I presumed that when I became small, all of this super cool stuff was going to happen in my life.

Now, I look back and I'm like, that is so funny. Why did you think that? 

I'm like, “Oh, Victoria, I understand you. I feel you.”

It's not my fault that I believed in this magical thinking because diets, diet companies and society as a whole hates fat bodies.

They make it seem like having a thinner body or smaller body is going to get you these super cool things.

So I'm going to list them out for you and I'm curious if any of these resonate with you. If you had the same feelings?

First thing was around men. I thought Brad Pitt was going to suddenly contact me and find my email address and be like, "Baby, I've been waiting all this time for you to lose weight and now I'm in love with you."

Obviously not actually Brad Pitt, but men basically would fall at my feet. It'd be like a movie scene. I'd be walking down the street and men would be so distracted by my thinness that they'd walk into a lamp post.

Just another day. Thin me. Men falling over themselves to be near me, obviously!

I thought that I would become richer, like money would rain from the skies. I'd get an immediate pay raise.

I also thought that I would become super confident. Now at that time, when I was working in a call center, I was so shy. I could barely talk to people on the phone. I would do everything I could to not have to talk to another human being.

I was just so different from what I was today. I thought that having less fat on my body would mean that my brain would change.

I'd be like, "I've arrived now. I'm confident!"

My life in general, I thought it would become like magical running through fields of flowers, rainbows and sunshine all the time.

I would be happy and my life would be just better because I had less adipose tissue or my body. I thought my brain chemistry would change.

Any mental health issues that I was dealing with would just dissolve away because now I'm thin.

Thin people don't have problems right? Wrong.

I also thought that I would become healthy. I’d be an athlete.

I would love eating only salad and I would have no interest in "unhealthy food."

I'd probably be in the Olympics. Like some champion marathon runner, not that I'd ever run a marathon before, but you know, that's what happens when you're a thin person, right?


P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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