"Should you be eating that much food?" - Your Mother
"New Year, New You! Time to get that bikini body!" - Dumb advertisement
"Oh, you've put on weight!" - Weird Uncle Keith
The Holiday season is rife with body and fat shaming, not to mention the "New Year, New You" garbage we hear come Jan1st. But don't worry, pickle, I have the solution to overcome the madness!
Come join me and three other badass body positive babes for an evening of festive fun and body positivity frolics!
Monday December 18th: 7pm - 9.30pm
175 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Bean Around The World)
Price: $40
Speakers! Prizes! Drinks! Games! Patriarchy smashing!
Tickets: http://www.bampowlife.com/byebyeholidaybs/
We will have a panel discussion, story telling, fun festive (and patriarchy smashing) games, group discussions, booze, laughs and prizes. AND most importantly a shame free zone where you don't have to dress up, make awkward small talk with relatives or socialise your partners boss!
Come dressed however you damn please, ugly sweater, pajamas, leggings with holes, glitter onesie...because it's your body and your rules, dammit!
Tickets: http://www.bampowlife.com/byebyeholidaybs/
Free Training Series: The Fierce Fatty Revolution, save your free seat here: https://bampowlife.kartra.com/page/CXk47
Website: http://fiercefatty.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fierce.fatty/
Facebook: fb.me/fiercefatty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fiercefatty_
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/fiercefatty_/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fiercefatty
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby
Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com