Hey it's Victoria here from Bam Pow Life and in this video I am talking about why I took my clothes off and danced in a bikini in front of 2,600 people.
Before we start this video I want to tell you about my extreme confidence makeover e-course. You can find the link below, it's 10 days, it's free, it's amazing. Check it out.
For those who don't know, I have a TEDx Talk. I know I'm amazing. Oh my god. It's called I am Fat. I will link to it below and at the end of it, this bad bitch takes off her dress and dances in a bedazzled blue bikini in front of 2,600 people. And so I want to tell you why I did that. Before I actually decided that I was gonna do it, I was really on the fence of should I or should I not. I had two different coaches that were coaching me for my TEDx Talk and one of them said, "This is gonna be amazing. You should do it." And the other one said, "I'm really worried about you doing this. I'm not sure it's gonna work." And so it was only about two days before my TEDx Talk that I decided to do it.
And the reason I decided to do it is because I know it is so important for fat bodies to be visible and be visible in a way that is joyful and wonderful and it's celebrated. And was I celebrated? Hell yeah, I had 2,600 people being like fuck yeah. And I wanted to be that person that I needed to see when I was a kid. If I had seen someone like me being like I'm fat, and I'm fucking queen, then it could have changed everything. And one of the best things about this experience was at the end of the day, I was the final speaker obviously. I closed the show because I'm amazing. At the end of the day, I was on stage and this little girl came up to me with her dad.
The dad said, "My daughter would like to have a picture with you." I was like wow, this is amazing. And he said, "You really inspired her. She loves your bikini, she thinks you're amazing," and she was maybe 10 years old. She had her picture taken with me and it was amazing. Just to think, okay there's one person that has seen a fat woman with positive body image and is not ashamed of her body, how is that gonna maybe affect the way that she perceives herself? And so if you live in a marginalized body, you have the opportunity of, although you don't have to if you don't want to. But you have the opportunity to show the world and show children what it is to live without shame. And for me, that is important and that is why I did that for me TEDx Talk.
So if you would like some more goodness like this then head on over to my extreme confidence makeover, the e-course link is below. Check it out and I will see you on the flip side. Goodbye.
Free Training Series: The Fierce Fatty Revolution, save your free seat here: https://bampowlife.kartra.com/page/CXk47
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