Fierce Fatty

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My Doctor Told Me to Lose Weight for My Health Condition

What if you're genuinely dieting for health reasons? You have a condition and your doctor told you that you NEED to lose weight? What's the solution?

Hi, it's Victoria here from Fierce Fatty. And in this video I'm answering the question, but what if my doctor told me I need to lose weight because of my health condition?

Before we get started, make sure that you like this video and share it far and wide in case someone you know is also suffering from a health condition where they've been told that they need to lose weight. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell notification so that you know when a video comes out, when it comes out every week. Do you have PCOS, Type II diabetes, sore knees? Any health condition where you have gone to your doctor being diagnosed and have been told that the solution is to lose weight. A massive majority of fatties have been told to lose weight when they go to the doctors. It's a prescription that is massively unhealthy. I'm going to explain why. But what if you have a condition where weight loss seems to be the quote unquote cure. By the way, these conditions are not caused by having more adipose tissue, more fat on your body.

It is not your fault that you have the condition that you have, okay? It's not your fault no matter what it is. So what do we know about diets? Well, if you seen any of my previous videos, we know that diets don't work. Okay, so your doctor has prescribed you something which it doesn't work. The efficacy rate of a diet maximum best diet in the world, 5% and more likely, depending on your size, it's closer to 0.98% a diet will work. What we do know about diets is that 90% of people who go on a diet stay the same weight. Two out of three people actually gain more weight. Diets hurt you physically and emotionally, they make you sicker and they hurt your mental health. They do nothing for you and they do not make you more healthy and they will not cure your condition.

So some of the things that you might be doing if you're on a diet might help some of the conditions that you could potentially have, but it's not the actual weight loss that is doing that. So can you do those types of behaviors without focusing on losing weight? Do thin people get the condition that you have? Yep. Thin people get sore knees, thin people get PCOS, thin people get diabetes. And so what treatment plan would adopt to come up with for thin people, you'll have that, thank you. Find an expert who specializes in a non diet approach to these illnesses and managing them. So for example, if you have PCOS then Julie Duffy Dillon is an incredible human that you need to go out and check if you have diabetes. Rebecca Scritchfield is another amazing human being that will help you in a non diet way.

I know that you deserve respect, your body deserves respect just as much as a thin person's body. So when a doctor says to you, I prescribed a diet for you. So I think that you can say is, I appreciate your advice. I've found in the past that diets actually damaged my emotional health and wellbeing. And so that's not something that I personally look into. What would you prescribe someone who had a smaller body? I'll have that. Thank you. So I know it can be really scary when you've got a diagnosis and they're telling you you have to lose weight. But remember, diets don't work. They make you fatter. Now, of course, there's nothing wrong with being fatter, but if the point of being on the diet is to be thinner, doesn't work, right?

So have you liked this video, make sure that you subscribe to my YouTube channel, click the bell notification so you know when another video comes out, give me a like, give me a comment, send me an email, a carrier pigeon. Anything you like. I love hearing from you. Thank you so much for tuning in and being here and being a part of the Fierce Fatty community. Big fatty hugs to you. See you in the next video.

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