Episode 5 - Why Lacking Self-Esteem Ruins Your Life
What are the consequences to YOU and YOUR LIFE if you don't work on your confidence? How does this ruins your future and your happiness? Lemme tell ya; the ways are numerous and massive. In this episode podcast lets deep dive into these questions and look at all the areas of your life that your confidence could be affected (even ways you have no idea about!!).
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Victoria will be featured in a two-part documentary series on BBC
How lacking self-esteem can ruin and affect your life
Different categories of how self-esteem can ruin your life
Featuring Fierce Fatty workbook called Your Why Guidebook
Victoria shares a fact about herself so you can get to know her better.
Your WHY Guidebook: Why Body Confidence is Important For You: https://bampowlife.kartra.com/page/DJL40
Send a question to the show: https://forms.gle/bzCgJsLpyyqYShF49
Website: http://fiercefatty.com/
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby
Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com