Is The Strategy You're Using To Love Your Body Broken?

If you are not in a place where you feel confident your current strategy isn't working and you need to change something.

Or perhaps you don't even have a strategy?

You need to get one. 

What I see a lot is people becoming overwhelmed with all the information about confidence and fat positivity.

It's not that you're lacking information about how to love your body. 

You might not have been able to cut through the noise and through the bullshit and get laser-focused on one thing, right? 

When you have a list of a thousand books to read, and there is a million videos to watch, and 70 hours of podcasts to listen to...that's really overwhelming. 

So it's not that there's a lack of information, it's that there's no strategy there.

Just pick one strategy and go all in.

You may have tried many things and it's not worked...and then you blame yourself and you're like, “Oh, well, I'm just not the type of person who is confident because I tried this thing once and it didn't work.”

But did you go all-in with it? 

It's not your fault if you tried something and it didn't work, you have to get laser-focused on one strategy and go all in.

P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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