Fierce Fatty

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Health and Weight are not Correlated: Here's What I Mean


What I mean when I say this: You don't know someone's health status by looking at the size of their body. You can be fat and healthy and fat and unhealthy. You can be thin and healthy and thin and unhealthy. Body size does not determine health status. Body size and health are not directly correlated. You can't presume that a fat body is in ill health just because it is bigger than a smaller body.


What some people think I mean when I say this (but I definitely don't mean): Fat people never get sick! It's impossible for fat people to get diabetes! There is zero chance fat people are at a higher risk for certain diseases! I'm irrational and don't believe in science!! Bleeuahhglohgksk!!!


Listen, fat people can get sick and die, of course, like...duh. But smaller people get sick and die too.

Where there is a higher risk for fat bodies to experience certain illnesses the causes are not well know. Fat people are more likely to get type 2 diabetes but we don't know why.

Blaming fatness as a cause of diabetes is like blaming baldness on bald men being more likely to get testicular cancer. Both are characteristics we cannot change in any meaningful way.

What we do know is that fat shaming is directly correlated with worse health outcomes and makes fat people fatter. Of course there's nothing wrong with being fatter - but if bigots are using shame as a motivator to make us thinner then they are having the opposite of their desired effect.

Anyway, wanted to clear that up because the BBC show I am on is coming out tomorrow and journalists are already characterising me as some absurd zealot.