Fierce Fatty

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Our society fetishizes thin bodies yet hardly anyone thinks this is an issue.

Let me repeat that because this is really important. Our society fetishizes thin bodies yet hardly anyone thinks it's an issue.

Now, fetishization is not inherently wrong when all parties agree and the person doing the fetishsizing sees you as a whole person. But we are fetishizing thin bodies where there is no consent.

Do you consent your partner fetishizing a body that you used to have, if you’ve put on weight? Is that okay with you?

I do not give consent to my partner to fetishize my current body to the point that if it changes, they no longer love me or love me differently.

On the flip side, you can have people who fetishize fat bodies.

The level of fat fetishization to thin fetishization is like a billion to one....because pretty much everyone fetishizes thin bodies.

It's a small portion that fetishizes fat bodies and when that happens people are like, “Oh, is it bad to fetishize fat bodies?” 

Well, no, if there's consent there.

If I was with someone and they said, “The only thing I like about you is your fat belly or your big boobs”. 

Then imagine if I happened to lose weight.

And they had a problem with my new smaller body and thought it was gross.then it's really clear to see that it is a problem.

But when it comes down to the other way, we don't see it as a problem. We see it as, “Oh shit, will I need to lose weight for my partner.”

If your partner says, “I'm just not into fat girls.” That's fatphobia.

Our preferences are not made in a vacuum, right?

So, do you want to be with someone whose love depends on what you look like?

Whose love and affection depends on your body staying the same size?

How sustainable is that in a relationship?

How long can you guarantee that your body is going to stay the same?

At what point does your body change so much that your partner leaves?

Do you want to get to that point where your partner eventually confesses, “Well you've changed too much because you're a human being and I can't handle being with a human being!”?

Our body will constantly change.

But do you want to be with someone who you have to worry that a day is going to come when they tell you they don’t want your real human changing body anymore because they are a fatphobe. 

Is it ok for our partners to say “I don't have love and care for you because your body looks different?”

Is that something that you consent to? Is that something that you agree to?

P.S. Are you sick and tired of hating your body? Learn the exact steps to take to get to a place of body love and the 3 BIGGEST mistakes all people make in this journey here by getting The Fierce Fatty Body Love Roadmap for free:

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