Fierce Fatty Meets: Lindsay Johnson

Fierce Fatty Meets: Lindsay Johnson

In this episode I talk to Lindsay Johnson about:

-Gaining and losing weight and body changes

-Dealing with expectations from family

-What is really going on when you feel like garbage about your body

-Letting go of feeling like you’re letting people down with weight gain

-Being in a people facing job you while you’re working towards with loving your fatness

-Overcoming negative self-talk

-The fear of seeing people who remember you being smaller

-How to get over the “I can’t do it because I’m fat” feeling

Fierce Fatty Meets: Sophia Apostol

Fierce Fatty Meets: Sophia Apostol

In this episode of Fierce Fatty Meets we chat with Sophia Apostol who coaches fat boss babes! We dive into:

- Being fat in a corporate workspace and not giving a fuck how others perceive you
- Sophia shares how she chose to not listen to thin mom’s fear of her being fat and going for job interviews
- Using neuroscience to level up your thinking
- How to access your inner wizard wise voice
- Overcoming fat discrimination in the workplace

Trusting Your Hunger

Trusting Your Hunger

Do you trust your body when it tells you you're hungry? Do you even know what hungry actually feels like? Do you suppress hunger signals thinking there is something wrong with you? I was so goddamn confused by being hungry I was going to go to the doctors to ask to be fixed! Check out this video where I talk about my experiences and tell you how you can build trust with your body.