Did you know, you may be inadvertently teaching yourself to hate fat bodies. Let's stop this madness! Learn how in this video :)
What "Normal Eating" Looks Like
The Magical Things I Thought Would Happen When I Became Thin
My Partner Told Me I Was No Longer Attractive
Call Me Fat: Why I've Embraced The Word Fat
Can You Be Body Positive and Lose Weight?
Have you ever heard about body positivity being "watered down", it being very white and thin? The reason folks say that is because the roots of body positivity have been forgotten and some people are promoting body positive weight loss. So, can you be body positive and intentionally lose weight? Find out in my new Vlog.
Weekly Confidence Warrior Anthem: Aretha Franklin
Treat Yourself Like an Animal
Dating While Fat (and With High Self-Esteem)
Weekly Confidence Warrior Anthem: Beyoncé
Food and PTSD
Weekly Confidence Warrior Anthem: Jessie J
What It's like Being in an Abusive Relationship
*Trigger warning* Abuse in a relationship When I was 17 and homeless I dated a 30-year-old man who abused me for two years. In this video and blog post, I shared what it's like to be in an abusive relationship, how it related to my low self-esteem, and how you can help someone who is in that situation.
Weekly Confidence Warrior Anthem: Meghan Trainor/LunchMoney Lewis
I Am Fat - How to Be Confident and Love Your Body at Any Size | Victoria Welsby | TEDxStanleyPark
Last year Americans spent $66 billion dollars on trying to become thinner. What if we spent less time, money and energy on the pursuit of thinness and instead focused on the things that actually matter? What if we could learn to love our bodies exactly as they are today? Fat, thin, tall, short, mullet-sporting or leopard print thong wearing; we are all worthy and fabulous.
Death, Sickness and Fatphobia
Doctor proud to be fatphobic
I have a video on YouTube “Are You Fatphobic and Don’t Know It?”.
The dislikes on the video far outweigh the likes. Obviously, right?! When a fat person talks about fatphobia the trolls come out to play.
Would you dance in public in your bikini?
Diet Culture and the Holidays
Fat IS Fabulous
In our society fat is seen as bad. Being fat is worse than someone who doesn’t indicate while changing lanes, worse than being a bad tipper, worse than being someone who tries to get on the train before you get off. Why is this? Why is fat demonized? I was determined to find out!
I surveyed 100 people on their views on fatness and the results were incredibly interesting