Episode 128 Transcript

Read transcript alongside audio.

You're listening to The Fierce Fatty Podcast. Episode 128 "The Benefits of Being Fat". Oh yeah, Let's do it.

I'm Vinny Welsby TEDx speaker, Best Selling Author, and fat activist. I have transformed my life from hating my body with desperately low self esteem to being a courageous and confident fierce fatty who loves every inch of this jelly. Society teaches us living with a fat body is bad. But what if we spent less time, money, and energy on the pursuit of thinness and instead focused on the things that actually matter? Like if pineapple on pizza should be outlawed? Or if the mullet was the greatest haircut of the 20th century? So how do you stop negative beliefs about your fat body controlling your life? It's the Fierce Fatty Podcast Let's begin.

Unknown Speaker 1:16

Hello, welcome to this podcast episode. I missed you how you do when how's your life go when I hope you're happy and you're laughing and doing fun things. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:31

I fit in pretty good today. It's Friday, that number and I'm recording this

Unknown Speaker 1:37

and I'm thinking about I'm thinking about so go to the singing class. Once a week go to the singing class and it's a singing group singing group, a group of singers who liked singing, but aren't great at singing. But give it a go.

Unknown Speaker 1:55

This is one woman in the group

Unknown Speaker 1:58


Unknown Speaker 2:00

I think she thinks that she's like, more at Mariah Carey or something.

Unknown Speaker 2:07

Funny, she's like, okay, so we learn songs right? And you say like, we're like, Twinkle twinkle. And then the you know the instructor pilot. Okay, listen, Okay, listen. This is how we do it. Twinkle twinkle. We don't we don't learn Twinkle Twinkle but you know example. And this woman is like I really like she like really likes going doing like I don't know what the right word is riffs. That's the right word but this is like she she be like okay, got it Twinkle Twinkle and so we can

Unknown Speaker 2:41


Unknown Speaker 2:44

to see you yeah

Unknown Speaker 2:50

and we're going to be singing in unison right is one woman who you know finger to the air like like like we're in some charity record recording with Bono from you to empty is just going for it it's simultaneously funny and really fucking annoying annoying because it's like I'm trying to listen to what the actual words I hear we don't need you doing your

Unknown Speaker 3:22

but anyway she I you know what, maybe you will need to challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge Challenge channel channel. Not challenge channel her because she doesn't give a single solitary fuck

Unknown Speaker 3:39


Unknown Speaker 3:41

she like her she's I know she's she's you know okayish singer probably the same like level I am like, not not terrible but not good.

Unknown Speaker 3:54

But I feel like in her mind, she's She really is like, oh shit, man. I'm so fucking good. You know? Because he's always like, Oh, I'm I'll do it first. I'll jump off on stage first let me do it first.

Unknown Speaker 4:09

over it, get over it.

Unknown Speaker 4:12

Anyway, so feeling good. Want to do some positive talk about some positive stuff because you know with this podcast and all this tip, topic of fatness how often is it?

Unknown Speaker 4:26

We're all gonna die. Everyone hates fat people. Nothing's changing. And you know, that's just the same fun and normally, I mean, it's interesting. It's interesting to talk about right and

Unknown Speaker 4:42

but you know what, generally in life I'm a pretty happy upbeat type of person and and so I thought you know, episode on the benefits of fat I cannot believe I've never thought about doing this because

Unknown Speaker 4:59


Unknown Speaker 5:00

it like the research I've done for this, it's like fuck is so so far, I've come up with 24. I say, I, the fat community has come up with this because I read I shared on my stories. And then I shared, I asked a question in

Unknown Speaker 5:19

a Facebook group, what do you think are the benefits? And some people, which I loved said, I don't think there are any benefits? Or I'm not sure the answer to this question. And so for those people, I'm ready to give you some juicy ideas of the benefits and, and if you're like, Oh, I know lots of benefits. I mean, there's even more, because even more maybe, or maybe you already know all of these benefits, and you're gonna be like, Vinay add on 2526 2720 and Alana Lola to a billion because there's infinite reasons that being fat is a Moore's law. I mean, is obviously, because fat is our more yarn.

Unknown Speaker 6:05

But anyway, let's, let's get into it. No particular order, some of you come up with some really creative things. And actually, I'm gonna add on, I'm gonna add on 25 There we go. I already revealed 25 years because I just remembered a comment from someone else. So in no particular order, number one is buoyancy. So we had a lot of people, this is the first thing that they said is buoyancy. And so I'm gonna I'm gonna give my commentary and also comments from other people.

Unknown Speaker 6:41

So someone says, anecdotally, anecdotally, I recently went swimming for the first time in years, and I noticed my fat body is very buoyant. I thought it was awesome. Someone else says, I float in water. Ideal lifeguard, no effort to keep myself afloat. And I felt this very, very real for me,

Unknown Speaker 7:06

in an annoying way, because I remember when I was

Unknown Speaker 7:10

back in the UK, one of my goals was to swim to the bottom of the diving pool. And no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get there. And my boyfriend at the time who was thin, he could, and I just, my body was just like, No bitch, you're floating. And I would get like three quarters of the way down. I'm like, I'm so close.

Unknown Speaker 7:33

And I would have to swim like 1000 miles an hour, just to get to that bit and then you know, my fin boy from Uber like Ruben Uber, Uber blue picking up bricks from the bottom. And that it was annoying, but you know what?

Unknown Speaker 7:46

I can just hang out and water. And I don't have to tread water. Someone else said I second this, I can just float suspended without treading water, when my fin friends get exhausted and have to return to shore. Yes, so buoyancy, which is also increased play time in the water, and decrease in

Unknown Speaker 8:10

drowning. If you are left at sea. You know what, I've got it in my mind. I've been watching.

Unknown Speaker 8:17

Probably mentioned on the show before, I shouldn't be alive, you can find him on you can find him on YouTube, I shouldn't be alive. These fucking episodes is so

Unknown Speaker 8:28

compelling to watch is like, lost in the Sahara Desert.

Unknown Speaker 8:33

Death in in the canyon and

Unknown Speaker 8:37

boys adrift at sea is the one I watched last night. And, you know, just people just regular people are going out on a hike, and all of a sudden, they've been attacked by a grizzly bear, and then they have to survive crawling on the belly out of a forest over 25 days. And eventually they get rescued. And you know,

Unknown Speaker 8:54

and obviously, the person is telling the story. And so you know, that the person telling the story is alive. And so it's, you know, it's good that way, so you're not like, frustrated with the fact that you know, oh, shit, actually, they just die in the end. Yeah, so and one of the episodes was

Unknown Speaker 9:11

free fall from the sky.

Unknown Speaker 9:14

You're just remember the show cards, you know, the images on YouTube. And these parachutes parachute his parachute? Yeah, we're in a plane, the plane crashed, and they all jumped out of the plane. And one of the guys who was a fat guy, and he was the only one who survived and you survived at sea floating just on his own, and then he found a piece of wood. So he floated for many days at sea.

Unknown Speaker 9:43

And I just thought, oh, you know, he's fat. And so he probably had that benefit of not having to expend as much energy to keep his body afloat, and he could probably rest more by putting his head on the the wall

Unknown Speaker 10:00

would, and then he let his head rest or he could sleep and then his body would float. Whereas maybe, I mean, this is all conjecture for me watching this show. But he doesn't, these are the things that I'm thinking about, like, Oh, he's so lucky that he was fair

Unknown Speaker 10:16

that he was able to flow. And I mean, you know, more fat is you know, flat fat is like that tissue is, is floaty anyway. So next, moving on to the next one safety cushion. This is so interesting. I never thought about this, I knew that I knew the older people do well, by having weight versus being being thin. And one of the reasons is that

Unknown Speaker 10:45

so I'm going to link all studies in the show notes show notes for this one is facebook.com, forward slash 128 four@facebook.com, forward slash one to eight, the first study we're going to be talking about is called and trigger warning, when I'm referring to, there's going to be, oh, words are going to probably slip out, I'm going to change them to,

Unknown Speaker 11:11

to fat, but just a heads up, there might be some that slip out. Fat patients who fall have less injury severity, but a longer hospital stay than, quote, normal weight patients. And so

Unknown Speaker 11:25

and so this study is saying that you have less injury if you fall, if you are fat. And I like to, I don't like but it's interesting to say like, they have less injury, but they stayed stayed longer in hospital. And what we see a lot of the times were fat people When fat people go into hospital, that their treatment is different than if they were straight sized. And so that can account for that the difference in how long they have to stay in hospital, maybe.

Unknown Speaker 11:59

Maybe it's harder to

Unknown Speaker 12:01

I mean, who knows.

Unknown Speaker 12:04

So anyway, here's a link to the study in the show notes. And here we've got fat patient patients who had experienced a fall this is a quote from them from them had a fall had a significantly lower I S S is S stands for injury severity score.

Unknown Speaker 12:22

Falls are a leading cause of injury and a significant public health issue. The incidence of falls that lead to emergency unit admission in the group is growing with an increased sized and rapid growth in the geriatric population. So 80% of deaths are of people 70 above. And one of the most common

Unknown Speaker 12:47

injuries and reasons for death is death. And disability is falling when you're old. Specifically breaking a hip which can be devastating, and 1/3 of people who break a hip within a year will die. And the thinnest people are more likely to die after a hip fracture. So so fat people get have less injury, and they are least likely to die after a hip fracture.

Unknown Speaker 13:23

So and then, so that's the science shit, but a lot of people were saying about their experiences being fat, and falling, and the cushion, the safety cushion that their fat afforded to them. And so this is what people are saying. My elderly father Father has fallen several times and I'm really confident that his hips have gotten horribly bruised, but he has never broken hip because he's got extra cushion. Someone says ditto, I fallen a couple of times in the last few years. My belly broke my for someone else says yes, when I fell off my bike, the doctor told me I would probably have broken my arm if I wasn't so well padded.

Unknown Speaker 14:09

And I said, I guess then people's bones can just stick out and they just have their skin as the protecting force. That padding is so helpful. Yeah, because if you think I was thinking about this, because I've never even considered this thin people because I'm a fat person. I just think about a fat body. But I don't have like my collarbone isn't sticking out and and if you were to press my hips, there's, you know, a good few inches of fat there between me touching my hips, but you know, this is how I'm so like, not exposed to thin bodies. I've seen thin bodies like you can see the

Unknown Speaker 14:50

the hips stick out, right? Like if someone's lying down. Sometimes I've seen that like, you can see people's hips, bone, hip bones, and I presume

Unknown Speaker 15:00

Like, I mean, I mean, it makes sense, right? If you hadn't literally if you had a cushion around you and you fell over, if there's something that's breakable in there and there was a crowd of Christians surrounding it, it would be a little safer, wouldn't it?

Unknown Speaker 15:15

Someone else said anecdotal, but I fell off a moving horse recently and didn't break anything. I seriously think it was due to the extra padding.

Unknown Speaker 15:24

Someone else says it helps protect your bones and internal organs in car accidents and falls. I read an article years ago about a woman who started loving her fat after a doctor told her her fat saved her life in a car accident. And that's really cool. I wish I could find that that article. That's really cool. But here's the thing as well, is that we have that that cushion, but seatbelts are not made for basically, seat belts are made for thin men, straight size men.

Unknown Speaker 15:58

And so fat people can get injury from the seat belt not being if you've got underneath your belly, it's better that the bottom half of the seat belt was underneath your belly. So it's hitting where your hip bones would be versus that that bottom belt being across your belly. So a little reminder for when we're getting into to places with a seat belt like that is to not have it across the belly. Because then if we have an accident, it's going to squish if we have it under the belly. It's got the squishy and then we've got the bones there to stop us even better versus in the middle. I guess we just have the spine if it's underneath the ribs, right?

Unknown Speaker 16:44

Yeah, and even like you know driving with with tits, and I'm by you, but it gets on my gets on my tests, that the seatbelt is on my tats and it's just it. It's either like goes across my neck, or I have to put it under my tits. You know what I mean? You know what I mean?

Unknown Speaker 17:03

Or maybe you don't maybe you don't have to it's and you're like, I don't know what you mean or your tastes are different domains it some people will know what I mean.

Unknown Speaker 17:10

Yeah, so anyway,

Unknown Speaker 17:13

this person is saying that someone started loving their body after a doctor told them that their fat saved their life.

Unknown Speaker 17:21

Someone else said this might be weird, but I find that as opposed to smaller, my smaller counterparts I don't get hurt when I fall down. This has also come in handy in stage combat and physical theater. And while I've had lots of physical mishaps throughout my life, I've never broken a bone. I know bodies vary greatly, but I genuinely think the padding my fat gives me is responsible for this phenomenon. Someone else says I agree with this. I have horses and was once kicked by my favorite my favorite square on the thigh. And when a person would have a broken femur, I just had the mother of bruises.

Unknown Speaker 17:56

Yes, stage combat that's pretty cool.

Unknown Speaker 18:01

Not that to another one can do sketch stage combat minus breaks. And I was thinking about this how many breaks have I had in my life? The only breaks of bones I've had in my life are the sticky ality ones my nose when my then boyfriend accidentally head butted me on the way down on a waterslide when the instructions were to keep your chin down, this motherfucker didn't and he had a huge head knocked me in my nose broke my nose blood everywhere. look pretty cool. Kids were screaming that kids weren't screaming but I'm sure they were internally screaming

Unknown Speaker 18:36

and my finger and my toe my finger when my sister rudely shut the door on my on my finger. Yes, but I've not had any other breaks. And I mean, you know, that's anecdotal. But I was kind of like, oh, yeah, shit. Is it because

Unknown Speaker 18:54

I have this special padding.

Unknown Speaker 19:01

Next, survive disasters. And so you know, I'm thinking about, I shouldn't be alive. But someone says

Unknown Speaker 19:09

someone said we float really well and hard to sink or be drowned. Yes. And I was thinking about like, if we're in like, so if we're in a like natural disaster like a flood, then it will be easier to not drown in that flood.

Unknown Speaker 19:27

Or if we're in a

Unknown Speaker 19:30

if it's really windy gale force winds were less likely to be swept away. You know, like in that film Twister where, you know, the cows are being all swept away and stuff. Did you ever watch that film in like the 1990s

Unknown Speaker 19:43


Unknown Speaker 19:45

But maybe a thinner person is going to be in the tornado. And that'd be well I'm not going to be in the tornado until the until the wind goes up even more and then we're there. Then we're in the tornado so maybe gives us two seconds. extra time to escape a tornado.

Unknown Speaker 20:00

or if you're like stuck in the desert with no food.

Unknown Speaker 20:04

But you have water, I don't know where you've got water from, but you found a natural spring,

Unknown Speaker 20:09

you've got more energy resource on your body you're carrying around this result. So I wonder if you might survive longer, you might be able to make an episode of I shouldn't be alive because I got stuck in the Grand Canyon in some like a weird section or in the desert because my plane crashed or whatever. And you can be like, listen up here. I survived because I'm a fat motherfucker.

Unknown Speaker 20:37

And your thin friend died on May Day Two or something. I don't know. Who knows? Who knows who knows what the future is gonna hold. But

Unknown Speaker 20:47

I thought like surviving disasters as a pretty good tongue tongue in cheek one.

Unknown Speaker 20:52

Next, we are great to have sex with.

Unknown Speaker 20:57

We are great to have sex. So I've got an article here from Jean atomic, written for cosmopolitan. And it's called Why I only want to have sex with fat bodies.

Unknown Speaker 21:11

There is so much on the internet, if you think oh, no one wants to have sex and because I'm fat, Google like, why is it great to have sex with fat people. You have got people writing poetry about the incredible nurse of having sex with fat people. And and, you know, obviously we've got the fat fat chips, but then which are not necessarily bad. But also we've got people who just really appreciate a variety of bodies, and fat being in one of them.

Unknown Speaker 21:43

And Gina is has made a beautiful point in this in this piece. For cosmopolitan. Let me read some with 1x, whose body resembled mine, we settled into a regular routine of smoking a joint eating a massive takeaway and shagging the night away. It didn't matter that the fried rice made me bloat because we were already big or anyway, afterwards, we will press our bodies together and it was a best because we were the same. My belly boobs or any part of my body wasn't feeling a groove under his ribs like a jigsaw piece, but our fat spread against each other and left me fulfilled. This secret ceremony was ours and it was one we held most nights during my second year of uni. It changed the way I fucked and the way I felt about myself forever.

Unknown Speaker 22:38

Continuing I've discovered that fucking thin people who want to fuck fat people, and fucking fat people who want to fuck fat people is different in it's a tent. When a skinny man grabs my belly and begs me to sit on his face. It is him seeking what is alien to him and getting off on it. When a fat person pulls my body on top of theirs next to theirs and into theirs. It is them looking for themselves. For both of us. It's finding ourselves at home.

Unknown Speaker 23:10

When I'm sleeping with fellow fatties, I'm finding desire in myself. This comes from their desire for me and my desire for them. The physical joy I can receive from a fat body means not just that mine can have worth but that my body can give me delight I previously thought was only available to thin frames. Cool.

Unknown Speaker 23:35


Unknown Speaker 23:38

like it. Yeah, so I've called fat people are great to have sex with I mean a DA.

Unknown Speaker 23:45

Okay, next, we're soft and cozy. Someone says my body is so soft and cozy. My kids love snuggling me. I love snuggling my fat friends, I can inspire my other fat friends to love their bodies by sharing my love for my own.

Unknown Speaker 24:02

Someone else said big fat arms to big fat, big fat arms make a nice warm surface for my turtle to rest on. And then we got a picture of turtle resting on big fat arm. And I mean, you can't really tell the turtles expression but I think the turtle seems pretty content. It's just kind of hanging there. You know, its limbs on either side of the arm, and its neck sticking out. Having a look. Having a look, you know?

Unknown Speaker 24:33

And this is so true. Like

Unknown Speaker 24:36

I think about like my mom's friend who grew up she was kind of like a second mom. She was my mom's best friend lived down the street. Her name is Jane and Jane is a fat person and her hugging me and that kind of softness of her bosom and her like you know nice shirts nice kind of like silky type shirts that she might wear the comfort

Unknown Speaker 25:00

From that, and the softness of I mean, softness is just nice, isn't it? You know, falling into a nice big, soft, cozy bed with lots of blankets and pillows and always just feels nice and why would that then not feel nice on a human? It does. You know, if we had, like, you know, you know those squishy things like those fidget things that we touch, you know, they're just like squishy and, you know, they're like balloons filled with flour, and it just feels nice to squish, doesn't it? It does. That's a universal experience of many people liking to squish, to squeeze. And so squeezing flesh and feeling that softness, I think is just

Unknown Speaker 25:49

aerial obvious one of softness feels nice. Feels nice. Okay, so next, more tattoo space. I hadn't never thought about this one.

Unknown Speaker 26:03

Someone says more tattoos based softness is nice. Fat bodies are beautiful, varied and visually more interesting, at least in my opinion. Yeah, so tattoos, but it's I mean, you know, some people love a tattoo. I don't have any tattoos myself. But I'm sure I can imagine that if you have less space less skin, then it might get frustrating that you might have to cover over old new old tattoos to get a new tattoo or you just have to be like, Oh, if I get that set, I'm gonna have to tattoo my eyeballs now or my lips, because I've got nothing else to tattoo with. Maybe a fat person is like, you know, I've got some more leg left, you know?

Unknown Speaker 26:40

And following on from that, from this person said more visually interesting. That's our next point. visually interesting. And I've mentioned it I don't think I even mentioned it last time on the podcast. How I find fatness. I mean, all body variants I find interesting. But, you know, because people struggle with the idea that fatness is beautiful or visually interesting. It just is. There's just so much to see. And the back rolls give me a back roll. I mean, really, I mean, not just one I want to see, you know, all of those undulations you know, and the dimples and the different shapes of body parts. And you know how one person's fatness can manifest on their body in different ways. And so it makes them have this really unique like, fingerprints, because, you know, maybe one person's fatness is ever so slightly more on that hip and then dips down and then goes into their legs and maybe someone else like the fatness is more at the bottom of their belly and more maybe someone else's like like their belly cuts in the middle and maybe someone else's, you know, it's just interesting.

Unknown Speaker 27:55

Really visually interesting.

Unknown Speaker 27:58

And I can see why a lot of artists will use fat models in their work. Because there's, there's so much there to look at. And there's so much differences there.

Unknown Speaker 28:13

Yeah. Next one, strong.

Unknown Speaker 28:20

Okay, so I love the benefits. This is someone I love the benefits of being fat while pregnant, my body was strong, and I am already used to carrying weight. I wasn't horrified quote, by how my body was changing or worried other people would think. Just think I was fat. Like some of my thinner friends. My clothes were mostly why fitting and could easily accommodate some extra, so I didn't have to buy maternity clothes. And since I already had a big belly, I could hide my pregnancy for as long as I wanted. So that's another point hide your pregnancy for as long as you wanted. And that was my 25 Remembering this one. Because I was thinking you know, some a lot of times people don't want to say that they're pregnant. And if you're straight size, you've got short time to have to be able to be able to not tell people unless the way that you're carrying a pregnancy is different. You know, there's all those stories on you know, chat magazine and okay magazine of I didn't know I was pregnant because someone's body didn't change at all and and so of course that is absolutely

Unknown Speaker 29:23

a reality. But on the whole if you're showing a pregnancy if you have a smaller body, then

Unknown Speaker 29:31

you probably got home if I can how long? I don't have kids. No 17 MONTHS BEFORE YOU TELL I don't know how long is it gonna say?

Unknown Speaker 29:40

So you've probably got less amount of time then you do if you have a fat person I can imagine that probably affects things like work. If you have a decade boss who doesn't like

Unknown Speaker 29:52

it won't promote you if you're pregnant or, or if you're finding a job and someone won't hire you if you're pregnant, which is obviously a lie.

Unknown Speaker 30:00

Eagle but people are gonna do it anyway even if it's not illegal. Ah, yeah, so maybe this is one way that fat people can get a leg up in regards to making money getting a promotion, because they can hide their pregnancy a little bit longer.

Unknown Speaker 30:18

Anyway, so going back into to strong

Unknown Speaker 30:23

someone else someone else says being fat can make you strong when I started powerlifting my coach told me that I had been weight training my whole life moving my best fat body through the world. I can outlive anyone at the gym.

Unknown Speaker 30:38

Someone else says heck yes. You know, I'm already benching several hundies several 100 pounds. I don't know. I mean, that sounds like a lot but

Unknown Speaker 30:50

several 100 pounds is that they? They exaggerate and or is that? Is that real? Is that weightlifters? Is that sounds like loads? Like isn't that like the weight of a car or something? No cars or cars way more than that. But anyway,

Unknown Speaker 31:05

someone else says when I was in high school, I used to bet the boys I could leg lift more than them one every time couldn't bench couldn't bench 40 pounds, but my legs have always been hella strong. I think bench is when you lie down and you lift the weights above your head.

Unknown Speaker 31:26

You know, that's the one where you see all those kind of funny fail videos where someone you know, they can't do it and then it like lands on lands and lands on the their torso and then they roll over and then they don't then they're like, oh,

Unknown Speaker 31:40

no, I think that's what benching is. But there's better there's got strong legs. Someone else says, I box and it makes your punch land much harder. That's interesting. It also makes you

Unknown Speaker 31:53

I'm not going to read that book because I think that is not relevant. I read a lot of them and I said I wonder as well. Do you think it helps absorb punches as you'd be able to be punched with more force to hit muscle you'd have to be punched with more force to hit muscles where it would really affect your ability to keep fighting and this person says that's a good thought that I'm not really sure the answer to I do know that the pro at my old gym was woman and she had a lot of trouble finding finding fights because of this and her weight class and the coach would not ever let her fight anyone even a pound

Unknown Speaker 32:31

a pound over her weight so weight is truly an advantage. Hmm Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, cuz I thought Oh, interesting on the physics of because it would make sense if from falls and from getting kicked by a horse and all that type of stuff. That's protective, then surely getting a punch in the belly. Or wherever in the bum. I don't think boxers punch in the bum. That'd be really funny. Are they did they do to scoot around in the bum? Maybe they do shit? I don't know. I don't know. I've do boxes punch bums? Do they punch a bum hole? You know how like rugby players? They they fight it by putting their fingers up their opponent's bum holes.

Unknown Speaker 33:16

If that's fighting your first sexual assault yep, that's sexual assault. Yeah, so I wonder if that's probably against the rules. No, no punching people's bum holes is probably a rule.

Unknown Speaker 33:27

Yeah. Anyway, continuing what a great thread. It's taking a lot for me to find the right fitness for my hyper mobile body. But lately I'm stronger and more stable than ever before. And I feel like such a powerhouse. Okay, so next stronger bones ie unlikely to get osteoporosis as bone density. Density is relative to the load it's under. So more load equal more density equals more strength and I guess that one could fall under. We've got a health section so

Unknown Speaker 34:00

but I mean, this is strength, right. And osteoporosis, I know is a big issue for for older folks. Okay, next. Not sure. Specifically, I haven't looked but when I studied anatomy the risk factors for osteoporosis, or low body weight, underweight, particularly older, a fab assigned female at birth. Although a Mab assigned male at birth do get it to calorie restriction. chronic dieting is another ways to improve risks is strength training, which increases bone mass, there would be studies about how bone mass is increased. A larger body person naturally carries more mass meaning their bones are under a larger load all the time as compared to a smaller person. This constant load keeps their bones strong, but strength training is a larger body person would add extra strength again, it's I think it's called Wolf's law. Ari bone regeneration and I should have googled that to find this study, but I forgot

Unknown Speaker 35:01

I will have a look and then add it in. Come on brain remember that remember that loves law most law I'm gonna Google it right now wolf slow bone regeneration W O LFF. Wolf slow bone. Here we go, what's the law of bone? Here we go. How gar

Unknown Speaker 35:23

Wolf's law is the idea that natural healthy bones will adapt and change to the stress that is subjected to for example, if the bones are subjected to heavier and heavier loads, they will naturally reconstruct themselves to accommodate that weight. This is just how bones typically respond to stress. That's cool.

Unknown Speaker 35:43

Love it we got fucking bones made of steel.

Unknown Speaker 35:49

Loving It's Okay, so next let's move to decreased mortality term. I'm in the middle. Okay, so someone had actually written a paper on the hoo ha, that is

Unknown Speaker 36:06

the CDC Centers of Disease Control and there

Unknown Speaker 36:14

there Okay, so this is what happened. This is what happened. So the CDC came out with a study that says that fatness causes 365,000 deaths per year

Unknown Speaker 36:28


Unknown Speaker 36:30

the CDC came up with that study

Unknown Speaker 36:33

and this study has been touted as the you know, anytime anyone wants to come out with a stat about why fat people are roaming the streets and you know eating babies and the with terrible is a tablet study 365,000 deaths per year because of fatness. Now, this study was really shit. It was really flawed. Basically if you die whilst being fat then you have died because of being fat. Fat person is hit by a car they died from fatness fat person drowns they died from fatness fat person sneeze and their brains fall out of their nostrils they died from fatness right.

Unknown Speaker 37:16

And it's just if you die while fat you died from fat basically. And yeah, anyway, so this study is like, you know

Unknown Speaker 37:29

that and so a year later, the CDC came out with another study that says that that study was wildly Interac inaccurate and actually the number of the deaths caused by fatness is very different and the person who who led that study is someone called Catherine Fleagle.

Unknown Speaker 37:53

And so, her paper shows that fatness causes 112,000 deaths, but it also reduces deaths by 86,000 a year because smaller fat people have lower mortality, which equals 26,000 deaths a year due to fatness is what this study is saying the study before said 365,000. So, big difference. So 26,000 deaths due to fatness every year and that is called famously the quote obesity paradox The obesity paradox being well hang on, we all thought fat people were just unhealthy slobs dying, left, right and center. But how is it that fat people can live long, healthy lives? That's weird, is a paradox. It's not a paradox. It's just this is a fact people can live long, healthy lives.

Unknown Speaker 38:53

Also something to note is that we don't know why these fat people have been classed as dying from fatness because like, what mechanism is at play here? We don't know. We don't know. And that's a big question that scientists are trying to answer. Why would someone die of fatness?

Unknown Speaker 39:13

And you can say well, you know, because we all know fat people have heart attacks and we all know that people you know, whatever.

Unknown Speaker 39:20

But why? Okay, so what but why? Why would a fat person be at increased risk from a heart attack?

Unknown Speaker 39:26

And so it's kind of like going back what is what what is going on? And what we do know is that fat people have a history of dieting.

Unknown Speaker 39:38

More likely to have a history of dieting, which is really not great for you

Unknown Speaker 39:43

will experience a shit ton of modularization and oppression and shame which is really not great for you and are less likely to engage in health care, and when they do, they're more likely to receive subpar health care. So we're saying 26,000 People

Unknown Speaker 40:00

die a year due to fatness? We don't know why but we can probably guess that. Is it fatness that they died from from or is it fat phobia that they died from? I mean,

Unknown Speaker 40:15

my guess is it's the fat phobia. So.

Unknown Speaker 40:20

So, quote, given current government guidelines, it appears that the average person is better off to be 50 or even 75 pounds overweight than five pounds. underweight. Mm hmm. So the thinness people are more likely to die versus the fattest people, people.

Unknown Speaker 40:43

Link to studies there and then meta analysis to and then someone who was talking about that talked about the medical the weight of medical authority. This is by Julia Rogers, who was in the Facebook group talking about this. This is her dissertation, the making an unmaking of knowledge in the obesity epidemic. And yeah, the other part of the obesity paradox is

Unknown Speaker 41:13

there's more and more fat people. Why is there more and more fat bald people? Who knows? There's more and more fat people but we're living longer and longer and longer.

Unknown Speaker 41:24

We're surely if we have more and more fat people surely that means that we need to we are going to live not as long and the evidence is not showing it right. i People have predictions like oh, we're all gonna die. This is the first generation that's going to die before their parents and shit like that. And this is dogshit recent research right?

Unknown Speaker 41:43

Kara? So there's that so reduced decreased mortality, next lower risks of cancers and many other conditions and improved prognosis so

Unknown Speaker 41:58

there's a

Unknown Speaker 42:00

Paul earns Berger PhD, he was a professor at Case Western Reserve University the Department of Nutrition. He did a lot of work on fatness although he wasn't the greatest fat ally. He has a book Paper it's pretty big. I don't think it's I don't think it's big enough to be anyway whatever link link in the show notes called rethinking obesity

Unknown Speaker 42:30

and and it goes into great detail on all of these I'm going to read out and so it goes into into the studies of all of these all of these things there's so many because I thought you know, okay, lower risk of cancers lower you know, other conditions there's going to be like five there's fucking law loads there's loads and I bet you there's even more research now that's come out with even more

Unknown Speaker 43:00

is list is so long that I don't even know if I'm going to read it out on Fuck it. I'm going to read it out. So you have that. Okay, so health benefits of fatness he calls it the O word. fatness is associated. So I'm reading from his his, his it's from the Journal of

Unknown Speaker 43:16

O word and weight regulation.

Unknown Speaker 43:20

Okay, so fatness is associated with a lower incidence of cancer, overall cancer incidence, cancer mortality, premenopausal breast cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer melag. It's not melanoma. It's mentioning glioma

Unknown Speaker 43:40

respiratory disease, chronic obstructive polymer, COPD, pulmonary disease COPD, which is so interesting because a lot of COPD is like that. Chronic bronchitis, infectious infectious disease, overall fatalities it from infection of infectious disease to nobilo Turbo Ulos to Bert tuberculosis, urinary tract infection, bone disease, osteoporosis, hip fracture, vertebral fracture, cardiovascular disease, mitral valve prolapse intermittent

Unknown Speaker 44:18

fucking What is this word? Claw

Unknown Speaker 44:21

sedation Oh fucking another big one. If

Unknown Speaker 44:27

why you're making me read these long words. I fiscal heroic renal artery stenosis renovascular hypertension due to fibromuscular hyperplasia plezier GYN a lot gynecological and ops Obstet stuff about Cedric eclampsia, premature birth, vaginal laceration, hot flashes, premature menopause and so these are all lower incidence of all of these if you're fat

Unknown Speaker 44:59

and need

Unknown Speaker 45:00

meah type one diabetes, peptic ulcer scoliosis suicide.

Unknown Speaker 45:06

fatness is associated with a more favorable prognosis in diabetes type two hyperlipidemia hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis.

Unknown Speaker 45:21

It feels like you know what that should be made into a song you know like the medical love song from Monty Python. Do you know that song? I love that song. Inflammation of the foreskin reminds me of your smile. I have Bala nikal shank roids for quite a little while. I gave my heart to MSU that lovely night in June. I like for you my dog

Unknown Speaker 45:49

and I know you'll get well soon. My pee no warts your herpes my syphilitic sore millennia infection how I love you more and more. Your Dobies itch my scrub box your lovely gone Oh rah. I wish we both were lying. When we said that we were clear

Unknown Speaker 46:19

that is Monty Python. We should can someone who is very Come on now come up with a health ministers of fatness and he would like

Unknown Speaker 46:29

urinary tract infection. Asti yo pyrosis mitral valve prolapse, eclampsia and fashional laceration hot flashes anemia overall cancer incidence and lung cancer colon cancer stomach cancer infectious disease overall vitality is

Unknown Speaker 46:54

talent a guide when that now would be good. Um, if I can token shit about the woman who's like singing see saying that the singing group and I'm forcing you to listen to me sing for like a minute. No. Okay, continuing on this health benefits of fatness. Here's just like a little snippet of

Unknown Speaker 47:17

of what he's saying because we've got this whole giant list but Okay, so the chief benefit of moderate fat seems to be a decrease in overall cancer deaths. So that's like the number one thing is cancer. Nothing's if you're fat, you've got a lower incidence of it. This has been documented in the seven countries and Framingham studies, as well as studies led by Wallace in Iowa, Avon in France, Rhodes and Kagan. Kagan among Japanese Americans in Hawaii, wallet in Norway, Garcia Palmieri in Puerto Rico, and gom in Scotland. Among the nearly 11,000 participants in the hypertension detection and follow up program a highly significant inverse relation between added positivity adiposity and cancer incidents were observed even after controlling for smoking, age, race, sex education and cholesterol level and the findings has been repeatedly replicated. All of these studies considered the possibility that thin people may die of cancer more often because disease related weight loss enlarges the population of sick people who are underweight this confounding effect was minimized by giving physical examinations and tests to all participants and excluding from the studies all those were detectable disease.

Unknown Speaker 48:40

Yeah, continue continue continue for many, many, many pages. And what he says to begin with about the improved prognosis of fatness. So fatness may have an immune or ameliorating influence when it CO is in excess with major risk factors, though or mortality in fat hyper tensive than in Lean hypertensives have been reported in five studies reviewed by Barrett Connor and caught an eight others in one study 43% of nonfat hypertensive men died during follow up while only 26% of fat hypertensive did

Unknown Speaker 49:19

lalalalalala continuing with that, and under the same vein of the health stuff is that you were less likely to you are able to recover quickly quicker from when hospital hospitalized from COVID. So let's read the so there's there was a mention on the show before

Unknown Speaker 49:49

a huge study done among 10,000 veterans who got COVID And so the risks they will look at the risks

Unknown Speaker 50:00

factors for in this study. And so Regan Chastain has a post that kind of just talks about this quickly.

Unknown Speaker 50:08

The in the post she is talking about the name of the study is risk factors for hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, or death among 10,131 US veterans with SARS cov, two infection or link in the show notes and link to

Unknown Speaker 50:27

Reagan's article. And so, quote, the large study

Unknown Speaker 50:32

of more than 10,000 people with COVID found that having a high BMI is not a risk factor for hospitalization, but kind of a mechanical ventilation or death. This is one of the few studies on this topic to fully adjust for confounding variables, and definitely one of the largest I've seen to date. Interestingly, it found that although black patients were more likely to be hospitalized and receive mechanical ventilation than white patients, they weren't more likely to die. This unusual finding may have to do with the fact that the healthcare healthcare access is far more equalized. In the Veterans Administration, the VA system where this study was conducted outside that system, unequal access to care means that folks who are black Indigenous and People of Color tend to have higher mortality, as well as other poor health, health outcomes. So risk factor there is racism. This study also found that Hispanic ethnicity was not associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes, which again may reflect the better access to quality of care that people patients of color receive in the VA system, that access and quality may be why larger body patients fare just as well, and in some cases, even better than smaller body patients in this study. So again, that big thing of are we looking about?

Unknown Speaker 51:57


Unknown Speaker 52:00

Why, when, you know, why are they more why why are black people more likely to be hospitalized? Why is it that

Unknown Speaker 52:13

black people are more likely to be put on a ventilator? And then oh, when they when they are put on a ventilator? They they die at the same or lower rate than white people? Is it because they have experienced systemic racism? Up until that point? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 52:33


Unknown Speaker 52:35

Mara, man, incredible elder in the activism community.

Unknown Speaker 52:41

Talk about Paul earns burger, which is the stuff that I just spoke about before.

Unknown Speaker 52:46

And she says I feel like Paul wrote about correlations between higher weight and health benefits in his first big publication.

Unknown Speaker 52:54

The one authored by ERNs burger and how skew stuff like fat people who have type two diabetes or heart disease are living longer, being more likely to survive car accidents.

Unknown Speaker 53:04

Ken Thompson who wrote RT agony for the fatso Z always enjoyed putting out that she pointing out that she had built in hand warmers.

Unknown Speaker 53:15

I don't know where the hand warmers are, is it built in hand warmers? Because you're going to put your hands into the flesh of a fat body into the armpits or the under the breasts? Or?

Unknown Speaker 53:30

Or is it fat hands or hot? I don't think fat hands are hotter.

Unknown Speaker 53:34

But Kath says she has built in a hand warmers, I think it's having a fat body being able to put in, you've got all of that space to stick your hands in.

Unknown Speaker 53:46

Next, bigger to filter. So I've spoken about this before being fat filters, a lot of jerks out of my life. Someone else says right? They tell themselves so much sooner than the racists. Someone says yep. Oh, not someone me. Yep. I feel sorry for people who are temporarily thin, who may be inadvertently surrounded by fat folks and only realize it if they put on weight. Yeah, so that's I think a big thing is that especially because you know, dating and stuff, if someone won't date me because I'm fat, then it's kind of like the canary in the coal mine of even more bigotry that they are hiding or you know, not doing a very good job of it. Because not doing something because they're fat is bigotry.

Unknown Speaker 54:31

But yeah, I mean someone who could be thin and white and able bodied and could marry or be with someone fall in love with him being connected to them and then they have an accident they become disabled. They put on weight and then all of a sudden their partner's like I don't like fat people. I don't like disabled people. I don't like cats. Can you change your body for me because I'm gonna fuck someone who's been a

Unknown Speaker 55:00

And then you're like, oh shit, I'm gonna fucking Biggert, which is not what most people do. Most people do. Say, oh shit, I am horrible, and I need to lose weight, which is, I want to tell them

Unknown Speaker 55:13

that relationship. And I mean, shit is complicated. That's the thing is once you're in a relationship and you love someone, you look your overlook flaws, like being a bigot.

Unknown Speaker 55:25

Which, you know, but anyway, you know, and the bigger your body, the bigger bigot filter, you have the better bigger filter because, you know, someone could be like, oh, you know, it's okay, if there's a small fat person, but a big fat person, I'm interested, which is, again, is just a sign of their fat phobia and all that weight bias they have, which sucks. So yeah, that's great. I'm not going to end up with an accidental fat flu. I mean, shit, they could be lying to me. They can rely on me like, another day. But I mean, don't think so. I don't think so. And I think, you know, I really don't think so. Because

Unknown Speaker 56:08

someone has to be somewhat attracted to you. I mean, of course, there's people who, who are not sexually and physically attracted. That's just the

Unknown Speaker 56:18

way they are on the LGBTQ i A to S spectrum, right? Is asexual a romantic? Not talking about that, talking about? If you if someone is attracted to humans and wants to be wants to have sex with humans, and they're having sex with you, chances are they're attracted to you. Yeah. Now while I'm saying, you know, because they're not going to be there being like, gross, and then also choosing you. Right? Next, being seen slash not being seen. So someone says, as someone with social anxiety, there are two huge benefits. One, people actively avoid sitting next to me on public transit, I usually have plenty of space to I'm invisible to men, I almost never get catcalled or creeped on in public. And so that's not being seen. Someone else said, being five foot one, being fat makes me easier to spot in crowds. And so if there's five foot one person was not fat, they'd be even harder to spot but because luckily they are fat, they're easier to spot in crowds. So being seen or not being seen. Next, belly as a snack shelf. Mm hmm. I'd say snack and love shelf. So fat bodies. This person says fat bodies are strong bodies. I love how effortlessly I can float. I think my body is very comfy and pleasant to cuddle with. And when I'm sitting my belly provides a great shelf for snacks.

Unknown Speaker 57:52

And you know what? That made me think about my belly.

Unknown Speaker 57:55

And when Dougie the dog is sitting on my knee. He looks up at me from he puts his head on my belly. And he looks up and he says I love you. And I say oh my god, I love you.

Unknown Speaker 58:09


Unknown Speaker 58:12

sorry, someone's just started jackhammering outside my fucking window road.

Unknown Speaker 58:18

Save you know, the jackhammer, literally, outside my window and then yeah, just ignore it. City noises. Yeah, so so so a doggy loves shell. So I feel good about this. But if I was sitting, he could do it on my tips. But then I was like, You know what, no, it's not the same. Because my palate bellies lower down, my tips are higher up. So if he did the looking up at me, and using my tips as a, as a pillow, his nose would be too close to my face, I wouldn't be able to view his cute little face as well. But I can when he uses my belly as a pillow, and looks lovingly into my eyes. And I say you're so cute. And this person is using their belly as a snack shelf. Amazing. Love it. And also,

Unknown Speaker 59:13

you could probably depending on your type of body, using you're using the space between your tips and your belly as a like shopping bag. You know, as in you know, you're you're going around the house, you're naked obviously. Well, maybe you're not you know, you're just in the store. And you've got like, you know, your bag of oranges in one hand and you've got your, your cheese in the other and then you're like, oh, I want some Pringles where am I going to put them in underneath the tips above your belly? Perfect Pringles tube storage, or any other things. Probably not chocolate because it's going to melt because it's all something that needs to be kept warm. Oh, it's like a

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00

frickin little microwave thing, isn't it, it's microwave oven, you could buy a pastry or something that you might want to have warmed up, stick it under your tits in between your belly wart that's warming it. And by the time you get home, it's gonna be partially warm for you to then be able to put it in the oven, or the microwave to warm it even further. Whereas if you didn't have a fold to put in your pastry, you're gonna have to wait three seconds longer for that to warm in the oven. So who's the winner now? Thin people I'm sorry. But your snack eating capabilities are seriously hampered. Because you don't have folds to stick a pastry into.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:44

Very sad for you.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:46

Now, everyone who has a fold,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:51

I mean, shit. I mean, I guess fat people, I mean, thin people could

Unknown Speaker 1:00:55

sticking down the pounds underneath their balls in between, like, bum cheeks or something. But it's probably a little bit harder to do that in the store versus shoving it down your bra. You know?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:10

And a lot of people I know, a lot of people with very big tits. I mean, not even not even will use their bra as their purse. Right? You know, you see that a lot. You mean even you see that? See the signs? Like, we don't accept money that's come from your bra.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:27

But, you know, like, have you seen the videos on Tiktok, where like, this is like a woman who takes out a whole bottle of wine from her bra bra, because she has fat hits.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:38

I mean, that was just from one side, she could have had another bottle from the other side.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:44

Okay, next mental health is good for your mental health to stay out of toxic diet culture that can cause disordered eating, is what one person says another person says being fat and good with it is a blessing to mental health and wellness. The amount of space that gets freed in one's brain when you stop worrying about food and dieting is immense. You suddenly have so much extra time and energy to focus on things that actually bring you pleasure, pleasure or move your life forward. And this one, I mean, I give this, I'll do this with an asterix because anyone can experience that right? You don't have to be unnecessarily fat. But But But But okay, here's how this works with fat folks, is that fat people experienced more experienced marginalization and stigma and bigotry because of the size of their bodies. And so that's something that straight size people don't experience because of the size of their bodies. Therefore, if we are saying no, we're not going to buy into that, that bullshit anymore.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:48

We are potentially going to have increased satisfaction.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:53

Like a you know, most improved, that's what most improved most improved, because from the starting point, it might be a little bit more difficult.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:02

Okay, next, we are incredible and resilient. And so this post that fat Doctor UK

Unknown Speaker 1:03:13

that I saw, and I was like, yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:18

Yeah, so Asha says, Why are people so utterly threatened by fat people? Oh, no, wait, it's because we're fucking incredible. We're the people society rejects and somehow find a way to make something of ourselves with a bunch of everyone's jokes. And yet, we're still the funniest people in the room. I just want to take a moment to celebrate our collective awesomeness. We are some of the most creative, entrepreneurial, resilient, compassionate, intelligent and capable people on this planet. And we're like this because we're fat. Every time Society said no, we said we'll see. Every time Society said there's something wrong with you. We said no, there's not. Every time Society said you're not welcome here. We said let's make our own space where we are welcome, fat folks, no matter where you are right now and what you're going through take a moment to reflect upon how far you've come in spite of all those people who were cheering for you to fail. You are may Zoe

Unknown Speaker 1:04:19

ah, and then and then Ash is saying Oh, tagging me in.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:27

In people who has has affected their life in a positive way.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:33

Thank you and someone else has tagged me too.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:36

I didn't even know is that like you?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:39


Unknown Speaker 1:04:41

that's nice little surprise.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:44

Yeah, I mean shit.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:48

how resilient are we have to be to have to have currently survived fat phobia. And depending on your size, even more levels

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00

of discrimination and oppression. If you're a big fat person, I mean, Whoa, that is some feet. In this violently fat phobic world, you know that

Unknown Speaker 1:05:14

advocating for ourselves, not internalizing shame.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:20

saying no, I'm not going to stay small.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:27

And just surviving and living. I mean, even if you you're not at a place where you're able to advocate for yourself or, or feel, okay, you're alive, and you're fat, that's taken resilience. And that is wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:44

Okay, next fat community, which is what Asha was talking about, as well in there.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:53

Someone says, the special communities of fat folks that I'm a member of online places where everyone is accepted, loved and praised for who they are places that you know, are safe, and that everyone has kind where anything other than respect, kindness and compassion is not tolerated at all. I think we fatties are lucky in that respect the thins miss out on those utterly welcome welcoming online places. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And then someone below said, Oh, can you tell me some of those groups that you're a member of, and I'm going to link them below, but you can just pop these into Facebook. The first one is fat acceptance cloud. The next one is fat chat community. And the next one is chat with fat feminists. And I am personally a member of a local group here in Vancouver.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:39

If you're in Vancouver,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:43

and you want to be a member of that Facebook group, let me know I think I might have to add you. If not, it's kind of hard to find. Let me let me tell you the name of it. So you see if you can find it. It's called fat club Vancouver. But it's got a

Unknown Speaker 1:07:01

it's got a

Unknown Speaker 1:07:03

punctuation mark before and after that I can't I don't know the name of this. It's like a, it's like a dash. It's like a dash but it's a it's a wiggly dash. So it looks like a little tiny little wave. So it's a tiny little wave. And then Fackler Vancouver, and then another tiny little wave. And I love that that community of a face because we get together for clothing swaps. People get recommendations for places where you know, hey, I want to go to a massage. She's been to a massage place that has that isn't that phobic? What are the chairs like in this restaurant, you know, bla bla bla bla.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:44

I mean, I'm just looking at a post now I don't know if you know yet. But I'm at Mountain Equipment Co Op in Vancouver, and they have apparel up to 6x. And the plaid plus eyes are actually in stock.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:57

And people are like, Oh my god, oh my god, or like, Hey, you go into this Walmart and they've got a selection of what en la

Unknown Speaker 1:08:06

is great. It's a great resource. And I feel like, I feel like I'm a part of this really cool community.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:14

That is like, under, you know, a community of people who are like, seen as a misfits of society. And,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:24

and we're like, it's like this cool club, that people are like, I don't want to be in that club. And we're like, Fine, you don't have to be a nightclub. And it's fucking, like, poppin off, you know, like, we're in a tree house. And all the facts are there. And we're having a little party, and people below are like, Oh, that looks rubbish. And we're like, Yeah, you think it looks rubbish? That's fine. We don't want you inhale. And meanwhile, we're up there with our Pringles tubes under our tests with, you know, doing all the cool fatty things, lifting cars off people and floating.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:02

And, and I get to be a part of that. And that's really, really cool.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:08

And I think that community is what

Unknown Speaker 1:09:13

has saved a lot of people.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:18

And someone else said that they did they this person cat who has a podcast called matter of fact says, we did a topic. We did an episode on this topic.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:29

A few seasons back, and she says we talked a lot about how the way we grew up and connected with others was shaped by our fatness in many ways that we're grateful for. Yeah, I mean,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:43

I feel safe around fat people. I feel seen. I feel like I can relax. I mean, of course, that's not always true that all fat people are going to be our best friend. And in fact, a lot of fat people

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00

are fat phobic. But even if a fat person is fat phobic, they still have maybe a similar lived experience in regards to their size as me. And so we have that connection at a minimum.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:15

Yeah, so I mean fat community is just

Unknown Speaker 1:10:19

one wonderful. Really I think. I think that's like one of the top I think for me one of my favorites

Unknown Speaker 1:10:32

visually interesting.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:35

safety cushion that's like a

Unknown Speaker 1:10:38

one that I didn't have. And actually I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back to this whole big list that I've got because I think I've missed a few

Unknown Speaker 1:10:47

but a lot on the lung out harder to kidnap Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:55

Warmer, warmer, that's one that was one a lot of people were saying is that they are warmer in the winter. Someone said that.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:05

That their sister got hypothermia in the same conditions that she was absolutely fine. A sister is a thin person and she is a fat person.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:15

Someone else says

Unknown Speaker 1:11:18

being underestimated. And sometimes being able to surprise people. So you know, like, we're fat people, you know? Oh, they don't work out. Oh, they are smelly and oh, they are unintelligent and oh, they are all of the stereotypes of fatness and not saying that

Unknown Speaker 1:11:39

not working out and blah blah all those things are negative but then being able to kind of crush a stereotype and sometimes you will you know adhere to a stereotype and that's absolutely fine too.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:53

Is is really cool, right? Kind of like what is it? You know, something like hold my drink and and then go and you know that that person who says oh in high school, I out benched or not are benched because it wasn't bench was it was an eye out lifted all of the other guys in the class? Like, that's kind of like, like you see in a movie being like, Whoa, this is strong. And I'm like, Yeah, fucking told you dickered.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:24

And the final one, the final thing that I want to mention is

Unknown Speaker 1:12:30

we are counterculture. Right the

Unknown Speaker 1:12:35

the culture is, if we look at what is prevalent, what we're seeing in in advertising, and all that type of stuff, is what people think people able bodied people bla bla, and in the fatness category, we're not seeing fat people as being a part of what is represented in our cultural dialogue. And therefore we're counterculture. Therefore we are cool as fuck, just because we're not part of that main messaging. It makes us edgy. It makes us interesting. It makes us forget uncool.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:13

Because we can because we're counterculture.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:17

And I bet there are 75 billion other things that I've not even thought about and, you know, the community has, has not thought about in the two days that I've been researching this.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:31

I mean, we're up to 26 I reckon we could get up to

Unknown Speaker 1:13:36

I mean, shit, if we looked at all of the health benefits of fatness. It'd be

Unknown Speaker 1:13:42


Unknown Speaker 1:13:44

AJ, AJ, and let me read like I've got I've got this, this one post that I just really

Unknown Speaker 1:13:53

like it this one is okay. So someone says, Oh, yes, great question. And this is their overview.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:04

Buoyancy not only makes easy, makes water easy, but makes me safer installation I stay warmer in the cold wind resistance. I don't get blown blown over easily on my bike or on the ice softness. Children love to snuggle with me because I'm soft awareness. I know what it's like to experience hatred and disgust. Yes. So these are a couple more that I can add a you know, a wellness awareness, compassion and wind resistance.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:31

Self Compassion because of my experiences of hatred and disgust. I've had to learn to love myself, or let that be my driving force. Rather than rely on the judgments of other, save for bad at bad energy. Anyone who wants to judge me for my size is not worth my attention. So I don't waste our time on people. As soon as they show me they're judging me community. When I found fat community bonds have been made that were made that those who are not challenged by Stuart stigma. Do not get to explore

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00

perience empathy, I can know what it's like to experience hatred and disgust and can empathize with those who have had similar experiences for reasons other than or in addition, addition to fatness joy. When I finally when I finally after years of struggle learn to love my body, the joy of being hold feels greater than I've been alive than if I'd never had to struggle. Yes. That's not like that most improved.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:30

Someone else says, As Homer Simpson said, pro I'm drought and famine resistant.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:43

This is what this person says, when I'm 35 have no wrinkles on my face, not even forehead wrinkles. So here's, here's one thing that I kind of edited out from other responses is a lot of people said this, like, fat people don't age. That's ageist because we're placing a value on looking younger, looking younger, or looking older, is not inherently good or bad. And so I'm not including that in

Unknown Speaker 1:16:13

in my round up, because I don't personally think that looking having wrinkles or looking older is better. What I mean worse, worse. And so I'm not going to perpetuate that idea that

Unknown Speaker 1:16:30

being older or looking older is a negative thing because it's an absolute privilege to be able to age. Okay. They also say I'm not afraid of walking down the street by myself because I know weighing so much, it's going to take a lot to take me down. I know this isn't everyone's experienced, but I love my strength. I've always been really strong as a fat girl. People don't like sitting next to me so I get more space on buses or in theaters. It's great for social anxiety. I don't bruise and have never had a broken bone and I would literally climb chain link baseball backstops and jump off this one. I don't know it's a cause of my fatness. Or if I was just a resilient kid. Six, I don't get cold. Okay, so let's do a roundup let's do a roundup of all the things we've we're up to 28 I just added a few more from that last, last. Last thing. The benefits of being fat one, community. Two, we are incredible and resilient. Three mental health for easy to find in a friend in a crowd five, le shelf slash snack shelf, six bigot filter, seven harder to kidnap eight decreased mortality, nine better cancer survival 10 strong and 11 more tattoos, space 12 stronger bones and less risk from osteoporosis 13 Straw soft and cozy. 14 more likely to survive disasters. 15 great from though great for those who have social anxiety, as pets people are less likely to talk to you or sit next to you 16 A safety cushion with that fat around our body protecting our organs and bones 17 keeps us warm 18 lowers the risk of cancers and many other conditions. 19 buoyancy 20 recover quickly when hospitalized from recover quicker when hospitalized from COVID 21 being underestimated and sometimes being able to surprise people 22 visually interesting 23 Great to have sex with 24 increased wind resistance 25 were really cold we are counterculture. 26 were able to hide pregnancy for longer 27 empathy, self compassion, and increased awareness and understanding of bigotry. 28 Fat Joy overcoming fat hate to live our lives minus shame. And, of course an FYI This isn't as isn't fat people are not a monolith. And so, not every fat person is going to experience all of these. I mean, I get cold. I mean, I do get fat. I do get I do get I do get hot, though.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:18

And, you know, all of these wouldn't be relevant to me, like I'm not going to be pregnant. And so this might not be every fat person's experience, but there's 28 things there that, you know, just off the top of the fat community's head that we've been managed managed to think of. And many many health benefits. And yeah, so the benefits of being fat are amazing. Fat people are really fucking cool and gorgeous, and worthy. And yeah, just fucking awesome. Okay, so oh my goodness, this episode has gone to one hour 20 minutes I was like, I'm just going to do a quick

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00

Every time I say this ad, which I'm just gonna do a quick episode, and then have some lunch, like and now it's 222 and I'm hungry. And you know what I've ordered for the first time in life I've ordered

Unknown Speaker 1:20:12

and table and chairs, table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs new in my whole life. I'm 37 I've always had used used and so I'm taking a step by step into adulthood and I bought a

Unknown Speaker 1:20:30

table and chairs from two different places not that you need new stuff to be an adult. But yeah, anyway the two chairs arrived on time and now the tables when it arrived day and then I got a message saying it's not gonna be here for two weeks and I had a kitchen table and chairs and I gave away to someone on Facebook Like as soon as the chairs arrived because the table is going to arrive like two days later. Now don't have a fucking table and I like eating my lunch at the table some some man because you know what if I sat on the sofa it feels like

Unknown Speaker 1:21:04

no longer work time like I'm no longer in the workday and then I'm like oh, just start to watch this and maybe I just watched you know, 90 day fiance before the 90 day is another episode.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:17

Yeah, so anyway, gonna go eat some lunch.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:22

And I'll see you in the next episode. Hope you enjoyed this. Have an amazing day of May

Unknown Speaker 1:21:32

thanks for listening to the episode and if you feel ready to get serious about this work and want to know when the doors open to fears fatti Academy which is my signature program, where I teach all about how to overcome your fat phobic beliefs and learn to love your fat body. Then go to fifth fatty.com forward slash waitlist again that is fierce fatty.com forward slash waitlist to get your name on the waitlist. For when first party Academy my signature program opens.