Fierce Fatty

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If you have experienced this or if you are experiencing this obsession with food...Just needing it, wanting it, desiring this certain type of food or food having this sway over you.

“Oh, don't leave that around me. I'll eat it all up.

You can't leave any biscuits in the cupboard with me around cause I eat them.”

If you are experiencing those types of thoughts, this is what is happening.

I call it the “Diet Land Swing.”

I want you to imagine a swing, a swing like in the playground. When you restrict yourself to certain things, whether it be one food group, eating less food on a whole, mentally or physically denying yourself or any type of restriction...

What you're doing in that moment is you're pulling the swing back as far as possible. The more you restrict, the higher you're pulling that swing back.

Now, you cannot hold that swing up like that forever. It is physically impossible. I'll tell you why in a second.

What happens when you let go of that swing is the natural thing to happen is it swings to the other side. The other side is where you will binge, where you will feel out of control around food and that other side feels very scary.

This behavior is upsetting. It's upsetting to be in that place where you are bingeing, where you're allowing yourself food.

Now you might physically be allowing yourself certain food, but you're not necessarily emotionally allowing yourself because you're beating yourself up. So the reaction from that, the higher the swing one way of restriction means the higher the swing into bingeing.

When you're at the very peak of the bingeing, there's only one way to go and that's back into restriction. This cycle of restriction, binge, the restriction will continue forever for as long as you're pulling up that swing into restriction.

As soon as you stop pulling it back up and putting yourself on a diet saying, “Oh, I mustn't eat the thing. I mustn't do this. I must not eat past this time” or whatever it is that you've decided that you shouldn't do or should do.

It's making the swing higher but as soon as you stop doing that stuff, the swing loses its momentum. It's not immediately, it will lose its momentum because that's not the way swings work. It will slowly go into a binge and then it will slow down a little bit of restriction because you still might be mentally restricting and slowly all rest in the middle.

The middle is food neutrality. The middle is where you would intuitively eat and that is "normal" is.

I say “normal” because who's normal, what's normal? It’s all made up.

That is what's happening in an analogy sense when you feel like you are addicted to food.

P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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