I am a fraud, I hate my body.
I am lucky I have a boyfriend the way my body is, I'm surprised he can stomach looking at me.
I am always looking at people online, comparing myself to them and knowing I don't measure up.
When I am introduced to new people I know they are thinking "she is ugly and fat".
I think I am going to get fired from my job any day now, they will realise hiring me was a mistake.
I would look so much better if I just lost weight, I hate myself that I can't.
My partner says I am beautiful, but he is just saying that to be nice.
I am not worthy.
These are the thoughts that used to run through my mind all day, every day. No matter how much I tried to challenge them, they wouldn't go away.
It was exhausting and frustrating. I just wanted to BE BETTER so that I wouldn't hate myself so much.
What I didn't know then was that I didn't need to "be better". I was already enough. I didn't need to lose weight to be loved. I wasn't an embarrassment. I was a great girlfriend, sister, friend, colleague....
If you feel like how I used to then please know that it can change. You CAN turn those negative thoughts around, banish them from your mind, playing on repeat 24/7.
The first step is to take a step.
My Bye Bye BS - Hello Body Love Webinar Masterclass could be that first step for you.
I collaborated with Vivienne McMaster from Be Your Own Beloved and created an exclusive online training. Together we will help you take a massive first step so that you realise what an absolute Goddess you already are.
Join us, you won't regret it. You deserve to love yourself. Heck, even just liking yourself.
Free Training Series: The Fierce Fatty Revolution, save your free seat here: https://bampowlife.kartra.com/page/CXk47
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriawelsby
Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com