Fierce Fatty

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Susie, a member of my program Fierce fatty Academy shared her story...

“The first memory I have of knowing that there was something wrong and inverted commas with my body were when I was about 10.

I was still at junior school and I heard my teacher talking to another teacher walking in the corridor behind me, and they said that "Susie's really “hip-py”, isn't she? I knew at that age that wasn't a compliment and it's so scary.

I'm 46 and I have not forgotten that. I can take myself back to that moment. I can hear the words. I know exactly the words that were said, and that really left a mark on me.

I was 10, it started from there and the shame gradually built about my body and I quickly learned that being big as a girl was not a good thing and that it wasn't feminine. I was just too big.

From that experience, age 10 where someone planted the seed that my body wasn't right, I then quickly received loads of other messages as well that I was too big that has left a mark on me.

I'll always remember that. I have sort of different feelings about it and we're dealing with it, but I won't forget those words.”

P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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