual individuals who are on the end of that hate speech. And hate speech is protected. In the United States. There's no legal ramifications to hate speech unless it directly incites imminent criminal activity, and consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group. And so when you hear about like, oh, censorship, censorship, people can say, pretty much anything they want. They can but there may be consequences is very rare, because as we know, the victims of crime, the victims of hate speech are victims of any type of harm. rarely get to see justice. And you know, talking about justice in the prison system, all that type of stuff is a totally different topic, but people are able to cause harm and get away. scot free. Yeah, so anyway, I just wanted to talk about that and kind of talk about me, because it's just been really bothering me. And on the flip side, when I hear affirming things, it's so fucking wonderful. It really is. It's so it just feels so like people care about me, you know, and I know people care about me, and, and I'm struggling with this stuff right now, because it just happens to be a lot of things converging at the same time. And it's made me think, and luckily, but you know, because of my privilege, I've not had to go deep in and think about this stuff before. Now, other people don't have the same privilege that I do, and having to deal with huge things constantly. And I'm not saying that this is also not huge in my mental health, but you know, just saying that some people, their experiences are different. So, okay, so that was way longer than 510 minutes. I wanted to talk about that, because and then I said, Oh, because I want this episode to be a little bit like more more lighthearted. Because I've been thinking about all that deep shit. So I feel a little bit better now telling you all that stuff. Don't worry about me, don't think that I'm, I'm, I might die or anything, because I am really lucky to have people who I trust around me. And I'm okay. Okay. So when that's why I can I can talk about it, right.

Unknown Speaker 33:08

And if you're feeling any of those things, please reach out to people in your life and talk about it. And if you can get into seeing a therapist, and there's a lot of places that offer three free therapy, especially if you are a member of the Two Spirit LGBTQIA plus community. So and there's also free resources on Googly, Googly do glued or Google to do Google giggling. So anyway, my friend has shared some things with me and I want to share them with you and we've got some other things. Ridiculous diet bullshit. So let's talk a bout it so the first thing that we're gonna be talking about is these things called Yoni pearls. So Yoni is a different word for a vampire Jiang you know, maybe it means also vulva. Who knows? Actually, I don't need to say who knows I can just work in Google. Yoni. Yoni, Yoni yoni. Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the womb. Oh, there we go. So it's neither of those things. The source and the female organs of generation. It also connotates a female sexual organs such as vagina, vulva, and uterus, and there we go have a little bit of light transphobia their female sexual organs um, men can have vaginas Volvos in the uterus is too as can gender non conforming non binary people. See how it's everywhere. It's everywhere. Anyway, so Yoni Javad so you only pearls helps you. This is the advert we've got on the Facebook's How To Detoxify Your Body. From all the impurities get in shape in three to six weeks. And so now I want to describe what this this thing is. Do you remember when we were kids, I don't know, I'm talking about my childhood like it was your childhood. But in my childhood, we had these things that were like little explosions wrapped in paper. And they came in something that looked like kind of like a matchstick or a paper box, and you'd throw them on the floor, and they'd go crack. So imagine something like that. But instead of a piece of paper wrapped around, dynamite type stuff, it is a piece of rag, it looks like hesi and SAC, so really rough, nasty looking material. And then a ball of brown in it. In the ball of brown are herbs and spices that include ginger, and black pepper. alongside other things, which are herbs, I'm not used to all stale extract, don't know what that is. But I mean, I know we're not an idea is you shove them up your badge, right? The instruction candidate like it's like it's inserting a tampon. I do not want to be putting black pepper and ginger up my badge. No, thank you. That's the premise. And you can get seven pearls or seven years of these little rags filled with spice. For 1997 you meant to wear one every day minimum. And they claim after four weeks visible body read the body detox results. 99.6% Lose pound. I mean, I don't know if they're selling this in UK pounds. But 99.9 100% of people lose a pound many pounds when they buy this product because they're going to be losing their money. And I didn't know and it's got an electric bass in our study of 2000 plus volunteers after six weeks of use hang on they said four weeks of this now it says six weeks. Where's where's the link to the study? Oh, it doesn't exist 96.7% Minus body toxins 98% Minus gynecological issues. Oh my god cancel that appointment for your next pap. Just stick these spicy rags up your Vij because they're gonna cure 98% of gynecological diseases

Unknown Speaker 37:39

and increase 97% 97.8% of blood circulation 100% hair CO and big and bold on this 100% tightens your Yoni Thank fuck we've got a solution that's quick and easy to tighten your Yoni sticking these dirty rags up there. Because the next claim is 100% natural ingredients well natural doesn't mean that is gonna be any good. Prep of the match doesn't sound fun. After six weeks all user saw amazing results in terms of body detox and treatment of gynecological issues. And the sales page is beautiful. They show some before and after pics, you've got the normal before and after. If someone who is in the gym, sports bra. looking miserable. Someone who is half a size donor is the same person looking happy and smaller. Another person who has had a facelift apparently, Yoni rag, spice, brags will make you have a facelift. And then we have a stock image of a smiling person in a white coat, smiling person in a white coat. Then there's an image of hair follicles and what the fuck hairs got anything to do with it. And then an image of image showing how your liver detoxes you, so you don't need herb rags, because you have a liver, the detoxes you, then there's a picture of a swollen ankle and an after picture of an ankle that is not swollen. And if you've got any more questions about that they have an FAQ. And so FAQ reads, is it safe? Will it cause infection? Answer. It's ingredients are all derived from plants and it is inherently sterilizing, because that's what you want it to be advantage is sterilization. You want to put some chemicals up there to sterilize it, whether they're plant based or not. I want to sterilized verge plays, sterilizing cleansing and detoxifying it's very safe and it won't cause infection and we are certified by the US Department of Health I push it how often is it used every time use one pile and leave it in for 15 to 20 minutes and then take it out use daily for three to six weeks. How long does it take to get in shape usually keep using it for three to six weeks you will get good shape based on the analysis of 2000 consumers it also can eliminate toxins and resolves any pain and discomfort for all of Yoni if I stopped using my shape will back to will I go back to being as fat as let me read that again. If I stop using my shape will back to will I go back to being as fat as when you go back to being as fat as when you use this product to get in better shape your body can stay in shape for a long time even if you don't use it. Oh my god. It's a miracle cure Ah, thank God it's finally arrived away to fix all gynecologic No No What is it 98 98% of gynecological issues and not be as fat as a flat as I don't know as who as what I don't know the answer but we have got all of the wonderful things happening with these Yoni singing jigs. One of the reviews was one of the reviews that made the reviews all written by the same person who's written this this copy let me scroll in the past a little bit before and afters a fake FDA certificate and the Oh they're so disgusting. The reviews obviously we've got 18 Five stars one four star and of course no three two and one stars of course Costco because

Unknown Speaker 42:07

they always Disgust is disgusting okay don't don't don't even look at don't stop looking. Don't look at this page. I'm not gonna give you the link of it anyway but they're showing pictures of like, I don't even describe it not that I'm not getting disgusted by pictures of verges or anything. It's nothing like that. It's just they're putting in they're claiming it detoxifies, right? I can't even open my eyes to look at this thing the claiming it detoxifies and so they're putting stuff that you think that you might get from detoxifying uni knees on images and it's just I'm not going to describe it. It's not what happens they've made it fake pictures basically but it's looks so disgusting. Someone get has given it five stars from America. Allegedly. My Yoni has always been loose. My husband doesn't like me. For this. It helps me tighten my Yoni my husband is very happy now. Thanks. Amazing my husband too doesn't like me because of my loose yoni. So you and I have got that in common. Not really, I don't have a husband, but I'm sure he would love my youth loose. Yoni if I did. Okay, so the next one we have is a hypnotic I feel just so much better not looking at those pictures. They are fucked up. They were fucked up. They're disgusting. Anyway, so hypnotic gastric band program. So you know I had a few episodes about stomach amputation stomach squeezing surgery. And now we have a solution. That is sarcasm by the way. You don't even need to do it anymore because you can buy a hypnotic gastric gastric band program for regular price 204 But just today only if you go on the website any other day, you will not get this this price. Again, sarcasm sale price to date 79. Doll hairs. So this is what it's saying surgery of any kind is not to be taken lightly. Yes, that is right. But what if there was a way to achieve similar results without the need for actual surgery? Tell me more. The good news is that hypnosis can help you make these changes using the power of your mind. Our gastric band hypnosis audio program saves you from the uncomfortable and potentially dangerous side effects of gastric bypass surgery or hypnotic back gastric band downloads have been designed to give you all the benefits without any of the dangers. All you need to do for hypnotherapy to work is give yourself a quiet space where you can avoid distractions. 90% of our clients have said that our audio therapies have changed in their lives, and they would recommend or share them with a friend. Oh my goodness. And so this is a claim that they're making lose weight with virtual gastric band therapy. So this is not even in person. This is some audio tracks of someone being like, you're really thin now, you've had actually, you know what they've got, they've got it. Pre surgery, during the surgery, post surgery and recovery from the surgery. And so they like, you're going into surgery, now, your stomach has been removed from your body and it's in the bin. I don't know what they're saying. Because obviously, I've not bought that in listen to it. But you know, that's the type of thing. So lose weight with virtual gastric band therapy success rate is a whopping 95%. And they've got a little one next with 95%, which tells me there's a study attached to this. Yay. Can't wait to see what that is. Turns out that one leads nowhere. There is no study link to that whole thing. 95% success rate. No long hospital waiting lists. That's correct. cost a fraction of the surgery price that is true. And no Pope no post surgery, side effects hang on a minute. This is meant to make me believe that I really have had the surgery. So why am I not also having the side effects? If I really believe that I've had the surgery, shouldn't they come with side effects do they've got a big they've got a big thing here saying diets don't work. See how I've mentioned before how diet companies are taking anti diet sentiments and sticking it in there things and so people get confused. If I had read this sales page

Unknown Speaker 46:39

10 years ago, I would have probably bought this thing. I'm telling you, I know it sounds silly. I would have I would have been like, fuck, it is only whatever it was less than 100 bucks. Maybe because I know it's I know the reason that I'm fat is because something's wrong with my brain. That was my thinking. The reason I'm fat is that I've got a mental health issue. And fatness is the result of you know, because of that mental health issue if I am a positive thinker. In fact, I did do hypnotherapy as I've discussed in other episodes, obviously it did nothing apart from heighten my eating disorder thoughts. Oh yeah. So I'm sure that this will help you with any eating disorder thoughts that you have and make them worse for you. So continuing they say by using the virtual gastric band you are convinced that you have undergone gastric band surgery thereby enabling you to eat smaller portions and have your hunger satisfied earlier I wonder how the power of positive thought can stop chemicals from from your body from your brain swirling around telling you that you're you need to eat food to survive. Like how how is that possible? The gastric band part of the process is a mechanism that helps you believe that your stomach is smaller with less capacity for food. This is why self hypnosis is the ideal tool to help you become a healthier person or once of once and for all they introduce you to the therapists and these images of the therapists seemed a little bit too good. So I did a little bit of a Google reverse image search and yes you're right they are both stock images. They are not real therapists and this program seems to be quite legit in regards to it has many 1000 reviews on Trustpilot it has a Facebook page presumably it's got people buying it Who the fuck knows right? So I had a little look at the reviews looks like the negative reviews are quickly deleted because the negative reviews are the ones that were one from an hour ago one from three hours ago. First one gives it two stars out of five and it says I bought for on offer however I was blind It was blatantly obvious obvious at the start of the hypnosis is all the same. And then subject matter was added after the sound quality was markedly different. I did not feel hypnotized at any point. Yes, because you're just listening to someone go you're no longer fat Lulu. This review a very poor effort all round is the title of this review. For God's sake don't waste your money time or endeavor. Sound quality is dreadful as is the editing as for the copy and pasted generic film Flim Flam waffle. Crikey this is So Patrick Hayes saying what the fuck is Flim Flam waffle? Flam waffle? Flim Flam waffle. Anyway, this sounds like a British or Australian person wrote this, because crikey is very Australian but waffle is very British. Anyway, the guy's voice is irritating at the best of times and it becomes even more aggravating when he ends his sentences abruptly due to diabolical audio production, another case of money grabbing and offering a poor service in return. God knows how many emails I have had suggesting I part with more and more cash for their pathetic products and yet none to explain the poor quality of the original purchase. The only thing clear here is this is a money grubbing calm that is not worth 29 Pence, nevermind. 29 pounds subjected to clear drivel is not a clear mind. Can't wait for the generic sorry, you feel this way and contact us via email so we can help response. I roll emoji. They didn't give that response. Not responded at all. So by the way, in case it's not clear, this thing doesn't work. It doesn't work. Okay. None of that. No, no anything I'm talking about today. Just a reminder, none of this works. If you think oh my goodness. Actually. I've been convinced. Please. Don't. You literally like this man says it's not worth 29 pence. Nevermind. 29 pounds. Next one is

Unknown Speaker 51:40

a Facebook ad which which reads, I pooped my way to my goal. Weight. I pooped my way to my goal. Weight. I really disliked the word pooped. I just like saying poo or shit. pooped just doesn't feel right in my mouth. I was not brought up on the word pooped. You know what word I was brought up on which I do not use anymore but I wish I did. Is jabi it's such so my mom is Irish, right? So I think it's an Irish. Scottish word. Did you do a job B? I did a job

Unknown Speaker 52:28

Oh, still feeling sick about those Yoni Yoni pearls? The yummy pearls the fact that they call them pearls when they're nasty rough rags, pearls you like I could put a pile up my Yoni but they wouldn't so nasty. Anyway, so I pooped my goat and I get I pooped my gut, and I put my way to my goal or Wait, someone left a comment saying, if you've ever had Giardia you know how that diet works. Giardia is like Hatch had had to gute can't do go tested for Giardia recently because he had terrible diarrhea from swimming after swimming in a lake does not a lake a river doesn't always happen. Sometimes the river is a little bit more dirty than normal. And he didn't have it. He just had bacteria. Anyway, they show pictures. It's a video of two people who I perceive as women who are taking pills inside the pills, fennel seed, Milk Thistle and some other herbs, which presumably make you shit yourself. That doesn't work, you know the same way as the shit your tea detox teas things, you know? It? No, just just n o. But you know. I mean, it's fun to imagine shitting your way to your goal weight. Unfortunately, it's not a legitimate method. Some other things here that, that I found the magnetic diet. So this is all about the laws of attraction. But the creator of the diet claims to understand which foods attract health and disease into the body. So he advises dieters to only eat invigorating magnetism foods and avoid contaminating magnetism foods. You know, these are just things that he's made up right. So apparently you're going to eat something that is invigorating magnetism, and that is going to draw like a magnet to your body. Fineness and health, magic or magic. The haich C G diet involves being injected with the hormone human Shuri on IC o chorionic goner, dough trophic in which in which the body naturally produces while pregnant plans. While the shots themselves are technically legal, if administered by a healthcare professional follows of this diet also encouraged to take HCG Drops pellets and sprays, all of wick which are illegal according to the FDA fine blood type, the blood type of diet, so a naturopathic physician says that you should eat foods according to your blood type. Bullshit, the tapeworm diet does what it says on the tin, eat tapeworm eggs and have them eat your food. And then presumably have to go to hospital to have them removed. And then one that I spoke about in an episode with a friend of the show some n and n was the constant glucose monitoring. So I saw an ad of people putting this patch on their arm and wincing, and I thought what the fuck is that and so I looked into it, and it was a tool that diabetes patients you use, and it monitors their glucose levels and alerts them gives them the right amount of glucose so that they don't die diet culture has said oh, great, a tool that we can steal to use to try and get people thin. Basically, this tells you hey, you know, go out to eat now and hey, you need to go and do some exercise now. And hey, it's bullshit. It costs 175 for a two week program or $350 a month. So it's a nice inexpensive app and someone left a comment on the on the Facebook ad saying, You know what else helps people to lose weight? chemo, maybe humans should start selling that to Great point. What else helps people you lose weight? Death? Have you tried the death diet is definitely gonna make you lose weight and become get the ideal Beachbody? Are you ready boys my dead body is going to be so

Unknown Speaker 57:17

she continues in the dominant comment the diet industry is out of control. Why? Because people are obsessed with the size of their bodies as a type one diabetic Betech I wish I had a healthy enough body to be able to live without the use of one of these things. If you are a person or the person being depicted in one of these advertisements, and you are contemplating this equipment, I seriously recommend you consider speaking to a coach or a therapist about your self image. You do not need to get skinnier, more toned, more fit, you need to learn how to love your child. Yes, and hey, here's a little tidbit of information that if you're diagnosed with pre diabetes, there is only a 2% chance that you will go on to have diabetes according to the CDC pre diabetes is a made up condition Yes, so fun times fun times. But the big thing here with all of these, quote fad diets is that they are no different from any other diet out there in regards to the fact that they don't work. They're taking your money and they are then being like Yes. Oh, it didn't work. Did you try this other product? Did you try the one not the Yoni not the not the Yoni rags up your bum up Javad yourself you bomb try the Yoni bomb rags now. Oh, you hypnotize? Oh, no, it's not going to be hypnotises it's meant to be that you're asleep. Oh, you know, oh, you pooped your way to losing weight actually is meant to be you paste your way. You paste your way to your goal weight. They're always moving, moving the goalposts. It doesn't work. Obviously, these are funny and ridiculous. And hopefully we're able to say, Oh my God, these are so silly. Of course, I'm not going to waste my money. But they are no different from Weight Watchers from neum. from anything else. The only difference is those products have better marketing and have

Unknown Speaker 59:33

claims that we think are based in science, especially something like new where people are like, Oh, it's all about what is it? What is it? It's all about, like mental health and stuff. It's not. It's tech bros. who've made that made that app and it's not based in evidence. It is not based on evidence. It doesn't work with me This is what I've got to say. Here's what I've got to say. So round up a round of of everything, the newest, most ridiculous ways that we're being told to lose weight. The first one is the Yoni pearls, which are actually pieces of rag with herbs and spices in their herbs being herbs and spices being ginger, and black pepper, among other things, which is gonna be great, and is apparently meant to make you detox and also become not fat, and also cure 98.7% of your gynecological issues. It doesn't do any of those things. Another one that we've seen recently is the gastric band program done by hypnosis. And so this is hypnotizing people over an audio track, which is terrible quality, and making them believe that they have had gastric band surgery claims to have a success rate of 95% links to a study, but there's no study there. Another one is using herbs to shit yourself. So the product is I pooped my way to my goal weight. I think that goes without saying that that doesn't work. And finally, the diabetes tool that diet culture has stolen which is the constant glucose monitoring system which is putting a patch on your arm that has a little needle in there and people who have diabetes use it to tell them what their glucose levels are and help them be alive diet culture is taking this and selling it for $350 a month to tell you when you're a lab to eat and when you have to go exercise obviously not backed up with any science and none of these are but the big thing to remember are these are ridiculous and funny and we can see that they are silly, but so are all diets. Every diet out there is a fad diet which is not backed by any science doesn't work for the vast majority of people and just like these hilarious fad diets that will leave you take your money and make you feel conned because exactly is exactly what has happened when you buy any diet product. Okay, so that is our episode today. If you see any Helwig arounds new diet stuff, I would love to see one which is combining the I poked my way with the Yoni rags. I'd love to see a Yoni poo one if you see Yoni poo one chef's kiss gonna love it I'm not gonna link to any of those products because I don't want them to get any traffic and also I looked them up on frickin what is it? When you go incognito incognito? I hoped a fuck Vator please don't find me don't advertise to me play A's. I don't want to I don't want any of that stuff. On my on my Instagram. Yeah, so don't look don't look about it because you don't want to get the adverts because they're going to bombard you with adverts. All right. Just just take it take it from my mi unless you want to go on a incognito search or whatever. I'm going to put in the show notes the link for Philosophy Tube, excellent channel. There's an also another one that I really like called contra points. Another trans woman looks like a long form long form. Long Form article is what they call them. So it's like an hour long. So we and a lot of them are really beautifully shot there. And they wear costumes and it's very elaborate. That one that I'm going to send you to is is just talking to camera so which is fine, but also there's clips and things like that anyway, it's good. Hopefully I don't need to convince you anymore. It's really really good.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:23

The philosophy of Antiva we've also got other things Oh, also, oh my god mass show recommendation. Please go and watch a league of their own. So there's a film right. I've never actually seen the film. I think I should but there's a new TV series, A League of Their Own. It's so fucking queer. It's so just gay and trans and, and there's a fat actor and there's just so good da ah and and and and A black folks and Hispanic folks. And Jeff was great. Anyway, so I was obviously I go and look up the fact actor, Melanie field she was already following it was what she the what the fat actor in A League of Their Own was already following me. Yeah, so I I made a post saying oh my god, Melanie field is already following me. She's great in a field of dreams. It's not a field of dreams. I just saw the word field and a field of dreams I think is a baseball shirt baseball movie, too, isn't it? Let me google it. field sports fantasy drama. So anyway, it's sports. I think it is baseball, basketball, whatever is whatever the thing is. So she must have thought I was the right fucking dingdong. And so she messaged me saying, of course I follow you with the name like best fatty. And then I was like, Oh, I got us at the wrong show. And she's and she didn't reply, saying she definitely hates me. She doesn't. I'm being an idiot. Yes, so yeah, go watch that. And what was the other show? That I was going to recommend? I'll tell you next time. I don't remember what it is. But I'll tell you next time, whenever I remember, I have these things. I'm like, I need to tell you about this thing. This is a new one. I'll have them saved on my phone and then I forget and then anyway. Yeah, so go go watch that is on prime. So good. I watched it in like 12 seconds. I need to go watch it again. It was it's really good. Anyway, thanks for hanging out with me today. Thanks for being a fierce fatty. If you want to donate to keep the show going. You can find my PayPal link in the show notes. It's just like PayPal me forward slash first party. And if you'd like to write a review for the show, that would be uncle Abler. That's French for incredible. And if you just want to just be your first family, that's great, too. All right. See you later. See you in a while alligator, okay. Perfect.