Episode 10 - Why I Use the Word Fat and Not the O Words

Content Warning: Use of the "O Words" throughout episode. What's the deal with using the word "fat?" Why not use a word that is nicer? Or medical words like "ov*rw*ight" or "ob*se?" Lemme break it down including why the Body Mass Index (BMI) scale is total bullshit.

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  • Content Warning: This episode discusses and mentions the “O Words”, “ob*s*” and “ov*rw*ight”

  • For our tenth episode, Victoria tackles the word fat and why she uses the word fat and not any other words. Here's why.

  • What are the words that are problematic and what do you call other fat people? It can be a minefield and so confusing!

  • Body Mass Index or BMI, is it total bullshit? Why do we use the BMI and where did it come from?

  • The history behind BMI is revealed as Victoria discusses its origins and how it was never meant to be used in the way it is now. Let's go back 200 years ago with this latest episode.

  • Victoria explains the infuriating and mind-blowing reasons why the "O words" are shaming and degrading and why it should not be used in a fat-positive community.

  • Victoria shares a fact about herself so you can get to know her better.


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Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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