If you want to do something new in your life like loving your fat body or stop talking about diets and you don't because.....

  • You're worried about what your family is going to think

  • What your loved ones going to say

  • How they're judging you

I challenge you to challenge that judgment that you're making about THEM.

A lot of times we think, "Oh yeah. Our family, I know what they are like. If I come in and say, "Hey, can we stop talking about diets?" They're going to say, "No, I love dieting, screw you."

They could do that but we don't know until we try it, right?

We don't know. If you went to your loved ones and you said, "Hey, I've hated my body my whole life. I've dieted and it's not working. I'm going to try something new. I'm going to try to work on loving my body and to stop dieting cause it's not helpful for me. Can you help me out and not talk about dieting in front of me?”

Most of our loved ones will try to understand where you're coming from and help you with this new request.

Most people will because most people are not monsters, right?

However, some won’t because they've known you as a certain way for your whole life potentially. You say," Oh, I'm going to change it all up and do something different."

It's threatening for them inherently.

If someone that you love is judging you vocally, expressing their negative judgments about you... you can't stop that. 

We can't stop people thinking about what they're thinking...unfortunately, ha.

We can't change the way that they're behaving or thinking, but what we can do, what we can control is the way that we respond. The way that we take care of our mental health.

If your loved ones are like, "Oh, you're so fat and horrible" and "Oh, you should go on a diet."

Here are the things that you can do:

  1. Setting a boundary with them

  2. Minimizing contact

  3. Protecting your mental health. (Not saying anything or go into a different room or putting your headphones)

P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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