Fierce Fatty

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If you work on your confidence, if you say no to diets, if you say yes to fat positivity, you will change the world.

You are able to break the cycle of body shame and dieting in your family, in your community.

You are the brave pioneer that stands up to oppression and when you make a difference like that, then you affect those around you.

It's like coronavirus. You WILL have an impact on those around you. They will have an impact on those around them.

It spreads like the virus. I wish that there was some statistic to say for every confident person, they positively impact 1.2 people.

Be a role model. 

When I say be a role model, you don't have to stand on a stage and talk, but it's those small moments like when you were at work and someone says, "Oh I need to eat a salad cause I had some cake yesterday." You say, "Well, I don't believe in that. I believe that you can have salad and cake and all of the food that you want." That is being a role model for those around you.

Think about if you have children or have any children in your life or children in the lives of people around you, you might not even know that people around you that you were affecting with either good body image or bad body image.

What if you said “I've had enough of hating my body!” how would that affect those around you? And then in the future children are not then dieting and hating their bodies and it's just an exponential positivity.

When one person decides, "No, I've had enough of this bullshit. I'm not dieting. I'm not hating my body anymore" they are changing the world.

Life is too short and you change the world as an individual. You change the world and it is beautiful. It is incredible.

Don't forget the power that you have. If you decide enough is enough and you break that cycle of shame... and also don't forget the power if you don't.

We've all seen it, we've all seen generations of fatphobia being passed down to generation after generation. Because no one above us, no other family member said, "Fuck that shit. I'm putting the end to it and I'm changing our family's legacy. I'm changing the world. I'm changing this community with my one act of bravery.”

You now have that choice. What will you choose?

P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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